
7 home styling tips for families

Finding the right balance between style and practicality is a challenge many parents face at some point when it comes to their home interiors. When The Block and Reno Rumble favourites, perennial home renovators and Beaumont Tiles ambassadors, Kyal and Kara, welcomed their first child into the world, they had to come to terms with making some changes to their interior ideas. “Having a baby doesn’t have to mean you need to forgo your personal style and home comforts.  Quite the contrary, you can style your home with baby in tow, and while doing so make your life easier, cleaner and safer,” said Kyal. “It’s amazing how many toys and accessories you accumulate once you have a baby. We became parents last October when Ziya our gorgeous baby boy entered the world. He has definitely made our lives and our home better,” said Kara.

7 home styling tips for families

1. Tiles tiles baby – When choosing finishes for your new home or renovation, remember, tiled floors are a great option with kids.  In addition to being able to stand up to the harsh conditions dealt out by children and their toys, tiles are also much easier to clean when the inevitable spill (or worse) happens.  They are also better than some other forms of flooring when it comes to allergies – an important point to consider when an estimated 20% of children having asthma and 10% have hay fever.

2. Toasty toes – Something to consider for those cooler months ahead is under-tile heating.  It keeps a tiled room warm and is a child-safe option with no exposed heaters so little fingers won’t get burnt.

home styling tips for familiesImage source: Beaumont Tiles

 3. Removable covers – Removable, linen covers for sofas are perfect for families with young children. Relax a little knowing that if covers are soiled, they can be thrown in the wash!

 4. Try to avoid any slips or slides – Bamboo bath or shower floor mats are a great idea for providing a non-slip (and stylishly neutral) surface for little ones to exit the bath or shower.

home styling tips for familiesImage source: Signature Hardware

5. Sticky fingers – When considering your options for kitchen and bathroom cabinetry, matt-finishes are less likely to show fingerprints and marks than high-gloss finishes. Also keep this in mind when selecting tiles for your home.  Definitely something to consider with young curious hands in the house!

6. Online research – With a baby, online research is your new best friend. Instead of pounding the pavement looking at all your options, there are a huge number of home decorating and renovating companies with their products online for you to leisurely look at. Do your research at home, before you head to the shops!

7. Out of arms reach – Floating wall shelves out of little arms reach are a great option for displaying ceramics, small indoor plants and ornaments.  Making the most of vertical wall space has the added benefit of often making a room feel larger.

home styling tips for familiesImage source: Tikspor

Beaumont Tiles is Australia’s biggest retailer of tiles and bathroom. For more information visit


5 fast fixes to make visible changes to your property

I often talk about targeting visible changes to your property when you’re renovating for profit, but what are some of the key things that will catch the eye of keen buyers? Kitchens and bathrooms are obvious starting points, but unfortunately they can be notoriously expensive to renovate. The good news is, they don’t need to be. Labour is generally your biggest outlay in a renovation, so whatever you can do to avoid hefty electrical and plumbing bills will slash costs.

Good street appeal is paramount, but you don’t want to spend a fortune on rendering or getting a new roof. And think twice about taking down an interior wall if it turns out to be structural; it means you’ll be up for costs of a structural engineer and builder.

Here are my top five fast fixes to help make visible changes to your property.

5 fast fixes to make visible changes to your property

5 fast fixes to help make visible changes to your property

1. Cosmetic kitchen and bathroom facelift – Once you start tearing out cabinetry, pulling up flooring and chipping out tiles, you run the risk of unearthing major problems you’ll inevitably need to address. Think asbestos, old plumbing and wiring, wonky walls and any number of unwelcome surprises that present themselves when you go ripping into old properties. Neatly sidestep all that and simply break out the paint: tile paint, laminate paint, appliance paint, benchtop surfacing kit … you’ll find them all in hardware stores and the transformation will be startling.

2. Update the light fixtures – Nothing gives away the era of a house away like its lights: the ugly fluorescent strip in the kitchen or dim ceiling sconce in the living room. Tasteful, contemporary lighting doesn’t cost much these days, so go shopping and then get the sparkie in to cast a whole new light on proceedings.

5 fast fixes to make visible changes to your property

3. Change the palette – Repainting provides the opportunity to introduce a contemporary colour scheme, experiment with feature walls and gloss over a multitude of sins. And it’s the quickest, cheapest and most effective way to transform any property.

4. Improve street appeal – On a small budget, rather than tackle major upgrades like rendering and painting the whole exterior, or replacing the roof, look at small changes that together will add up to a neat, tidy, cheerful street appeal. Declutter, clean and repair all obvious flaws. Then target details like painting the front door in a bold colour, buying a modern letter box, new street numbers, perhaps some new plants, solar uplights for the front path, and some pots or furniture for the front porch.

5. Inject some personality – Okay, so you’ve gone conservative and neutral in all your choices, which is good for mass-market appeal. However, a little bit of character adds all-important feel good factor. Think a signature artwork, a beautiful potted maple tree in the courtyard, a lush vertical garden on a balcony, a dramatic feature light over the dining table or a wall of eye-catching wallpaper. They’re easy, inexpensive additions that can inject real wow factor.

5 fast fixes to make visible changes to your propertyCherie’s next 3-day renovating workshop in Sydney is May 19. See details here 

Cherie Barber is the director of Renovating for Profit, a company that teaches everyday people how to buy and renovate properties for a profit.

Competitions The Block

Win a VIP guided tour of The Block with Diamond Energy!

Ex Reno Rumble finalists Scott and Nadia Black have continued their involvement with the reality series, but this time in the form of electricity. For the first time, The Block has been powered with renewable energy, courtesy of Scott’s power company Diamond Energy. “This year’s Block is powered by 100 per cent greenpower and state of the art equipment, solar and battery storage,” says Scott.

Former Reno Rumble contestants Nadia & Scott Black

“We are proud to be the integral link, and the enabler that shows Australia’s households what is the future in home energy systems. The Block utilises solar energy, solar powered batteries with future grid connected technology to enable its solar power system to be integrated into the Australian electricity market. The Block shows households how to generate, manage and control their electricity in one televised solution,” adds Diamond Energy managing director Tony Sennitt.

Get to look around beautiful rooms like this
Get to look around beautiful rooms like this

And to celebrate its involvement, Diamond Energy is giving away a VIP double pass (to one lucky Interiors Addict reader) to a guided tour of The Block apartments and rooftop cocktail party on 25 October, 2016. The winner will get to check out all the apartments before the general public is allowed in and they’ll also have the chance to schmooze with current and former contestants.


For your chance to win, please complete the form below by midnight on 19 October 2016. Please note the prize does not include transport to and from The Block.

[gravityform id=”35″ title=”false” description=”false”]


Home improvement shows inspire a nation of renovators

With the success of renovation television programs such as The Block, House Rules and Selling Houses Australia, more Aussies are taking the plunge to redesign their own homes.

Image courtesy of Nine Network

One in four homeowners plan to renovate their property in the next year according to a new survey by That’s a lot of plumbers, painters and carpenters needed across Australia!

The survey also found more than half of all homeowners have renovated in the past, so we really are a nation in love with the idea of renovating.


“Renovating is big business at the moment. Homeowners love to update, experiment and change their surroundings so there is always plenty of work around for tradies,” says CEO Jeremy Levitt.

“And with the property market continuing to soar, the rewards will be in not only the satisfaction a newly renovated space brings, but in the monetary rewards should they be renovating to sell.”


Whether it’s one room or a whole house renovation, there are many considerations to make before donning the tool belt or placing a job listing for a carpenter.

For help with where to start, see


Video: Scott and Nadia’s grand finale Hamptons-style kitchen

Scott and Nadia may not have won this week’s Reno Rumble grand finale, losing to Lisa and John, but they certainly pulled off a fantastic kitchen, and we have all the details for you here today in this video.

I personally loved the striking black cabinetry, window splashback and the use of my favourite Caesarstone Calcutta Nuovo. It certainly wowed judges Colin and Justin too. Justin said it was well planned and visually gorgeous, while Colin said it had one foot in the past and the other well and truly in the future.

Watch the video for all the details. Thanks to our friends at Freedom Kitchens.

All our Reno Rumble coverage.


Reno Rumble 2016 winners John & Lisa hit back at critics

Sydney-based Reno Rumble winners and spouses John and Lisa walked away $100k richer with the top prize this week, but not without controversy. “There have been a lot of awful comments made – people saying that we didn’t deserve to win. The criticism has been very, very hard and we just have to keep proud and know that we did amazing things for people,” says Lisa, who enjoyed the process of designing for deserving families — a new twist for the competition.


John & Lisa

“Everybody wants to win. We were there every week and we never walked away from anybody’s house without doing the best job possible,” she said, explaining that pleasing both the owners and the judges was a difficult juggling act. “It was a balance but we always had the home owners in mind. If you don’t nail a brief you won’t get a good score,” says Lisa who has stayed in touch with the families. “We have received texts from the owners and built friendships with them and their lives are truly changed.”

As for their feather-ruffling competition mates Dane and Leanne, the couple remain mostly full of praise. “On a personal note we got along very well. It’s a shame that there were some things for them that weren’t the most positive. They were overly competitive but very talented and Leanne has a great eye. We thought if we were in the final with them we’d have some stiff competition. Leanne was very motherly to all of us off camera and Dane and John got along really well too. When they left I became the princess that turned into a villain which I didn’t see coming!”


John, a carpenter by trade, and Lisa, who has no formal design experience, were intimidated by the competition at first. “It’s funny because when you start something like this with so many other couples you never think you’ll make it through. When we started we were skeptical but as the competition progressed we felt like we were on the right track and everything was falling into place. We really thought that we were a good team that balanced each other out and that we had a winning combo,” says Lisa.

As for working alongside a spouse, the couple had their fair share of conflict. “You have to make a quick decision. We definitely clashed, we were stressed and tired but we supported each other,” says Lisa. John adds: “As hard as it was, when we look back at the show it was all worth it and I’d definitely do it again. It was the best experience we’ve ever had together.”


Lisa & John’s Bendigo dining room makeover

As for the show’s new judges Colin and Justin, the couple really valued their feedback. “We understand that some people don’t think they know much about Australian design but we found them to be very professional, they know their stuff and they offered great, constructive criticism. We would build on what they said every week – good and bad we had to listen and take it on. They threw out some amazing ideas for people who are at home renovating,” says Lisa.


Lisa & John’s Bendigo living room makeover

“Australia is so used to the same judges and same type of people but it’s a good idea to mix it up. While they weren’t everyone’s cup of tea, we thought they were great,” says John, who starts building the couple’s new home next month. “We’ve never built one together before so it’s the start of our new journey. Our winnings will provide a massive kick 11`start for the build and we can put it towards our future,” says Lisa who has plans to work alongside her husband after the build. “John and I would like to team up and I’ll get into interior design or even interior styling. Our skills work hand in hand with each other,” says Lisa.

Read all our Reno Rumble coverage.


Reno Rumble grand finale reveals and $100,000 winners!

WOW! That was one SERIOUS makeover on Reno Rumble last night! I may have shed a tear or two for the beautiful family who lost their daughter Beccky, who was a big fan of the show. As did Justin!

The two remaining teams pulled off the best transformation of the series without a doubt, not just transforming the existing home but substantially adding to it. To say the family were blown away would be an understatement! So in a way, it didn’t really matter who won last night, despite there being $100,000 at stake.


But John and Lisa were victorious in the end, just beating Scott and Nadia, and well deserved, I’d say! (We’re interviewing them this week so look out for that post very soon!).

“When we saw that house for the first time, we nearly levitated,” said Justin! He and Colin were speechless, with Justin saying it was one of the best makeovers they’d ever seen. And they’ve seen a lot!

Let’s take a look at all the rooms in last night’s stylish, classy, Hamptons style home…

Lisa and John’s hallway: 19/20

Get the round table or the artwork


Scott and Nadia’s en suite: 19/20


Lisa and John’s bathroom: 17/20


Scott and Nadia’s laundry: 17/20

Get the peg bucket


Lisa and John’s dining room: 17/20

Get the pendant light or the dining chairs


Scott and Nadia’s breakfast nook: 18/20


Lisa and John’s living room: 19/20

Get the artwork or the rug


Scott and Nadia’s kitchen: 18/20

Get the cabinet handles


What did you think of this latest series of Reno Rumble with Colin and Justin as judges?

All our Reno Rumble coverage

Interiors Addict

Video: All the Reno Rumble week 3 kitchen details!

This week was definitely the week for the kitchens and bathrooms to shine. In fact, Dane and Leanne’s kitchen was probably my favourite room of the week. Judges Colin and Justin gave it 19 out of 20, while Scott and Nadia’s teal kitchen also scored highly with 16. While the majority of Australians still love a white gloss kitchen, I love seeing something different or contrasting, and these two rooms certainly delivered!

Watch the video for chats with Dane and Leanne and Scott and Nadia and all the inspiration and details behind their kitchens.

Thanks to Freedom Kitchens, official supplier to Reno Rumble, for sharing these behind the scenes.

Dane and Leanne's kitchen
Dane and Leanne’s kitchen
Scott and Nadia's kitchen
Scott and Nadia’s kitchen

Which was your favourite?

Read the rest of this week’s coverage and see the rest of the houses.


Reno Rumble week 3 reveals where kitchens & bathrooms shone

Week three and the amateur renovators produced some hits and misses once again! The standouts for me were Dane and Leanne’s kitchen and Lisa and John’s main bathroom and master bedroom. What did you think?

Here are all the pictures and judges’ comments and scores…


Lisa and John’s master bedroom


Justin said they’d come such a long way from last week and every part of the bedroom screamed well planned and comfortable. On the downside, the artwork above the bed wasn’t big enough.

Colin gave it an 8 and Justin, an 8

Get the look with this grey sheepskin

Sarah and Renee’s bedroom


]Justin loved the rug and the chevron gold headboards (until one fell off the bed during judging, revealing the shoddy workmanship behind! Oops!).

Colin gave it a 6 and Justin, a 7

Scott and Nadia’s bedroom


Justin was concerned about the position of the desk and Colin said the shelving was bare and the room was lacking a layer and personality. Justin also said it needed layering further and it lacked design and feel good factor.

Colin and Justin both gave it a 5

Lisa and John’s main bathroom


This one certainly made an impression! Colin said it looked like suddenly someone was serious about the competition. “Come on!” Colin said it was so of the moment, very contemporary and restful, beautiful design, well executed, perfection! Justin said it wouldn’t look out of place on the pages of a glossy magazine.

Colin gave it a 10 and Justin, a 9

Get the timber vanity cover

Sarah and Renee’s living room


Colin loved the extra ceiling height and skylights. Justin liked the overall feel and atmosphere but the laser cut paneling let it down with its rough, saw-cut edges!

Colin and Justin gave it 7 each

Scott and Nadia’s kitchen



Colin said the kitchen had it all. Justin said teal made him squeal. In a good way! He loved the way the colour scheme worked with the living room. But 13 chairs around the dining table and kitchen island were way too many! Otherwise, he thought it was very professional.

Colin and Justin both gave it an 8.

Buy the dining chairs

The blue house got 88 points in total, winning.


Dane and Leanne’s master bedroom


Justin said there was lots of nice elements in the room but they didn’t work together. He said it had been put together like a crazy dyslexic jigsaw puzzle?

Colin  and Justin both gave it 6

Buy the butterfly art

Hayley and Jim’s bedroom


Justin really like the mural but Colin said it was very dominant and lonely. While the mural was great, the rest of the room was devoid of personality and it needed Tara’s guitars on the wall!

Colin  and Justin both gave it 6

Hayley and Jim’s bathroom


Justin said it had a sense of theatre, purpose and joy. Colin didn’t love the colours and said it felt a bit dowdy. Justin said it was still well thought through and felt like a sumptuous spa.

Colin gave it a 7 and Justin, an 8

Get the look with this marble toothbrush holder

Dane and Leanne’s guest bedroom


Colin thought it was simple but elegant and Justin said it felt like a cosy, great little space.

Colin and Justin gave it 8 each

Get the look with this flamingo art

Dane and Leanne’s kitchen


Get the look with these black wire dining chairs


Colin said a lot of work had gone into it and it sang to him! Justin said they nailed it and loved the combination of the grey Caesarstone with the black cabinetry and three gorgeous pendant lights.

Colin gave it 9 and Justin, 10

Get the look with this dreamcatcher print

Hayley and Jim’s living room


Justin said while he loved brown leather sofas, having two of them paired with a hard edged coffee table and metal chair felt overpowering. And he pointed out the sofas were so low because they hadn’t realised they hadn’t put the legs on! And all that trouble cutting down the coffee table to size was unnecessary! Colin said it lacked continuity and had suffered because the kitchen was so brilliant. Ouch!

Colin  and Justin both gave it 6

Buy the cowhide rug

The house got a total of 86 which saw lowest scorers Hayley and Jim sent home.

Next week: semi finals already!

Tune in tomorrow for a closer look at this week’s impressive kitchen in our video interviews.


Reno Rumble: Week 2 house reveals

Last night saw two whole home transformations revealed for two deserving families and while some of the renos were a little underwhelming, let’s not lose sight of the amount of work completed by amateurs in just one week!


The blue house belonged to David and Christine, a beautiful couple who had tragically lost three of their children to car crashes and were now carers for their eight-year-old grandson, Blake, who has Asperger Syndrome.

Here’s what judges Colin and Justin judged the contestants’ rooms in this home:

Scott and Nadia’s living room


This was the controversial room of the night as it transpired during the week that Sarah and Renee knew the family didn’t want a fireplace and deliberately didn’t tell their team mates. While we all know it’s a competition, I think it was a pretty low blow considering the reasons they didn’t want one. Scotty revealed the couple, although delighted with their new home, had already asked for the fireplace to be removed because it posed a safety risk for Blake.

Justin didn’t like the exterior product used on the fireplace and, unaware of the back story, felt it was potentially a safety issue for the eight-year-old.

SCORES: Colin: 5, Justin: 4

Get the floor lamp

Sarah and Renee’s master suite and walk-in robe


Justin loved it, aside from the clumsy window dressing no the bay window. Colin said the storage was great.

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 7

GET THE LOOK: Knitted throw

Sarah and Renee’s main bathroom , laundry and WC


Colin said the bathroom rocked his world and Justin said the complete lack of windows was balanced out by the new Velux skylights and loads of natural light. They thought timber touches would have elevated it.

SCORES: Colin: 8, Justin: 7

Get the skylight

Scott and Nadia’s bedroom for Blake


Colin felt it was lacking a layer and Justin agreed it was a very plain room. They were impressed they’d taken it upon themselves to makeover another small bedroom because the couple wanted to look at fostering, but couldn’t give them extra points for it.

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin: 6

Scott and Nadia’s spare room for a future foster child (no judging)


Lisa and John’s dining room


Although he loved the table, Justin said it felt too much like a long thin passageway to the kitchen.

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin: 5

GET THE LOOK: Recycled timber dining table

Buy the art

Lisa and John’s kitchen


Colin loved the timber stools for warmth and softness. Justin said it was lovely but there were too many hard edges and everything felt too reflective. Colin said there was a lot of smart stuff in there and he liked the mirrored splashback.

SCORES: Colin: 8, Justin: 7

Buy the pendant lights

Team effort games room and office


The judges felt the office was a letdown and the desk far too narrow to be functional.  Colin said the addition of storage would have been great and was a missed opportunity. All in all he thought it was a poor effort.

SCORES: Colin: 4, Justin: 4




The red house belonged to firefighter Chris, paramedic Kate and their two kids. They were friends of Christine and David who nominated them for the show and they dedicate a lot of their time to helping others.

This home lost overall by just two points which saw Steve and Holly sent home as the lowest scoring couple on the team.

Here’s what the judges said about their rooms and how they scored:

Team effort front lounge room


Justin asked where all the furniture went and said it felt more like a crisis relief centre! a tiny sofa. He went one further to call it an emotional and decorative flatline! Colin said it showed they’d put all their money into changing the structure of the home, which wasn’t a good choice on a TV show where they’re judged for rooms.

SCORES: Colin: 4, Justin: 4

Get the table lamp

Hayley and Jim’s kitchen


Colin thought it was beautiful and Justin loved it too, but couldn’t look past the gorgeous marble herringbone tiles running into the large brown ones. He said it was a complete and utter turn off (it was later revealed they’d run out of the original tiles). This room would definitely have scored higher otherwise.

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin: 7

Get the walnut and copper cupboard handles

Holly and Steve’s en suite bathroom


Colin said it was a wonderful use of modesty wall around the toilet and he loved the natural light. Justin said it was great but couldn’t ignore the fact they hadn’t graded the shower in properly, causing a trip hazard.

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin: 6

Get the pendant light

Dane and Leanne’s main bathroom


Justin said it was a really strong space with two tones and a pop of colour.

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 8

Get the vanity

Hayley and Jim’s kids room


Colin hated the peach wall, which he said was very eighties, while Justin thought it was ok in a kids’ room. Colin said it was functional but really pedestrian and felt dated.

SCORES: Colin: 5, Justin: 7

Dane and Leanne’s living/dining room


The judges felt the living and dining spaces didn’t gel and Colin said it was like they were designed by two people who didn’t talk to each other.

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin: 6

Get the dining table







Video: A closer look at last night’s Reno Rumble kitchens

Did you enjoy the first Reno Rumble reveals last night (read our full recap and see all the pix here)? If kitchens float your boat, you’ll love this closer look at these rooms from both home makeovers thanks to our friends at Freedom Kitchens. 

Which was your favourite kitchen: Sarah and Renee’s or Dane and Leanne’s? Did you agree with the judges about Sarah and Renee’s dining area letting theirs down?

All our Reno Rumble coverageMore kitchen and bathroom posts



(The all new) Reno Rumble: week 1 room reveals

There was a lot of last minute panic, there were tears and of course bitching, but the results of last night’s first Reno Rumble reveals were nothing short of impressive for two teams of amateurs. Two entire homes in Melbourne were transformed in just one week. Wow. And the fact they were for deserving couples definitely added to the enjoyment of the show. One belonged to cancer survivor Sarah and the other to her best friend, Maddy, who raised huge amounts of money to find her treatment. Sarah is now in remission.

It was refreshing to see the teams renovating real, modest homes rather than exclusive apartments. New judges Colin and Justin delivering their verdicts in person was both entertaining and actually useful. Where they didn’t like what had been done they said why and could suggest what they should have done instead. I’m sure this can only lead to the contestants, and the viewing public, learning more from this newly tweaked show. Reno Rumble’s been renovated and I like it!

There was drama and inter-team bitching of course, but we don’t have time to repeat all that when there are so many rooms to look at!

So here’s what the teams did and how they scored, plus our picks of what to buy.

BLUE TEAM: Maddy and David’s home

Exterior and hallway: team effort

Reno Rumble S2

Reno Rumble S2

While Colin and Justin loved the exposed brickwork they thought the painted finish on the MDF barn-style doors let it down.

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin: 7

Scott and Nadia’s master bedroom 

Our pick: White quilt cover set

Reno Rumble S2

Colin was expecting something more masterful and labelled it less of a reno rumble and more of a reno mumble. He added that it lacked a layer of luxury. Justin said the small floor floor area and high ceilings felt disproportionate, certainly not helped by hanging a tall, thin mirror vertically above the bed!

The hydraulic pop-up TV they were so proud of didn’t go down well either! Colin said it sounded great in theory but in practice it was a rickety old thing! Justin was a little kinder, saying  overall it was a really lovely room.

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin: 7

Lisa and John’s guest bedroom

Our pick: Quilted cushion

Reno Rumble S2

Justin said they’d been really clever with the built-in storage either side of bed and it was a good mix of closed and open storage. Colin said the bed was well dressed but the lack of a rug took away from the feeling of luxury.

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 7

Scott and Nadia’s bathroom

Reno Rumble S2

Justin really like the brickwork and the long subway tile but neither of them were fans of the “weird modesty wall” around toilet. “It’s not a huge room and it’s working working against the space,” Justin said.

Colin loved how the skylights flooded the room with natural light and the double, wall-mounted vanity. The frameless shower felt modern and larger, but he hated the way they’d created “the largest cistern concealer in Australia!” which was unnecessary!

SCORES: Justin: 6, Colin: 5.

Reno Rumble S2

Sarah and Renee’s kitchen/dining 

Our pick: Black marble serving board


Colin said the kitchen was miraculous and the standard of work in a short period of time was amazing.

Justin said it would be hard not to like it but wished the fridge had been integrated.

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 7.



Judged separately, Justin said the girls really let the side down with dining and the too-small table.

SCORES: Colin: 5, Justin: 4.

Lisa and John’s living room

Our pick: Electric skylight

Reno Rumble S2

They both loved the light and the integrated TV. Justin said the rug was much too small (an “Elastoplast on the belly of a whale” to be specific!).

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 7.

The blue team’s final overall house score was 88, coming last. As the lowest scoring pair on the lowest scoring team, Sarah and Renee escaped being sent home this week when Scotty revealed there would be no elimination. There definitely will be next week though!

RED TEAM: Sarah and Gavin’s home

Exterior and hallway: team effort



Colin said what had been the creepy house on the street had been totally turned around and had its fortunes changed. Justin said it now felt as if it had a bit of architectural presence.

In the hallway, Justin loved all the light and Colin said it had a new house feel but they had kept some traditional touches.

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 8.

Hayley and Jim’s master bedroom 

Our pick: Antique fob mirror, get the look: geometric art print


Justin said it was a real sanctuary and Colin said while the colour scheme was gentle, the bed felt a bit teenage and the windows could have done with something more. It was only half good.

SCORES: Colin:5, Justin: 5.

Leanne and Dane’s guest room

Get the look: Tibetan wool cushion, marble side table


Justin much preferred it to the master bedroom before with its layers and quirky, mismatched bedsides. Colin loved how the timber warmed it up and the texture on the bed. Justin said the chandelier light was like something out of Game of Thrones, was far too high and should be over a dining table!

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin 6.

Steve and Holly’s study

Our pick: Floating timber shelf


Justin said they played it far too safe and it felt like a pale painted room with some office furniture. He needed to see more drama and layers. Colin said: “must try harder.”

SCORES: Justin: 4, Colin: 5.

Holly and Steve’s bathroom


This one went down well! Justin said it had been a massive amount of work, was really well appointed, gorgeous and joyous. He couldn’t believe the same couple were responsible for the boring study! Colin said everything felt really considered and it had a layer of design and sophistication as well as a  sense of tranquility.


SCORES: Colin: 8, Justin: 8.

Leanne and Dane’s kitchen

Our pick: Ledlux ribbon lights


Justin said it was well planned but there should have been three pendant lights, not two. Colin said it was really well executed and felt cavernous.

SCORES: Justin: 7, Colin: 8.

Hayley and Jim’s living/dining

Let the look: Coffee table


Justin had issues with the visible TV wall-mounting bracket and cables which could have been hidden, but overall, they both liked the space.

SCORES: Justin: 6, Colin: 8.

The red team’s overall house score was 91, coming first. As the captains of the winning team, Dane and Leanne have immunity next week. Considering their popularity (or not) with their team mates, this should be interesting!


So, what did you all make of the new format and judges? Please share your comments below!

Get a closer look at both teams’ kitchens in our video tour this afternoon.


New Reno Rumble judges Colin and Justin spill the beans!

There’s a lot of twists coming in tonight’s Reno Rumble which we’re sure the producers are hoping will turn it into less of a Block spinoff and more of a show in its own right. There are two major changes this season. First, the homes are being made over for real families who, for a variety of reasons, really need and deserve a helping hand in the reno stakes (there’s nothing I love more than a proper human interest angle, pass the tissues already!), and second, Darren Palmer and Romy Alwill have been replaced by Scottish design duo (and one time Block guest judges), Colin and Justin. We chatted to them about what we can expect.


While Colin (McAllister) and Justin (Ryan) may be new faces to many Aussies, to a Pom like me they’re big names in interiors. The funny Scots are known for not mincing their words and have enjoyed huge success as hosts of a variety of home makeover shows in the UK, Canada and America. So where does Australia come into it? They appeared on the UK version of I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! in 2009, filmed in Australia, and got a local agent, who started opening doors for them here. After appearing as guest judges on a Block challenge last year, the producers asked them back to judge Reno Rumble.

“A really critical difference this year is that we deliver our judging face-to-face with the contestants for the first time,” says Colin. “Before, the teams didn’t get a chance to answer back. We are very much fans of saying it like it is!” There will always be an element of drama when one couple stands to walk away with a $100,000 prize, as the boys (who are a couple) rightly point out.

It’s not just about that though, as Justin adds. “As soon as you have the judges having a dialogue with the contestants, the viewers, many of whom want to learn from the show and get tips, are going to get a lot more from it. We have design backgrounds and can justify what we’re saying. But we very much want to critique rather than criticise.”


Despite the fact they’re fighting each other for the big prize, Colin and Justin say the contestants are a great bunch who have the best interests of the people whose homes they’re renovating at heart. “We feel like proud mums at sports day,” Colin says. “We are genuinely invested in this process as judges and we think that will show on screen. This show is going to genuinely change lives for people who have had a really rough time.”

Justin says the producers have chosen the homeowners very carefully. “These people have faced tragedy and loss and illness and it is so fantastic to see people working together to better their lives. It’s great to be involved in a show doing something like that. You forget it’s a competition in the best possible way.”

While the pair had already met host Scott Cam on The Block, they hadn’t met Shelley Craft before and said she went out of her way to make sure they were comfortable on set and was refreshingly down to earth compared to many of the people they meet in TV across the globe.

And having spent so much time in Australia, the experienced renovators, who live between Scotland and Canada, are tempted to buy here too.  And their top tip for a drink in Sydney? The Baxter Inn in the CBD (you heard it here first).

Reno Rumble starts tonight on Channel 9 at 7.30pm. Tune in tomorrow for all the latest. As with our Block coverage, we’ll have all the reveals for you each week.


Colin & Justin to replace Reno Rumble judges Darren and Romy

Internationally acclaimed interior design duo Colin and Justin are set to strut their judging prowess on the second season of Channel 9’s Reno Rumble, when it airs this year. Replacing judges Darren Palmer and Romy Alwill, the Scottish couple are set to light up our screens with their own signature brand of humour and solid design nous.


Two houses will be renovated every week by six new couples who will be competing for the top prize. The couples will will be split into two teams with NSW, QLD and VIC taking on couples from SA and WA as East battles West. Each week, the couple with the lowest score on the losing team will be eliminated and the overall winners will walk away with $100,000.

From Queensland, Sarah and Renee are best friends and fun-loving country girls while Italians Lisa and John, from NSW, are doing things with style. From Victoria, battlers Scott and Nadia are a chaotic pair while anything goes for the risk-takers from WA, Steve and Holly. South Australia will be represented by mother and son team Dane and Leanne and firecrackers Jim and Hayley.

We’re sad to see Darren and Romy go, but look forward to seeing how the contestants respond to Colin and Justin, who don’t tend mince their words!

Click here for more.

Design DIY Kitchens RENO ADDICT

Blockheads Kyal and Kara’s 8 mini makeover ideas for summer

The summer entertaining season is fast approaching and while it’s great to fling open the doors to welcome family and loved ones – those unfinished renovation jobs are on stark display!

Kyal and Kara
Kyal and Kara

Renovating is not just about the big-ticket bathroom and kitchen facelifts. You can have some nip and tucks along the way to keep your space fresh and create a visual distraction from the less attractive areas of your home.

The Block and Reno Rumble favourites Kyal and Kara have got some great ideas on how to deflect away from the unfinished work and turn your home into a sparkling entertaining oasis. Below are their top eight mini makeover ideas for summer:

  • Give your tiles a clean. Generally, a solution of vinegar and water should do the trick. If there is a build-up of soap scum, a heavy-duty tile and grout cleaner will assist to strip it off but avoid abrasive cleaners. To clean tile grout, mix a 1:1 solution of vinegar and water and gently scrub grout with an old toothbrush. For deeper cleaning, mix a paste of baking soda and water and work into the grout. Spray the vinegar and water solution over the area. It will bubble up and work away scrum. Rinse with warm water. Repeat.
  • Freshen up your home’s front entry. Make an instant statement by sweeping and dusting cobwebs from all those nooks and crannies. Paint the front door a contrasting and bright colour – like an orange, yellow or light blue! Place an exotic plant at the entrance to complement your new door for an eye-catching impact.


  • Update your home’s facade. Contrasting materials on facades are trending. You can tile a section to add or highlight an architectural feature and update the look of your house.
  • Simplify your space. Spaces that are free of clutter are more calming so reduce the clutter in your central rooms. Use the three box system: one box for items that belong in another room, one box for charity and one box for sales. If you need extra storage build some shelving brackets and use ply wood in a wardrobe or in the garage.


  • Create a feature wall. There are many ways to create an arty feature to draw the eyes. Shaped or textured tiles are on trend with patterned tiles a great alternative to wallpaper. With the right adhesive and original tiles in reasonable shape, they can be tiled straight over for a quick tiling job
  • Create a herb planter. Make sure you always have the herbs you need for those delicious summer feasts – the smell is also divine! Use recycled hardwood fence palings or crates and create your own. Place it somewhere in view and get your guests to pick some herbs for you as a great distraction for wondering eyes.
  • Turn heads with your luxurious driveway. Concrete driveways or paths can be tiled over for an instant luxurious look to add value to your home and outdoor entertaining areas.


  • Freshen up the kitchen with a new splashback. A new splashback is an extravagant quick fix. Try a dramatic statement with mosaic tiles. In a stark kitchen use loads of colours and in a busy one, go simple. Whatever colour you choose for your splashback bring it through the room with cushions or a beautiful vase.

For more information, visit Beaumont Tiles.

Bathrooms Expert Tips Homewares Styling The Block

Blockhead Carlene Duffy’s 5 tips for updating your bathroom

By Carlene Duffy

With so many home renovation shows on television and with ready access to design imagery by way of blogs, Instagram and Pinterest, there’s little doubt your head is swimming with information and ideas.


So, to make it easier for you, here are my five top tips for injecting some luxe to your bathroom this summer.

1. Marble


This year has been all about marble, and your bathroom should be no exception. Marble is an age-old material that adds an element of elegance and style to your interior. Its timelessness as a material also means it is set to have longevity as a design trend.

Whether it’s rectangular floor to ceiling marble tiles, or mosaic marble feature tiles, your bathroom will exude instant luxury. But if changing up the tiles isn’t an option, opt for a smaller scale marble feature, such as a trinket bowl, soap dish or pendant light.

2. Matte black and white tapware

CarleneDuffy_Matt Tapwear

While white on white bathrooms are a safe no-fail design choice, which is unlikely to date, recently we have seen a big shift in bathroom colour palettes. We are seeing more bold choices such as black, navy and grey tones, creating drama, richness and a bit of sass.

If you’re bold enough and looking for an alternative to traditional chrome or stainless steel tapware, add a spunky matte black or matte white mixer, basin or vanity to create a sophisticated but edgy bathroom.

3. Light it up


While down lights are a popular and practical way to light up any space, adding varying types of lighting is the ideal way to create mood, interest and ambience. This is especially true in bathrooms. For me, bathing or showering is not just about getting clean but about unwinding from the day. You should have the option here to switch off the down lights and flick on a staggered cluster of pendants hanging over one side of your vanity or a couple of wall lights hanging either side of your mirror.

You may also include an LED strip in your shower nook and under your vanity, which combined with your pendants or wall lights, will create the perfect type of light for shower/bath time. Decorative lights such as pendants are also effective at adding another dimension to your bathroom and breaking up all the hard surfaces.

4. Bright coloured towels


Creating a fresh look in your bathroom doesn’t have to break the bank. You can achieve a new look by making small changes like displaying a new set of good quality, coloured towels. Personally, I only use dri.glo bath towels, which are made with premium Australian cotton, which means higher absorbency and a softer touch, and come in a huge range of colours.

5. Add a little greenery


With backyards becoming smaller and in many cases, non-existent, we are seeing indoor plants becoming increasingly popular. Greenery is an essential ingredient to the success of any interior space, including the bathroom. It is the final touch that makes a space feel complete. Whether you choose to create a high-impact green wall, place single potted plants on the vanity, or hang a group of ferns from the ceiling, plants are a simple and inexpensive way to add colour, life and vitality to your bathroom.

— Carlene is an interior stylist and dri.glo ambassador, and was a contestant on The Block Glasshouse.

Furniture Homewares The Block

Darren Palmer’s updated flooring range for Carpet Court

Taking a well deserved break is clearly a notion Darren Palmer doesn’t abide by! With the interior designer and The Block and Reno Rumble judge collaborating once again with Carpet Court in the expansion of his flooring range – Provincial Lane.


All influenced by Darren’s own design taste, the recent additions include new timber flooring options and carpet collections in a range of budgets, materials and styles.

“The right flooring choice will set the design tone for any space,” explains Darren. “That’s why I always favour top quality, designer options when managing my own projects or coordinating product for my Provincial Lane collection. The newest additions are no exception, providing homeowners and renovators with high quality looks they love.”

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The range includes Charming, which sits strong as an entry-level carpet collection, with soft-to-touch texture, while Talisa Springs provides added warmth as a wool-blend for simple elegance and extra comfort. The 100% wool additions include Creekwood, Montana Sands and Bakers Creek – all popular choices on The Block this season with interesting textured loop piles in trending neutral tones.

Darren’s Stained Oak timber flooring collection also receives an on-point refresh with this season’s popular hue of grey. Responding to increased demand for quality timber flooring, Darren and Carpet Court launched the Stained Oak option back in 2014. Inspired by nature, the nutty coloured collection has since doubled, with four further colour additions.

Overall, the new carpet and timber collections feature varying grey tones, light creamy options and dark stormy hues. For colour fanatics, a bright butternut stained timber adds vibrancy to a space while the blue additions provide a subtle colour boost. The new collections stay true to the signature grey-based undertone of the entire Provincial Lane range, with carefully selected texture additions a priority.

For more information.

Homewares The Block

Josh & Jenna’s latest range for Beacon Lighting combines metallics and raw materials

Beacon Lighting’s latest range from Josh & Jenna (of The Block and Reno Rumble fame), brings together a stunning array of beautifully proportioned shapes and silhouettes. Featuring high shine metallics, the beauty of raw materials and subdued colours, prices start from as little as $79.95. Check out our top picks below.

Neva Table Lamp — $99.95

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The refreshing colour range (stone, blush, white, mint and tangerine) of the Neva Lamp brings a welcoming atmosphere to a room. Featuring elegant lines to fit a modern interior, it is made from Ash wood with a metal shade and base. The muted colour palette is right on trend and you can mix and match colours for an instant fashion update.

Gustavo Table Lamp — $249

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The luxurious appeal of white marble in the new Gustavo Lamp is offset against a sophisticated matte black (or white) finish and a black and white braided fabric cord. The modernist classic appeal of this lamp is a great way to update your interior this winter.

Spence Table Lamp — $249

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The minimalist capsule shaped silhouette of the Spence Lamp brings an avant-garde feel to a room. While the combination of natural tones and different finishes — of Ash wood with copper and amber glass, Ash wood with opal glass and matte black with smoke glass — adding an element of warmth. The mix of materials combine key decorator trends for the season.

Gaston Table Lamp — $119

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The juxtaposition of raw concrete with either polished copper or brass achieves a beautifully balanced design that is both sophisticated and timeless. Perfectly suited to a modern interior, the bold metallic finish looks great against a dark backdrop.

Shop online.