Interiors Addict

How I got my dream job (that’s this one)

Sonia at Life Love & Hiccups blog asked me to share my story with her readers today. If you’re interested, you can read about how I came to be a full-time blogger and why I absolutely LOVE it here.Β Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all glamour (come to think of it, hardly any of it is!) and it’s bloody hard work (more on that in the post) but I have never enjoyed a “job” more, warts and all!

Happy long weekend, lovely readers! Jen x

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

5 replies on “How I got my dream job (that’s this one)”

I think you’re so right about enjoying it! I think readers can see when you’re just posting for the sake of it or just for the freebies or cash. Well done you for making what could have been a terrible experience into a positive new career! Love your blog πŸ™‚ I’m renovating my own home now so thanks for all the inspiration πŸ™‚

Thanks for the share, I’m always interested in hearing peoples stories especially ones similar to yours!!…Very inspirational!!

Keep up the fantastic work, love following you.

Merryn x

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