Expert Tips

How to achieve feng shui in a contemporary space

By Adam Liebson

Ask anybody in the interior design business about feng shui and they will tell you that it can be a little complicated. It takes years for someone to become a master of feng shui, but there are some simple tenets that can be used by anyone to achieve a better environment in their contemporary home.

Burma_ Thailand

So what is feng shui?

To give you an overview, feng shui is centred around the idea of creating positive energy in the home, office, or any other space that you spend a lot of time in. This use of life force energy, also known as ‘qi/chi’ (pronounced chee), to influence positivity is a time-tested formula that promotes healthy living conditions and good fortune for a person.

Feng shui works well in contemporary and modern designs, as the minimalist approach and lack of clutter allow the qi/chi to circulate unimpeded around the home.

Achieving feng shui in your home: colour

China Bamboo ConsoleA basic principle of feng shui is the five key elements of Wood, Earth, Fire, Water and Metal. Different colours are associated with each of these elements, and can be used to promote good feng shui in different areas of your life. For example:

Wood: Brown and green. The colour green is primarily used for the balancing of family life and improving your health. These colours do well in all rooms where the family tends to congregate.

Earth: Light brown, pale yellow, and sandy, earthy colours. These colours are used to centre your energy and promote harmony in your life, and are best when used in an area of the home that you use for resting. This is primarily the bedroom, but if, for example, if you enjoy long, relaxing bubble baths, neutral earthy colours are an excellent colour palette for your bathroom.

Fire: Red, orange, pink, purple and yellow. Strong yellow colours are used to promote cheerful gatherings and happy times, and so are excellent for the entertaining areas of the home.

Water: Blue and black. Water is a nourishing element, so should be used primarily to support the growth of your career, wealth, and family. To have a blue colour palette in the hallways and corridors of your home promotes the flowing of positive energy from room to room.

Metal: Grey and white. Pure white provides supportive energy to all creative endeavours. These colours are best used in studies and offices, as they allow the mind to broaden and intuitive thinking to happen. A white wall is a blank slate on which the imagination can take hold.


Orient House Mirror

It is relatively simple to add these effective ‘cures’ to your home to create positive energy.

Crystals: Crystals are used in feng shui to create a specific ‘vibration’ or energy. For example, rose quartz can be used to attract romance and love. A great way to display crystals is in a shallow decorative bowl.

Mirrors: Mirrors are thought not only to expand a space, but can also be used to draw in more positive energy. However, they should never be placed opposite the main door as it is said they then reflect outwards the positive energy trying to enter the home.

Fountains: Fountains are popular in feng shui as they bring water energy into the home, and water is traditionally thought to represent wealth and prosperity. Fountains can be used both indoor and out, and provide an excellent focal point for a room.


Buddha: As a symbol of peace, calm and serenity, Buddha’s presence in your home will promote a contemplative energy. This can help you with self-reflection, and will also work as a calming force. Even just placing a small buddha figurine unobtrusively on a sideboard can have a soothing effect on your home’s vibrations.

How to know when you’ve achieved feng shui

orient house umbrella room

Have you ever had that feeling when you walk into a room and for no apparent reason you suddenly feel happy, comforted, or just generally a little more positive? This feeling is qi, and it’s a sign that you’ve designed your contemporary space right.

But if you feel uncomfortable or negative when you walk into a room, it may mean that you need a master of feng shui to give you a hand with bringing positive energy back into your home.

— Adam and Jenny Liebson are the couple behind antique and lifestyle store, Orient House. Having established themselves as a major source to the interior design trade, Orient House offer global pieces that add mood, character and style to make a house a home. 

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