Bathrooms Design RENO ADDICT

How to: Choose a bathroom designer

A bathroom that is built to last can be an expensive investment. But in the world of bathroom design you don’t necessarily get what you pay for. I know from experience that it can be hard to swim in the huge ocean that is the choice of bathroom designers and arriving at the final product can be an arduous journey. Therefore it’s worth going with a designer you trust.

To avoid any major mishaps, make sure you know the following things before you choose your designer.


Bathroom design by The Inside Project

Company size
How big is the designer’s company? Bigger is not always the better; in fact the smaller it is the more personal and tailored the customer service will often be. Larger companies often offer package deals with set prices, whereas smaller companies are more likely to create a unique design at a reasonable price and also be happier to oblige your unique requests.

That being said, if you choose a bigger company they may have more experience and be more professional in their take on your bathroom. So I guess it’s up to you to choose what kind of customer service experience you want.


Bathroom design by The Inside Project

Company location
If their company is close to you it is more likely that they can make site calls and be really present in the whole process. This may become an invaluable asset if something looks as though it’s about to go majorly wrong, but is intercepted during an on-site call. What’s more, if you know where their company is it will give you a sense of what kind of company they are. Be it a busy city office that thrives on meeting deadlines or a laid back, coastal, home office that are flexible with extra time to meet with you for a cup of coffee.

Previous work
Obvious yes, but no less important. Ask to see their previous work if they don’t show it to you. Maybe they’ve done lots of work but none in the kind of style you like, maybe they’ve had no previous work at all. It’s valuable information that you need to know before you choose a bathroom designer.

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Bathroom design by The Inside Project

Reviews for designers can be located online at websites such as Houzz. Some home design blogs will review work by bigger designers, or there may be some reviews floating around on Google by individuals who have used different designers for their own home.

Don’t be afraid to go with a lesser-known designer, just be sure you are confident in them. And don’t be afraid to ask them questions – chances are they’ve heard them before and if they are true professionals they will be more than willing to answer them.

–Jenny Kellett is a design consultant at The Inside Project and specialises in bathroom and kitchen renovations.

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

0 replies on “How to: Choose a bathroom designer”

My husband and I are looking to remodel our master bathroom. We want to make sure we find the right designer to help us make our dream come true. As you suggested, we’ll be sure to ask to see a company’s previous work to ensure it is similar to the style we like.

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