
How to find the best double-storey builders

Many homeowners and investors are choosing to build double-storey homes over single properties nation wide. When it comes to maximising your space, double-storey homes tick all the boxes, especially on smaller blocks. Not everyone has the luxury of extending out. But having the option to build vertically can open up a world of possibilities when you’re craving that extra room.

How to find the best double-storey builders

Two levels enable multiple living options. With that, comes the freedom and flexibility to design a floor plan that suits your needs perfectly. Splitting a home build gives you many different options to create zones for relaxing and socialising in. Double-storey properties optimise the liveability of the house, so you can enjoy coming home to a well-crafted space. Engaging with the right double-storey home builders in is crucial to a successful outcome though.

Here are the top tips to find the best builder for your dream:

Establish Your Budget, Style and Property Size

A two-storey home doesn’t necessarily cost twice as much as a single home, but the budget still plays a big role in dictating the design. Establish your budget first to help determine the style and size of your home build. This will help narrow down the list of suitable builders for the job. Avoid the common mistakes with budgeting, like underestimating expenses and overspending, by adequate planning early in the process. Size up your lifestyle needs to establish the style and property magnitude. Location and price play a big role in where you choose to build. If you’re looking to reduce costs, opt for a double-storey home on a small block. This reduces the overall cost of building two-storeys, as opposed to building on a large block with higher construction and land costs.

Make License and Insurance a Priority

After you have narrowed down your list of builders to fit your budget, style and size, check if your preferred builder is licensed with insurance. At the bare minimum, your home builder should have appropriate licenses and liability insurance coverage. This is crucial in protecting your investment and ensuring you engage with builders that are experienced and legal.

Check Builder’s Accreditation

Is the builder a member of a recognised trading association, such as the Home Builder’s Association? Relevant accreditations are a good sign the builder is reputable, recognised and trustworthy in the industry. You can check the Home Builder’s Association directory for a database of expert builders, subcontractors, suppliers and consultants. Builders that do have accreditations will most likely show them off on their website and social media channels too. Have a look during your research stages before committing to anything.

Research References and Reviews

What previous clients say about your chosen builder matters. You want to trust that past homeowners and investors were happy with the final product and engaging with the builder. Any reputable builder won’t mind showing off their references. Don’t be afraid to ask for any references and check them out. Also, look online for reviews. Facebook and Google My Business are great tools for checking whether or not past clients were satisfied.

Ask for a Portfolio of Work

It goes without saying then, you want to inspect the builder’s previous work to make sure it aligns with your vision. Ask for a portfolio of work with examples builds that are similar to what you’re after. Go and check out any properties completed by the same builder, and look for signs of quality and workmanship.

Don’t Compare Apples with Oranges

Before making a final decision, grab several quotes to compare value for money between builders. It’s important you get quotes from the same style of builders, however. There’s no use in comparing quotes from a builder that specialises in single storey homes, with a builder that specialises in double-storey.
Although some builders claim to have similar skills across the board, it’s always better to engage with a builder that’s experienced in exactly what you’re after. This will benefit your budget, brief, creative vision and overall success of the project. It’ll also help maximise space to the best of the block and floor plan.

Triple Check the Contract

Go through the contract with a fine-tooth comb to ensure you’re clear on what is and isn’t included in the price. Many building contracts will come with a list of inclusions regarding design features and build specifications. Check – double check and triple check – that the contract is clear about exactly what you’re paying for. It’s easy to become dazzled by the display homes, which usually have multiple and costly add-ons. Consider the finishing expenses and whether there are any discrepancies with material and appliance choices.

Ask About Timelines and Consequences of Running Behind Schedule

When does the builder expect to complete the project and will there be a penalty if the deadline is missed? There’s nothing more frustrating than a home-build that goes over schedule. Sure, you have to take into account unexpected delays that may come up during the project, but an expert builder will also be as close to the schedule as possible. Try to arrange a time schedule in advance with the builder, and be clear about any urgent deadlines. Putting timelines in place will assist with staging payments throughout the project too.

Finding a good double-storey builder shouldn’t be a challenge. At the end of the day, you want someone you can trust, adds value to your current vision and maximises space. For the best possible price. Remember, cheaper isn’t always better, and choosing a builder that’s specifically trained in your project makes for a more successful outcome.

Author Bio
This article is written by Jayde Ferguson, who writes for Lakeshore Group – specialised double-storey home builders with over 10 years’ experience, priding themselves on the highest level of customer service and attention to detail. You can catch Jayde on Google+.

By Naomi Foxall

Naomi Foxall is a freelance writer, content and social media manager, living on the NSW South Coast.

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