
Increase your home’s resale value with Romy Alwill’s expert advice

Adding a few contemporary upgrades will not only make your house aesthetically appealing, but may also be very rewarding on sale day.

Romy Alwill E&S Ambassador 1

At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that not all buyers will have the same taste as you. Invest in quality items that won’t go out of vogue for a renovation that you, and potential buyers, will both love. One easy way to instantly add value is renovating two key areas – the kitchen and bathroom. Both spaces can inject a lot of style as well as drive potential resale prices up.

In the bathroom, a quality bath is must-have. A bath appeals to the large market of families with children who will be looking for convenience as well as style when purchasing a potential home. Space permitting, a double basin vanity can add instant value to home buyers who are looking to minimise morning and pre-bedtime rushes.

With cooking and entertaining at home becoming such a crucial part of our lives, the kitchen is one area renovators would be wise to focus on when considering a renovation for potential resale. One easy upgrade for any kitchen is switching an old out-dated sink for an undermount sink. This will add an attractive minimalist look and provide extra bench space, making the kitchen appear larger.

For the purposes of growing families and entertaining, I can’t recommend a large oven highly enough. Investing in a large 90cm oven will see you fitting in everything from roast dinners, through to your favourite recipe from Masterchef.

Another cost effective tip when considering renovation for potential resale is upgrading your light fittings. It’s impressive how fast technology in light fittings is changing, from halogens to LED’s. Make a statement by getting creative and keeping your fittings in fashion.

Another great tip to make a house more modern and streamlined is painting the wall and ceiling the same colour. This immediately makes rooms seem larger and won’t break the bank.

Romy Alwill is a judge on Reno Rumble and E&S Ambassador.

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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