Interiors Addict

Interiors Addict turns two!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Interiors Aaaadddddiiiiiiict, happy birthday to you!

I can’t believe that this blog turns two this month. I’d been anticipating this landmark for a while and then, as usual, I got really busy and caught up in the many projects I’m working on and the actual date passed a couple of weeks ago and I forgot. Whoops! But I couldn’t let this pass. It’s funny; in some ways I feel like I’ve been writing this blog forever. Surely it must be longer?! In others, it seems like only yesterday (such a cliché!) I started my Tumblr, as a way to keep all my inspiration pictures together and maybe share them with my friends. It was never my intention that this would become widely read or that it would eventually become a full-time gig! If you’d told me that back then I would have rolled around on the floor laughing.

A year ago, I moved all that Tumblr content over to WordPress (thanks, Click WP!) and the site you see now. I’d noticed something was starting to happen. Hundreds of readers were turning into thousands of readers, then tens of thousands of readers. And people started to ask if they could advertise (what, really?!) so I thought I’d better get my act together and start taking it a bit more seriously!

And here we are today, with almost 50,000 readers, more than 1,500 posts, the most amazing and lovely community of people on social media (I’m looking at you, 7 Vignettes!) and the chance to write about what I love every day. It may look like non-stop fun and glamorous events from where you’re sitting, but let me assure you there’s a LOT of hard work, late nights and coffee drinking going on behind the scenes to make this a sustainable business. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy almost every minute of it though, because I’m so passionate about this site and its readers. So, once again, I couldn’t do it without you all and thanks again for reading! Always keen to hear your feedback so feel free to comment below with what you like/don’t like or would like to see more of.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

5 replies on “Interiors Addict turns two!”

Congratulations Jen, such an exciting milestone! I have no doubt how much hard work you put in behind the scenes, but it’s really inspiring that you’re doing something you love and have grown it into a full time gig. Keep up the great work! xx

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