
Is this Sydney’s best looking co-working space?

With the rise of the gig economy, and the increasing number of people working remotely, there’s been a proliferation of co-working spaces, some more design-led than others. But the latest one to hit the Sydney scene, Example House, is perhaps the best looking one we’ve seen so far!

Desk area
Desk area

Located in Rushcutters Bay, the 350 square metre space was once the site of a smash repair garage, but it’s been reimagined by Acme, the multi-disciplinary design firm behind some of Sydney’s most stylish hospitality spaces including The Grounds of Alexandria, Fred’s and Archie Rose.

Lounge area
Lounge area

The space is an extension of the brand and marketing agency Example, and its company ethos underpins it. “Collaboration is the heart and soul of Example; the agency was designed to bring together creative experts across different marketing disciplines to produce great work, so this felt like an organic evolution of what we do,” says the director of Example, Rebecca Gibbs.


The site’s original details are still evident (high ceilings and sandstone walls), but they’ve been accented by several modern additions including deep blue sofas, a neon artwork by Tom Adair and an ever-changing rainbow bookshelf. The site also has multiple breakout areas including a marble kitchen, luxe lounge area and bar that regularly plays host to tastings and workshops on Friday afternoons.

A neon artwork by Tom Adair hangs alongside an ever-changing array of books
A neon artwork by Tom Adair hangs alongside an ever-changing array of books

The idea for the space came about after Rebecca noticed many friends who were missing out on opportunities through working on their own, or from less than inspiring surroundings.

“Example House is about bringing a bunch of smart and passionate people together, raising the bar for our industries as a whole. A place to share ideas, laughs and success. It doesn’t matter if you’re running an established business, solo operator, or freelancer, if you work with beers, bars or boutique brands; if you’ve got ideas, we’ve got desks,” says the company co-director Andy El-Bayeh.

Meeting area
Meeting area

Example House has a range of membership options from $40 a day including hot desk day passes, monthly memberships and permanent desks. Members can also book the meeting or conference rooms, bar and lounge area, or even the whole venue for events.

The business is housed inside an old smash repair shop
You can see remnants of the old smash repair shop on the outside of the building

Photography: Craig Wall

For more on Example House | Co-working in other people’s homes

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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