Interiors Addict

It started with a quilt    Hundreds of hours of painstaking needlework and love went into creating t

It started with a quilt 


Hundreds of hours of painstaking needlework and love went into creating the Noah’s Ark patchwork quilt which was the starting point for three year old Will’s new bedroom.


Mum-of-two and freelance interior stylist Monique Sartor revamped his room after he was upgraded from cot to big boy’s bed! “My mum made the most beautiful and intricate quilt for Will based on Noah’s Ark so we decided to go the whole hog,” she says. “I found a gorgeous boat bed (the lid at the front lifts for storage), I ordered decals of colourful animals from the US and found the bright toy storage and bedside table from, which helped keep the cost down yet provide charming and practical storage. I thought the rug was perfect as it looked like water.”


Monique made the bunting to carry the bright colours up to the very top of the room. “I wanted to achieve a joyous, positive feel. I came across perfect tie-backs, the monkeys, (pictured) from Taronga Zoo online shop. I just added a polkadot ribbon around their necks! I also used that ribbon with some embroidered animal badges on a plain lamp I got from Target!  Et voila! I’m pleased with the results and also happy that we did it for not much over $1,500. Will loves it. Mission accomplished on all fronts.”


Monique’s interior styling business is called Sartorial Interiors.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.