Bedrooms Expert Tips Kids Rooms Shopping

Kids’ teepees: more than just bedroom decor

Sure, a beautiful kids’ teepee looks great in a bedroom or playroom, but if you want to avoid your latest purchase getting left in the corner after the first few weeks, Cattywumpus (who make some beautiful Australian ones!) share these seven ways to get the most use out of your investment.

1. Imaginative play 

A teepee offers a safe cocoon for children to retreat to as they engage in pretend play and comfortably build confidence in their own space and at their own pace. 

2. Reading nook 

Grab your favourite books or go off script with your clever human in this private space where anything at all can happen in storyland. Decorate the interior with fluffy pillows, fairy lights, buntings or blooms and make this space your nightly ritual of calm or the perfect space where kids can learn to read. 

3. Naptime 

Doze off and wander into dreamland in your spacious sanctuary that makes nap time a dream. 

4. Staycations 

When the going gets tough, we go into the teepee! Summer getaways aren’t always feasible but teepees can provide the perfect sleepover or slumber party spot. Take it out to the backyard for a ‘camping’ getaway or deck it out with beach buckets and spades for a beach day! 

5. Hideaway 

Sometimes, we have to do the tough job of teaching little ones that their behavior can impact others. The teepee provides a safe hideaway that works to replace the ‘naughty corner’ so children have the me time and space to calm their temper, consider their behaviour and reflect on how their actions may have affected others.

6. Shaded outdoor play area 

There’s no limit to play so let’s take the good times outdoors with Cattywampus teepees! Perfect for providing shade for little ones, this designated kid’s area will ensure parents can keep an eye on them in the safety of their backyard as they enjoy outdoor play.

Cattywumpus teepee as seen on last year’s The Block

7. Meditation 

Make this a sacred space for your contemplative one to connect, write, read or meditate. Add some cushions, bolsters and blankets and you’ll have them saying, “nama-stay.”

Cattywumpus is an Australian brand making beautiful kids’ teepees and playmats. For more.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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