Art Interviews

Kimmy Hogan: Artist’s new range has more abstract feel

Melbourne digital artist Kimmy Hogan is back with a limited edition collection that explores a new colour palette but sticks to her trademark botanical motifs. As usual, it’s a beauty! “I wanted to break away from my formal style in favour of something more abstract and free-flowing,” says Kimmy of the range that was conjured up while she was on maternity leave last year.

Kimmy Hogan portrait
Kimmy with ‘Wander,’ a piece from her latest collection

“I’d describe the collection as one of flowing botanicals mixed with rolling, soft shapes and tones. I had a year off after the birth of my third baby and had the freedom to just play with ideas without any time pressures or expectations. The result has been a collection that encapsulates that feeling of being free to drift away and explore,” says Kimmy.

Kimmy Hogan 'Sway'

Less literal than previous collections, the new collection is comprised of four pieces – Sway, Drift, Blush and Wander. “This range was hugely experimental for me. The goal really was to just play and see what happened. The rambling shapes, colours and lines then became just as much of a feature as the botanical elements and I love this more abstract direction for my art.”

As for the colours, all of the tones are on high rotation in Kimmy’s world at present. “Cream, blush, coral and pops of navy with my signature lush greens – they’re all my favourite colours at the moment! The whole collection was very much inspired by this palette.”

Kimmy Hogan 'Blush'

And for the first time, Kimmy will be offering the option of printing on canvas. “I really feel this collection lends itself to canvas as it looks very painterly and the palette is perfect for it. And I also love that you can frame it without glass so you get the full impact of all those beautiful colours on your wall. The square format is also new for me – I love that it’s a shape that will work in big, small or tricky spaces.”

Kimmy Hogan 'Drift'

‘Drift’With three little boys, and no family living locally, keeping Kimmy’s art career alive is no doubt a juggle! “It is complete insanity but I am blessed to have an amazing assistant Rose, who is a superstar and beautiful friend, and the Greenhouse Interiors crew have been hugely supportive and patient with me too. And I also have to mention my mum and mother-in-law who are ready to jump on a plane to help at any time!”

She adds: “Just running the household is enough to keep me busy but I also like keeping my head around everything happening in the business. It’s hardly ‘work’ though as it’s an absolute pleasure to step into my studio – when I get the chance! I always count myself lucky to have turned my passion into a business and to have the freedom to be the mummy I want to be.”

Photography: Armelle Habib | Styling: Julia Green for Greenhouse Interiors assisted by Aisha Chaudhry, Jessica Retallack and Janneke Coyle.

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By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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