Art Bedrooms Homewares Renting

Make a statement with stick-on, removable, stylish headboards

Headboards have never been so popular and Lauren Esplin is offering something truly unique with her new offering, NOD.

Lauren Esplin, founder of Nod
Lauren Esplin, founder of Nod

The new patented design headboards are ideal for ensemble beds and feature fresh colours and patterns, adding another dimension to traditional bed dressing. Founder Lauren said it was her husband, together with her desire for a fresh bedroom look, that ultimately inspired her new range of decorative modular headboards, all handmade and painted to order in Sydney’s Manly.

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“I had a chunky upholstered headboard that sat on the floor behind our ensemble bed. I recently felt it no longer reflected my taste or suited our new bedroom linens,” she said. “I also found it collected a lot of dust. My husband suffers from asthma and was constantly sneezing and snoring despite frequent cleaning. To find a creative solution to our problem, I decided to combine furniture design with my passion for art.”

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The headboards, which are made from lightweight eco-balsa tiles, stick directly to the wall. “Not only do the headboards stick directly to the wall without penetrating it, but their lightweight nature ensures they collect little to no dust,” she said. “Better yet, they can be easily removed and replaced as your linen and design preferences change.” Perfect for renters, they won’t damage walls if removed carefully and can be used again in another room or home.

Lauren brought together a number of Australian designers for this photoshoot, featuring the products and designs of Kip & Co, Olli Ella, Milkcart, Bramwell Designs, Major Minor, One Two Tree and Staple & Seed. “I wanted to connect with and showcase the work of some of my favourite local designers. There is a lot of talent in Australia, and with our weak dollar pushing up the price of exports, there really has been no better time to buy locally,” she said.

NOD Headboards are available in all sizes to suit Australian-standard ensembles. The range includes designs for kids and adults, with prices starting from $159.

Shop online.

Styling by Lauren Esplin, photography by David Collins.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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