Appliances Kitchens

Making roasted beetroot dip with the Kitchenaid Artisan Food Chopper

Here at Appliance Addict we like to put the latest gadgets to the test by actually using them when we get the chance. Luckily, Kitchenaid sent us a lovely dip recipe to give a go with their new Artisan Food Chopper, so I gave it a whirl and it was so delicious I thought I’d share it with you.

beetroot dip closeup

I’m happy to report that the chopper was a breeze to use, and everything about it impressed me, especially for something that costs less than $100. Here’s the recipe if you’d like to have a go yourself, with this, or a similar appliance, at home.

Roasted beetroot, cashew and coriander pesto


1 x medium (130gm) unpeeled beetroot, cut into wedges

1 tbsp olive oil

Salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper

100gm piece of parmesan, roughly but into large cubes

1 cup (175gm) salted cashews

Half bunch washed coriander, leaves and stems, roughly chopped

4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil


1. Preheat the oven to 180c. Line a small baking dish with a sheet of baking paper.

2. Arrange the beetroot in the baking dish, drizzle with oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast for 30 minutes or until just tender.

3. Attach the work bowl to the mini chopper and insert the multipurpose blade.

4. Add the parmesan to the bowl. Cover with the lid. Select speed 2 and pulse chop for 20 seconds or until cheese is chopped. Remove cheese from bowl and set aside.

5. Add the roasted beetroot, cashews and coriander to the bowl, pushing it in (the bowl will be very full). Cover and pulse chop on speed 1 for about 4-5 seconds.

6. Add the parmesan and extra virgin oil to the bowl and pulse chop on speed 1 for about 4 seconds or until the desired consistency.

7. Serve with vegetable pieces and crusty bread (or, in our case, naughty tortilla chips, because Damian heard what I was making and said you can’t possibly have dip without them!  Men!)

beetroot dip in progress


The chopper performed very well. Even when absolutely PACKED to the brim with ingredients, it didn’t falter or make any of those worrying noises, and the chopping was consistent. It’s really simple to use with just 2 speed settings, easy to assemble and dissemble and can all go in the dishwasher after use (thank goodness!). It made easy work of the cheese so I can’t wait to use it again for that, or for breadcrumbs. It’s so compact, it could easily have a permanent home on my bench top, and I love how the almond cream colour matches nicely with my De’Longhi Icona Vintage kettle, toaster and coffee machine.

The recipe was delicious but this is a very rich dip. I think I’d alter the recipe and either halve the cheese and cashews or just use the cashews (you need the texture but that’s a lot of fat!), letting the fresh beetroot and coriander tastes shine through a little more, for a cleaner taste. That said, if you like a rich dip with lots of texture, you’ll love this one! I loved using the whole beetroot, skin and all, and now I’m full of healthy dip ideas to try like homemade hoummus or spiced pumpkin dip. And of course I’ll have to give traditional basil pesto a whirl too (can you believe I’ve never made my own? Yes, you probably can! Ha!).

What else can you do with it?

Make baby food or soup bases, cookie or bread crumbs, puree fruit and vegetables, chop nuts, garlic and herbs, grind raw meat.

Do you have a favourite easy dip recipe to share with us? We always like to hear from you with your favourite recipes for your go-to kitchen appliances!

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.