The Block

Matt from The Block launches polished concrete business Sky High Renders

In a smart move after the popularity of their polished concrete feature walls on The Block Sky High, Matt from Matt and Kim, has launched a new business.

sky high renders matt and kim the block

He wants to make polished concrete finishes both contemporary and affordable. He said: “Until now, renders such as Cement Glassface and Venetian Plaster have been exclusive to the high end market only. There is no logical reason for this. A feature wall in polished render can often be cheaper than wallpaper, tiles or timber clad. The results are more spectacular, more modern, and more durable.”

Kim & Matt

The look was popular in their kitchen and dining space (above) on The Block Sky High.

Good luck, guys! Love your work!

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Visit the website.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

3 replies on “Matt from The Block launches polished concrete business Sky High Renders”

Hi there, excuse my ignorance please but are these guys Sydney or Melbourne based? I couldn’t tell by looking at the website. Thanks!

Hi Laura. I remember reading on their website that heir services were available lots of places. Best to contact them via their site or Facebook page to find out more 🙂

On The Block page on the website down the bottom it actually says Melbourne Based, Australia Wide. Just thought I would give you a heads up.

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