Art Interviews The Block

Meet teacher turned abstract artist Celeste Wrona

A former high school teacher, it took the birth of her first child for Sydney-based artist Celeste Wrona to really pursue her artistic aspirations. “Five years ago my first son Hugo was born, which meant stepping away from teaching to raise him. Living on very little sleep and with my new-found motherhood ‘superpowers,’ I decided it was time to start creating my own body of work and establish my career as an independent artist. Making this transition was challenging, not something every new mum might consider – in its own way symbolising my transition from the classical art tradition that formed my skills to the abstract beauty which is motherhood,” says Celeste.

Celeste Wrona's 'Bougainvillea Dreaming III'
‘Bougainvillea Dreaming III’

It’s a gamble that has paid off though given Celeste’s art career has really taken flight over the last four years. Her work has featured in major magazines, newspapers, blogs, galleries, art shows, retail stores and on television shows The Block and House Rules. You may have spotted her artwork in Bianca and Carla’s hallway on The Block last weekend.

Image via The Block Shop


“I’ve always believed that hard work pays off yet even I am amazed how in only four short years my art career has gone from strength to strength,” says Celeste.

'Ghostly Gum'
‘Ghostly Gum’

“My work has been awarded for excellence in national and international art exhibitions, sought out for numerous bespoke commercial and residential fit outs across Australia. I’ve been commissioned for large scale installations like a three-storey custom artwork I created within a glass elevator shaft, and I continually collaborate with leading home builders and designers to display my art in display homes across Sydney,” says Celeste who juggles all of this with two young sons in tow. “Some days are chaos, as any parent would know, but I suppose that’s all part of the fun!” says Celeste.

Celeste's work featured in Chris and Kim's master bedroom on The Block
Celeste’s work featured in Chris and Kim’s master bedroom on The Block
Celeste with Chris and Kim
Celeste with Kim and Chris

A formally trained artist, Celeste graduated from The University of New South Wales’ College of Fine Arts in 2004 where she majored in drawing. “Many people might not know this about my practice, but I actually majored in drawing, following quite traditional techniques. My practice has evolved quite distinctly since then but I still really love the delicate lines and expression of drawing, which subtly features in my new collection,” says Celeste who uses ink, acrylic paint and mixed media to create her works.

Celeste's elevator shaft art installation
Celeste with her elevator shaft art installation

“I would describe my work as an imagination’s playground! Curious, reflective and nostalgic. Full of colour, rich in textures and with a deep appreciation of organic form and tranquil line. Mostly abstract in nature, my works often reflect the beauty of nature,” says Celeste.

'Exhale VIII'
‘Exhale VIII’

“My artworks are often an abstract reflection and representation of the world around me, almost a celebration of life as it unfolds and the environment in which we live. I’m always drawn back to the raw beauty and complexity of nature and I find all the little subtle textures, colours and forms I come across have a profound impact on work. My artmaking is sometimes planned but often intuitive, a mindful sanctuary that facilitates a deeper level of personal awareness,” says Celeste.

Celeste at work
Celeste at work on her latest collection

Celeste’s latest collection ‘Awaken’ will launch this November. “It incorporates my signature ink paintings with mixed media collage, to create beautifully arranged organic forms and ethereal line work, quite reminiscent of mountains or seascapes. Expect to see muted palettes of dusty pinks and sage contrasted with deep, punchy hues of moody blues, mustards and burgundy.”

Part of the 'Awaken' collection
One of the pieces from the ‘Awaken’ collection


For more on Celeste

Buy Celeste’s work online via The Block Shop

How to commission an artwork

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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