Interiors Addict

Mr Jason Grant’s third paint collection for Murobond

Sydney super stylist Mr Jason Grant has created a third colour collection, Gray Scale Garden, for Murobond. It’s available to buy from tomorrow but I’m excited to share a sneaky peek with you here.

I asked MJG a few questions about the latest range and his love of paint…

Gray Scale Garden: why the name? It seemed fitting as the collection started with shades of grey and I do love nature. My starting point was old world. Currently I’m really into all things from the Victorian era. Everything has to have a story, it helps me with the creative process.

How would you describe this collection? How does it differ from the last one? The third collection is moodier and perhaps more sophisticated
. Perhaps I’m exploring my darker side of colour.

What inspired it? I wanted the collection to feel like a change in season. I wanted a more winter feel but of course with a few pops of colour.

I love grey. I was once told in a colour workshop that grey is a great complement to every colour. Do you agree? Grey is friends with everyone. It’s a fantastic shade and definitely one of my favorites.

Why do you love to paint? Painting is just a simple way of transforming a wall, a room or a piece of furniture. Paint and colour create feelings and moods. It’s about how something looks and how in turn that makes you feel.

What else are you working on at the moment? Something very exciting. I will let you know soon…


Jason talks more about the collection in the current issue of House & Garden magazine. Read my interview with him from last year here and visit his blog here.

These beautiful images are by photographer Lauren Bamford. Murobond paints can be bought online.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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