Interiors Addict

New Inside Out mag hits news stands tomorrow

The new look Inside Out magazine hits news stands tomorrow and here’s my sneak peek copy. On first glance, the new design is modern and fresh. Glad to see they kept the iconic masthead but introduced a glossy cover with nice new fonts.

So what’s new?

  • a dedicated renovation section (and judging by the number of people who watch The Block, I’d say that’ll be popular!)
  • a bumper shopping and news section
  • a brand new entertaining and food section

It’s definitely more Real Living than Belle and I get the feeling they’re trying to appear less design-snobby and more accessible. The only thing missing is a mention of Interiors Addict in the must-read blogs section! 😉

It’s new editor Claire Bradley’s second issue and it will no doubt take a bit of time to get more of an idea of the new look and feel. Love to hear what you think when you pick up a copy.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

5 replies on “New Inside Out mag hits news stands tomorrow”

Hi Jen, When I looked at the cover I was excited as it looked fresh and inviting, however, I do agree with you and it is more Real Living than Belle! And dont get me wrong I also love Real Living but that’s another magazine with its own look. I’ve read Inside Out since the first issue and the reason I love/d? Inside Out was that it was different to the other magazines and it had a point of difference – not as flashy as Belle and Vogue Living but it had a mixture of high end interiors/houses to ones that were achieveable for real people. To tell you the truth I just flicked through it and gave it to my sister the same day – which never happens! I subscribed, before this issue for another 2 years so I hope it doesn’t get too choppy with too many features. I suppose I should really write to the editor….Many thanks, Mary Anne

Hi Jen

I’m about to write to Inside Out’s new editor but thought I would warm up here.

I am very disappointed to have lost the magazine I have come to love over the years. NewsLifeMedia has ditched something unique for something extremely ho-hum. What a waste of all the years of creativity that gave Inside Out, as Mary Anne pointed out, a point of difference – a magazine with heart. Now it’s all DIY and how-to ideas. Why reinvent the wheel? So many magazines already have that corner of the market covered.

I’m with Mary Anne- I’ll be palming the Nov-Dec issue off to the first person I can think of who might enjoy it. I will also be hoarding all my back issues, because as far as I can tell, InsideOut Magazine is no longer and a ‘Real Living’ Clone has stepped into its place.

I haven’t yet seen the new look so I can’t comment on that. I’ve been reading the magazine more or less continuously since its inception and I used to really love it, but just over a year ago it seemed to move from being reasonably eclectic and quirky to having a full-on, all-else-excluding love affair with everything mid-century. That’s when it lost my attention. We rented out our house to them for a photo shoot a while back and I got a year’s subscription as part of the low fee. Otherwise I think it and I might have parted company some time back. I still don’t love it, but there have at least been a few interesting issues in the last year. I’m looking forward to taking a look at the magazine under new editorship.

I have 100 issues of InsideOut mag tucked away safely in my home. I think that’s where my collection might end, as I am truly disappointed with the ‘new look’. I had the exact same thought as you – that InsideOut’s ‘new look’ is just Real Living’s current one. I wonder if it was the editorial change driving the ‘new look’ or marketing? Whatever, I’m certainly not interested in buying it anymore if this is how it’s going to be from now on. I feel like we just broke up, Inside Out, and guess what, it’s not me, it’s you.

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