Smart Home

New technology allows you to virtually style your home

When it comes to interior design and styling decisions, many of us struggle to take the plunge simply because we can’t visualise how a space might look.

But all that is about to change with the launch of Cimagine, a new augmented reality platform that allows you to visualise new furniture and decor products in 3D in your very own home.

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“We are excited to bring Cimagine to Australia as the product is a pioneer. Shoppers can see how a new piece of furniture will look around their house, saving them the heartache of buying the wrong size or colour,” says Nati Harpaz, Director of Octomedia, the brand’s Australian distribution company.

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Used overseas by retailers such John Lewis, April & Oak is the first Australian brand to embrace the technology – they’ve started by implementing it on over 100 products in their latest catalogue. Using an iPhone, iPad or other mobile, users simply select the product they’re interested in online, scan their room at home and position it in there.

“The user can see the item in its intended surroundings thus making it much easier to buy online products that, in the past, customers felt they had to see in-store,” says Nati.

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See the technology in action here  and click here for more.

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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