Interiors Addict

New TV show will pay to renovate your home

A new show on one of the major networks (which I can’t tell you or I’d have to kill you) is looking for people who own their home but don’t have the cash to renovate it and need a helping hand.

“We’re looking for people who own a home that’s in dire need of renovation (essentially a renovator’s delight) who also have the desire to roll their sleeves up and do the renovating themselves,” said a spokesperson. “If they get selected for the show, we’ll cover the renovation costs and there’s a big cash prize up for grabs. We’re not looking for experts – just vibrant personalities with a little know-how and a strong idea on how they want their dream home.”

What’s not to like?!

They are looking for people who:

  • Own and live in a house in need of entire renovation
  • Are at least 18 years of age
  • Are full of energy and keen to renovate
  • Have a close relative or friend to team up with and help with the renovation
  • Have some building, renovating or design experience
  • Can be available for a filming period of up to 14 weeks.

You can apply for the show online at

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

30 replies on “New TV show will pay to renovate your home”

Oh my gosh. If this is the new premise for The Block I hope they bring it to NZ! I also hope they air this show in NZ because I am so keen to watch.

I have the best idea for a great reno job for you plus I really need someone to the job for free!!! I am the new, keen and eager librarian at a public school in a small NSW town famous for a horrific murder, Aberdeen. My library is falling down around me (exaggeration) and the NSW Dept of Education dont have the money to spend to fix it up, not even a new paint job. Recently one side of the floor inside the building somehow developed a lean, so much so that the childrens pencils now roll of the desks! When inspectors came to look (I was quietly confident it would have to be fixed) they looked underneath and said there was nothing wrong and that the gap between the wall and floor (natural air conditioning) that had opened up so much that the skirting was cracking and lifting was “creating an illusion” that the floor was on a slope. The building is heritage listed and only the inside structures can be changed. I am keen to bring our library and students learning into the 21st Century but gosh it’s a difficult task when our building is in such a mess. Would you consider us for your show???

I have a waterfront property on the Central Coast of NSW and it has all the building approvals in place but due to separation and having also having some health issues I am not in the best financial position. My health is now good!

Hi Tracy. you’ll need to contact the TV production company, details in the post.

Hello, my name is Toula and we live in SA. We started building in October 2011. We have a half built house which we have moved into in oct 2012. My husband was diagnosed with severe depression and has not been able to do much, he is a plumber and most of the work has been done by him. He is amazing it what he can do there is hardly nothing that he cannot achieve. Our home is a two story home and we are iiving in the bottem level it has been tiled and painted we have a temporary kitchen, the upstairs is not finished and the outside is not finished. We would love the opportunity to be able to be assisted by you to finish this project with our modern designs that we have planned. We have two children and all we want is to be able to finish this. Its been
over a year and its getting to the stage all we want is to finish…..

Hi Jen,
I have a property in Townsville North Queensland which needs renovating. The recent competition is closed, can you tell me if there will be any in the near future??????.

hello my name is Amy Holmes i am currently 11 years. Old when i was 4 my dad left us i have 3 sisters and we have only had a mum all our life. we have not had so many oppitunites in life we have moved 7 times and have finally settled down in a wonderful house . i would love to give this oppatuinte to my mum so can you please help i would love you to send me an email and info so if any one can please please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉

Dear Jen Bishop…. I looked up on the internet to ask for help…. Please help us….Incomplete desperation i have come to my wits end….. We need Help with our home ..Fred and i have been trying to renovate our home for thirteen years… With a pattern of Continuous Bad luck our home has brought me the Deterioration of my Marriage . The fighting The Stress….my Children wont bring our grand children to the home…As i write this to you i am in tears… We bought this home in Beechmont. Qld 13 years Ago we thought we could Renovate it ..we Started doing several renovations with our kids help soon they ran away.. 3. Storms and Terrentual Rain ruined our renovations .. The house moulded … The kitchen moulded…. We lost stored furniture… And then i lost my Father to cancer and Fred and i lost our jobs helping to look after him at home with a mother with Parkinson”s. If anyone is out there please help us get help .. I have not had a proper laundry.. my washer that was new is rusting its outside in a storage shed i live in the mountains. If you were to come and see and look, you would see how hard we have tried on our own..It is so beautiful here and this house just needs some expertise and finishing ideas… I don’t know how to contact the post or your directors direct …We are a proud Couple but sometimes in life pride sets aside and you need to ask…..This is not a Violin Story this is the Story of 2 working Australians having it Hard. I do not have the living neceseties of a sofa. after 10 years finally had centrelink help to have tv satellite installed. With Sincere Emotions i ask for help…… Vera

Dear Jen….. this is Vera…. i apologize for the incorrect spelling and Puncuation of my log above, but the tears got the better of me. And to your reader’s…Vera

dear jen please help me……. my parents home needs as massive renovation! everything about our house needs it!!!! please tell me how to contact or email anyone who can help us from house rules or where can I apply Im happy to show pictures and videos to show how bad it is?! im desperate I really want house renovated, can you help me?

We have an architecture designed, owner built steel frame home on 32 hectares with a fantastic panoramic views over one of Australia’s most beautiful valleys, Kangaroo Valley, two hours south of Sydney. The house has been for sale for 12 months, but we are finding it needs to be updated to bring it up to the standard of today’s discerning buyers. The kitchen needs renewing, internal walls, wooden windows and wooden architraves need to be repainted and the laundry tiled floor, bathroom tiled floor, basins and vanity updated. I’m not sure how much rennovating you need for this program but with the right input this home could truly turn into something very special.

We have both lost full time jobs, both been through divorces and have run a small B&B business for 14 years but do not generate enough income to rennovate our home to make it more saleable. Can this program help?

Hi. Would you be able to help us we need a full house renovation. brick veneer built in 1979 one bathroom one toilet and three bedroom. Really hope you can help us out thank you heaps. Would be much appreciated.

Hi I am a busy mum of two kids have just brought my first home in nsw me and my partner have been busy pulling down walls and having all the best intentions things are not going our way we have jst found termites and we are struggling with money and are in desperate need of help! There are gaps everywhere insects get in every nite this home has a lot of potential and would be amazing all done up its next to a lake me and my partner are very hard workers and would love the opportunity to be part of your show

Hi Jen, well on 12/12/12 on my very own I purchased my very 1st property & yes it’s a renovators delight with potential PLUS!!!! Im in Melbourne & have an amazing view of the northern suburbs & airport.. Since I’ve been here I’ve cleared the front n back gardens (was a jungle lol) patched, sanded, painted all rooms, tiled & much much more!! Working full time & trying to do all this at the same time gets a lil tough on my own, as well as the funds to get more done is also an issue.. I have an imagination that runs wild with big ideas & plans for my humble lil abode & would love it, if I was given the opportunity to make my dreams/visions come to life!!! I’m a single girl who has no problem with hard work, I love getting into it n getting my hands dirty & will give anythin a go!! So I definately hope u consider me & my lil pad to be a part of your show :-)))

Hi! It’s Saba & Chris we just purchased a 30 square two story house in Melbourne victory. It was built 20years a go as a display office for the estate with many Windows out door water futures and two massive dabble doors on either sides of the house. First floor 2bedrooms and the usual seatingroom\familyroom/bathroom and the stuff room that we call kitchen second floor a massive 16+ square room with bathroom it was a rental before we bought it unkempt needs alot of work 🙁 family & friends often complain how could it feels and points out how we can make it feel homei it’s been 4 months now some rooms we pulled out the carpet and left it study room used as storage it really douse feel could with missing elements and much more as we have little to spend on renovation. It really douse have a lot of potential it wouldn’t let you down in fact it’s perfect for a tv show ;-)HELP US PLEASESEEEE!! How to make this office feel like a worm family home that we dream off………..Saba & Chris

Hi my name is Sunday, I have four children under 11 have had a mortgage for last 5years and all we have afforded to do is pull the old carpet off,the house is over 50years old and needs a total renovation I don’t have any experience but my husband and I are willing to pour our sweat into.

Hi my name is anon 🙂
We’ve had to downsize due to a business going well not so great,through no fault of our own.
So we have a tiny home now and I’d love a family living room,so my daughter can have her play/ study room/ when friends come over room.
I feel for my child but unfortunately there’s nothing financially we can do….

Good Morning Jen, Hi Danielle here, Just logged in to the site as I Googled ” please help reno our home ” as you do 🙂 lol. I saw your last message saying this is an old post – Is there any contacts you would be able to forward me regarding any Renovation help…… As we purchased an old house that had been previously moved to our site via the RTA. We are on 6 Acres which we use to utilize to Rescue Horses. The Aim was to Reno although getting the tradies here is crazy they just don’t show up for the job. I would love to get it all done in one hit due to my health issues which have slowed us down considerably…. ” yeap there’s always something hey ” Anyway I know it is late in the piece but I thought hey why not it is so worth asking. So Cheers if you can point me in the right direction I would be so grateful. Thank Heaps Jen. x o

Hi Again Jen, Love the concept of house rules but unfortunately I get around with the use of a walking frame – so I would just get in the way although I use my frame as a trolley most of the time so it could well be an asset 🙂 well I see it as that rather than an obstical. Oh the load I can carry on that it is better than a furniture trolley 🙂 Thanks though for your thoughts and Idea. Health wise I just wouldn’t have the stamina – gosh I love that show though and the concept of what can be done when everyone pulls together. Awesome. Cheers Jen and Thank you, Kind Regards Danielle 🙂

I don’t know if anyone can help but , but my son and his fiancé are getting married in September he is a butcher and Emma was working but now has decided to stay home for a bit with the kids as lane 4 is in prep and amber is 3 . pair have been together since Justin was 18 and Emma was 16 , they have both worked hard and have bought there first home which is a VERY small 2 bedroom cottage more then a house . and with 2 kids there is not much room they had a feller in to do up the bathroom but after 12 mths it is still not finished and there poor little house could really use a face life . These two young people have been through so much there beautiful daughter Amber was born with a cleft lip and pellet and has had to have lots of medical care operations and still has to have more this alone is a strain but they have decided to finally get married and with the wedding only 3 weeks away we now find out Emma’s farther has terminal cancer and have only given him a couple of months to live .:( how much dos this couple have to go through . So I am looking for some Help for my wonderful son and daughter in-law to make there little cottage a home I think they deserve a break and need help . I Hope someone can help it will be a great help .Thanks Leanne

Hi Leanne. This is a very old post but feel free to contact the production comapny via their details in the post, not this blog, as I’m afraid I cannot help. I’m very sorry to hear of this sad story and wish you and your family all the best. Jen

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