Design Designers Interviews

Online study key for this interior designer & young mum

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When Melbourne’s Kiera Sehmish became a little jaded with the fashion industry, after working for many years as a fashion designer, she felt a career change was afoot. “I worked for local apparel companies in Geelong and Torquay but I was exhausted by the fashion industry and found that when I was travelling I was more drawn to interiors. I needed a change – I wanted to do something that was still creative but different to fashion,” says Kiera who, after some rumination, enrolled in an online iscd course.

Kiera Sehmish mood board
One of Kiera’s concept boards

“My husband is an electrician, so is in the building industry. I went and meet with architects and designers when he was on site, just to get a feel for the industry,” says Kiera who looked at many interior design study options before choosing the online study option with iscd as it fit neatly around her family.

Kiera Sehmish
Kiera Sehmish

“I have a four year old who was two at the time so flexibility was key. If I hadn’t been able to study online I would have had to put my son into full-time daycare which would have been too expensive,” says Kiera who studied over two years while working part-time in fashion design too. “I had my son in childcare two days so I did two days of study, one day of fashion freelance work and one day at home,” says Kiera of the juggle.

Kiera Sehmish living room concept
A living room concept by Kiera

“My online study experience was fantastic. Everything was broken down by study period and subject and there were discussion boards that allowed me to seek feedback from teachers and fellow online students. I found the personalised feedback so helpful and invaluable in preparing me for the industry,” says Kiera.

“I also liked how I could chat online with people ahead or behind me in the curriculum. I was inspired by students ahead of me and enjoyed helping those coming through after. It felt like a positive platform to showcase my work and get feedback too,” says Kiera of the iscd online community.

One of Kiera's completed kitchens
One of Kiera’s completed kitchens

The designer subsequently started her own business, before graduation. “I completed a small project for a library and a student services building for a private girls school while studying and I have two residential projects in progress at the moment,” says Kiera who recently welcomed another baby and is enjoying being able to schedule work around her family commitments. “I’m taking until Christmas off and then I will get back to meeting clients and wrapping those two projects up,” says Kiera.

Kiera's recently completed library project
Kiera’s recently completed library project

With the next iscd student intake slated for November 21, perhaps now is the time for you to set your interior design career aspirations in motion like Kiera. For more information.

*The iscd courses are delivered on behalf of Academy of Information Technology ABN 35 094 133 641; RTO 90511; CRICOS 02155J; iscd RTO91439.

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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