
Five Tips To Prep Your Kitchen For Potential Buyers

Written by Jamey Colbert, Managing Director, ILVE

Would you buy your current kitchen? It’s an important question to ask when preparing your house for renovation or for sale. If you aren’t especially impressed by your kitchen, how can you expect anyone else to be? Today we’ve got 5 tips to help you prep your kitchen for potential buyers from Jamey Colbert, Managing Director, ILVE.

Five Tips To Prep Your Kitchen For Potential BuyersImage source:

Five Tips To Prep Your Kitchen For Potential Buyers

1. Increase your space – When you’re preparing to sell, remove the clutter from your kitchen. Evaluate what you need and what you can live without (for four weeks, anyway). Minimalism and clean, open spaces are often on-trend, so the bigger and barer your kitchen looks, the more attractive it will appear on first impression. Plus, a less busy kitchen allows potential buyers to better visualise what is possible within the space.

2. Clever solutions – Make an extra effort to be creative with your space. You wouldn’t show up poorly dressed to a job interview, so why would you show your kitchen to interested parties without first adding some panache to it? If your kitchen is small, for instance, there are many smart and stylish storage solutions available e.g. an étagère or woven boxes with cardboard tags attached. If you’re lucky enough to have a large kitchen space, a butler’s pantry is a very good way to utilise and showcase the room’s practicality.

Five Tips To Prep Your Kitchen For Potential BuyersImage source – Inside Out

3. Layout – Yes, enjoying your kitchen is certainly important, but it’s also a place where some serious work gets done! Thus, your kitchen’s layout is of the utmost importance. Before an open house ensure the space ticks the boxes of both form and function – it is, first and foremost, a food prep and cooking area, after all!

4. Appliances – A lot of the time, people will skimp out on appliances and use the ‘she’ll be right’ mentality. The quality of your appliances can very well make or break your kitchen! When you decide to sell, quality brands will always show people you take pride in your home. Luxury and high-end appliances will age better, too, so they really are worth the investment.

Five Tips To Prep Your Kitchen For Potential BuyersImage source –

5. Durability and Quality – The kitchen is possibly the most used and abused room in the home. It’s the one space the whole family will frequently meet and, as a result, it requires good quality finishes, fittings, and fixtures. When preparing for an open house it goes without saying it’s worth having a deep clean of the kitchen including fixing any issues with creaking cupboards or water stained surfaces.

By Naomi Foxall

Naomi Foxall is a freelance writer, content and social media manager, living on the NSW South Coast.

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