
5 ways to prepare your home for Autumn and Winter

We all know how important it is to prepare our homes for the summer months, especially if we live in areas prone to bush fire, but what about as the weather cools down? We might not think much about it but even in the temperate climate in most of Australia, there are still ways we should be preparing for the cooler months, especially if we want to minimise heating costs and stay cosy and warm all winter long.

prepare your home for Autumn and WinterImage source: Heatmaster

5 ways to prepare your home for Autumn and Winter

1. Assess your heating – There’s a good chance you haven’t used your heater, be it electric, gas, reverse cycle or wood fired since last winter meaning that it’s in need of a full inspection and possibly a service. Manufacturers typically recommend that gas appliances be serviced every one to two years with Elgas recommending that a ‘tune up’ just before heating season is ideal, while air conditioners should have their filters checked a couple of times a year, more if using very regularly. Wood burning fires should be checked each season and serviced every one to two years to ensure that parts remain intact and the flue stays clean and clear. Even your basic electric heater should be closely inspected to make sure that all parts and connections are clean and in working oder.

2. Consider your windows – Been meaning to install curtains or blinds in parts of the house? Now is the time to do it. Up to 40% of the heat generated by your chosen heating system will escape out of uncovered windows and doors meaning an increase in heating costs. Ensuring that your windows are covered by well fitted blinds or curtains helps keep the heat in meaning you’ll need to use your heater less.

3. Check your gutters – While it’s important to keep your gutters clear in summer, it’s just as crucial in winter, especially if you live in an area prone to heavy rain and flooding. Autumn usually brings plenty of leaf falls that can quickly clog up a gutter, leading to issue during a heavy downpour. While the weather is still good, give your gutters a good clean out or pay someone else to do it so you’re ready to roll during the wetter months.

4. Insulate now – Insulating your home can cut your heating costs by up to 30% making it a sound, long term investment. If your home isn’t already insulated, now is the time to start looking into it. Even if you currently have insulation in place, it’s a good idea to make sure it’s still in place, especially if you’ve experienced bad weather which can blow insulation batts around making them less effective.

5. Snuggle up – The cooler months are the perfect time to switch up your interiors and embrace all things plush and warm. Adding snuggly throws to your couch, softening up your colour scheme with more autumnal shades and sorting out your lighting to ensure a warm ambience are all quick and easy ways to help your home feel more warm and inviting as the temperature drops. You can check out 4 of our favourite easy ways to add warmth here.

By Naomi Foxall

Naomi Foxall is a freelance writer, content and social media manager, living on the NSW South Coast.

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