
Refresh timber with Cabot’s’ new touch up pen

These days it seems everyone is crazy about the vintage look – some even batter away at new wooden furniture and flooring to create that coveted distressed effect. But if worn, vintage timber is not the look you’re going for, Cabot’s touch up pen is the easiest way to disguise unsightly scratches and dints.

CAB000_TouchUpPens“Unsightly chips and scratches on timber doors, floors and furniture can quickly detract from even the most beautiful home,” said Amelia Lutz, Cabot’s brand manager.

111The pen comes in five stains – Black, Walnut Brown, Golden Maple, Honey Oak and Jarrah Redgum – designed to closely resemble the colour of most timber finishes, and is suitable for use on all interior timber, including furniture, doors, flooring.

Cabot’s Touch Up Pen is available from stockists for $8.50 RRP.

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