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How To: Repurpose under-utilised areas in the backyard

Make the most of the backyard by transforming forgotten areas into useful spaces. Build a veggie garden in an unused corner, convert the soggy side of your home into a beautiful feature path or bring the family together by transforming a bland backyard with a lively fire pit. There are many simple and quick fixes that any homeowner can implement to turn a forgotten backyard area into a space worth spending time in.

“It’s a waste to leave side gardens and backyard corners sitting gathering weeds – you paid good money for your land and there are clever ways to ensure you use all of it,” says Adbri Masonry brand ambassador and expert landscaper, Jason Hodges. “Areas in the backyard that are under-utilised, eye sores or those that haven’t been maintained present the opportunity to create spaces that can be used for relaxing or entertaining with friends.”

Here Jason Hodges shares some top tips on how to transform under-utilised areas:

1. Side yard pathway – There is a shady side to every house. Typically these areas receive very little sunlight and are prone to dampness. This inhibits grass from growing and means the area can turn into a mud pit every time it rains. A feature stepping stone path will not only inject aesthetic appeal but it will also ensure muddy laundries are a thing of the past. This is a great project for DIY’ers and I recommend using large format pavers to get the designer look. For added ‘wow’ factor, lay the pavers offset in a stretcher bond pattern and fill the voids with decorative stones or greenery.

How To: Repurpose under-utilised areas in the backyardImage source: Houzz

2. Fire Pit – Backyard fire pits are a great way to bring family and friends together to keep warm during the colder months. Once built, fire pits serve as an immediate feature and gathering point for your entertaining evenings. For year round functionality, use dry stack blocks like AB Courtyard which are not glued together meaning they are mobile and can be easily constructed and deconstructed as the season calls for. Or when the weather heats up, fill your fire pit with soil and start a veggie garden. These projects are so versatile.

How To: Repurpose under-utilised areas in the backyardImage source: HGTV

3. Herb and vegetable gardens – Outdoor spaces often have large walls or lengths of the boundary fence that are barren and in desperate need of revitalising. Raised garden beds in front of a fence or in the corner of a yard will create dimension and can be achieved using retaining wall blocks like Natural Impressions. Vertical gardens are also a great way to cover up large wall areas and living green walls are a trend that’s here to stay.

How To: Repurpose under-utilised areas in the backyardImage source: Nifty Homestead

4. Water Feature – Water features are a simple way to make the most of an under-utilised area. There are so many different designs and options that are perfect for small or large gardens areas so pick a style that compliments your garden. Water features add movement and a calming sound to your yard, and are the perfect finish to your outdoor retreat. Ponds are a low maintenance feature that can serve as a natural decoration and blend in nicely with garden foliage. For a smaller space opt for a bird bath, small classic fountain or a serene Asian inspired water feature. The options are endless.

How To: Repurpose under-utilised areas in the backyardImage source: Country Living

For more information on backyard DIY projects, visit

By Naomi Foxall

Naomi Foxall is a freelance writer, content and social media manager, living on the NSW South Coast.

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