Designers Interviews RENO ADDICT The Block

Shannon Vos on life since winning The Block with Simon

To say 2014 was a whirlwind year for brothers Shannon and Simon Vos would be a massive understatement. Not only did they win The Block Glasshouse, and pocket over $400,000 as a result, they got themselves a manager, started their own design and construction business and even did some modeling on the side!

shannon and simon interiors addict
Shannon (right) and Simon

“We’ve been absolutely flatstick since The Block,” explains Shannon. “I think I had three days off after the show and then got straight back into working as a painter. Then there was also the juggling of our Mitre 10 and Beaumont Tiles commitments and our appearances for Channel 9, whilst also being inundated with job requests for renovations.” First world problems, eh?

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One of their most exciting renovation projects is a training facility for boutique coffee company Pablo & Rusty’s. A multipurpose space near Sydney’s Castle Hill, the centre will double as a barista school and a retail space. Alongside this, the duo are also in the initial stages of conducting a full-scale renovation on a well-established pub in Coffs Harbour which, with three or four bars and a huge verandah, could be a 12-month project. “These are some really quirky, exciting and fun jobs,” says Shannon. “Simon and I worked really well together on The Block and we definitely want to keep that ball rolling as we form our own business.”

With Shannon having studied interior design for the last two years and Simon soon to have his builder’s license, the duo are keen to play to their strengths. “I’ll be more focused on design, and Simon on construction,” explains Shannon. “Of course we will throw ideas off each other and help each other where needed. But the dynamic we had on The Block worked, so we want to continue that.”

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With 2015 having only just begun, this year doesn’t look like it’ll be any quieter than the last, with talks of a TV show in the pipeline. “We’ve just shot a sizzle, which is like a 10-minute teaser, and are now at the stage of selling it to the networks. It would follow Simon and I working together and all the quirky stuff we get up to. We’ve been approached by a few companies to represent them, we’re flying all over Australia and we’ve done a few modeling shoots (which isn’t really work!), so the camera crew would follow us around doing all of that.”


And on the topic of TV, what do the boys think of the upcoming series, The Block Triple Threat? “It’s massive, there’s a lot going on, and I think it’ll be quite interesting having the old Blockheads versus the news ones,” says Shannon. “It’s a big leg up having done it before but I’ll tell you what, I’m very glad we’ve done ours and we’re finished! I wouldn’t want to do it again straight away.”

But would they ever do The Block again? “Definitely, but just not straight away. After the Glasshouse I needed some time off, I needed to go for a surf, I needed to lie on the beach! Simon and I both literally lost 10 kilos so it’s nice to eat a normal breakfast again, relax and just do nothing for a bit.”

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By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

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