Bathrooms RENO ADDICT The Block

Bathroom styles 2018: which is for me, how do I get it?

When it comes to bathroom renovations, many shy away from their dream and instead opt for safer, more subdued options due to being overwhelmed by choice.

But is playing it safe really the right renovating attitude? According to renovating duo and winners of The Block 2014, Simon and Shannon Vos, a conservative approach rarely pays off and can lead to “renovation remorse”.

“Bathrooms provide an opportunity to inject a fun dash of architecture into the home that is hard to achieve on the same level elsewhere,” says Simon. 

The first (and undoubtedly the hardest) step is to figure out your style. To help you navigate the Pinterest minefield of trends and tiles, Simon and Shannon shared with us their top four bathroom trends for winter 2018!

1. Traditional

“Dark to light colour palettes always work well within this style,” says Shannon.

The Beaumont Tiles ambassadors suggest picking a deep-toned timber look tile for the floor, paired with a clean, light-toned Carrara marble mosaic walls to draw the eye upwards while adding a touch of theatre to the overall project. Incorporating hints of brushed metallics through tapware and other fixtures is a fantastic way to add complexity to the space. For those who are daring, add a chandelier or oversized pendant light for a serious bathroom statement!

2. Coastal

“Opt for a light grain timber-look tile then couple with a monsoon shower for some wow factor that looks and sounds like rain,” says Simon. He suggests clean tapware in either silver or matt black, and don’t forget to include indoor plants and seascape artworks to bring the outdoors in. “To complete your coastal bathroom, add textural layers with raw cotton bathmats, fluffy cotton towels and natural fibre baskets,” adds Simon.

3. Modern

Clean monochromatic lines with hints of colour, is the best way to nail the modern-look bathroom. A large format tile with either a lot of movement or bold vein features is always a strong starting point. To create playful balance, Simon suggests installing a 3D tiled feature wall to draw the eyes upwards and out.

4. Scandinavian

“Keep styling modest by selecting a central feature in your area such as a freestanding bath tub, then add colour and layers to frame its focal point,” says Shannon. “Geometric tiles in either white, black or marble look-a-like are always a spot-on choice for Scandi bathrooms. Though for those who are daring, contrast the geometric tile with a fun coloured grout like blue, or forest green. Or opt for a strong metallic mosaic.”

Discover your perfect style by heading over to Beaumont Tiles and taking the “What’s my style” questionnaire

Photo credits: Reece

The Block

What do we do about Block spoilers?

It’s very rare I encounter criticism on the internet, which makes a me a lot luckier than many bloggers. But what does happen, and it winds me up a bit I must admit, is people complaining about seeing Block “spoilers” on our social media accounts.

Earlier this month, for example, we published an interview with last series’ Glasshouse winners Shannon and Simon Vos. It seemed nice timing with the new series about to start. What I hadn’t even considered, being that they won back in October, was that I would get a whole host of sad faces and “thanks for ruining it for me” comments on Instagram when I shared the interview. These were from our New Zealand readers who are, incredibly, still only part-way though The Block Glasshouse. Sigh.  Is it really reasonable for an Australian blog to be expected to be careful about revealing the winner of a show more than three months ago?

I totally get that it would be annoying to find out early, but the comments, the real despair, anger and sad faces which people articulate is a little over the top. It’s just a TV show!

But maybe I am being unreasonable? What do you think?

I cannot tell you quite how much our readers love the The Block and our traffic goes through the roof when it’s on (which is excellent news for us bloggers!). So we really want to bring the fans all the latest news, opinions, interviews and any exclusives we might get, as quickly as we can.

I’m really happy we have readers from NZ and all over the world, but I do think it’s a bit much to hold off for a quarter of a year to ever mention who won the episode while another country catches up? Seeing spoilers on social media is just part of life these days isn’t it? And if you really don’t want to know, it is probably wise to unfollow media outlets who write about TV shows relevant to their genre in real-time?

We get the same with those in different states who have to wait an hour or two to watch what we’re watching here in New South Wales and I have more sympathy for that. This is why we will always endeavour to bear all the Australian timezones in mind before posting about winners of room reveals or series. But again, if you really care about not finding out, just stay off Facebook for an hour or two? It’s what my husband does if (God forbid) he has to miss a Formula One race and wants to watch it later without already knowing what happened. Because I can’t promise the rest of the social media-using world will be as careful as we will. Why should they? If you don’t want to know, isn’t it your responsibility to avoid the place where everyone is likely to be talking about something?

Or maybe all our social shares of Block posts should carry a #SPOILERALERT? Would that help perhaps?

I did find this article on CNET which explains how you can avoid social media spoilers if you use Google Chrome. I haven’t tried it myself but it might be worth checking out.

I don’t really understand how people get their knickers in such a twist about TV shows anyway. The sheer venom I see posted by viewers (and directed towards contestants and judges) on The Block Facebook Page never fails to shock me. If you don’t like it, just change channel!

Like this guy, for example, who sent me a private message on Facebook last week:

Screen Shot 2015-01-29 at 3.05.43 PMUm, it’s not advertising (that’s paid for), it’s writing about what my readers are interested in and I can pretty much write about whatever I like, thanks very much!

Love to hear your views below but please, no sad faces?!

Designers Interviews RENO ADDICT The Block

Shannon Vos on life since winning The Block with Simon

To say 2014 was a whirlwind year for brothers Shannon and Simon Vos would be a massive understatement. Not only did they win The Block Glasshouse, and pocket over $400,000 as a result, they got themselves a manager, started their own design and construction business and even did some modeling on the side!

shannon and simon interiors addict
Shannon (right) and Simon

“We’ve been absolutely flatstick since The Block,” explains Shannon. “I think I had three days off after the show and then got straight back into working as a painter. Then there was also the juggling of our Mitre 10 and Beaumont Tiles commitments and our appearances for Channel 9, whilst also being inundated with job requests for renovations.” First world problems, eh?

shannon and simon interiors addict 1

One of their most exciting renovation projects is a training facility for boutique coffee company Pablo & Rusty’s. A multipurpose space near Sydney’s Castle Hill, the centre will double as a barista school and a retail space. Alongside this, the duo are also in the initial stages of conducting a full-scale renovation on a well-established pub in Coffs Harbour which, with three or four bars and a huge verandah, could be a 12-month project. “These are some really quirky, exciting and fun jobs,” says Shannon. “Simon and I worked really well together on The Block and we definitely want to keep that ball rolling as we form our own business.”

With Shannon having studied interior design for the last two years and Simon soon to have his builder’s license, the duo are keen to play to their strengths. “I’ll be more focused on design, and Simon on construction,” explains Shannon. “Of course we will throw ideas off each other and help each other where needed. But the dynamic we had on The Block worked, so we want to continue that.”

shannon and simon interiors addict 2

With 2015 having only just begun, this year doesn’t look like it’ll be any quieter than the last, with talks of a TV show in the pipeline. “We’ve just shot a sizzle, which is like a 10-minute teaser, and are now at the stage of selling it to the networks. It would follow Simon and I working together and all the quirky stuff we get up to. We’ve been approached by a few companies to represent them, we’re flying all over Australia and we’ve done a few modeling shoots (which isn’t really work!), so the camera crew would follow us around doing all of that.”


And on the topic of TV, what do the boys think of the upcoming series, The Block Triple Threat? “It’s massive, there’s a lot going on, and I think it’ll be quite interesting having the old Blockheads versus the news ones,” says Shannon. “It’s a big leg up having done it before but I’ll tell you what, I’m very glad we’ve done ours and we’re finished! I wouldn’t want to do it again straight away.”

But would they ever do The Block again? “Definitely, but just not straight away. After the Glasshouse I needed some time off, I needed to go for a surf, I needed to lie on the beach! Simon and I both literally lost 10 kilos so it’s nice to eat a normal breakfast again, relax and just do nothing for a bit.”

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The Block

What to expect from The Block 2015: Triple Threat?

We can’t wait for it to be back and, judging by how many of you read our Block roundups and how many new readers we acquire when it’s on, you do too! Love it or hate it, you tune in, right?! The Block is great for Interiors Addict and we can’t help getting hooked, even when we get a little over the challenges and the drama at times. You can’t beat those room reveals. Bring back Sunday nights and judging controversy, I say!

So, what do we know about the next series, coming early next year, so far? It’s in Melbourne again (boo!) and it’s called Triple Threat. That’s because the new couples will be up against three pairs of former contestants: Bec and George, Matt and Kim and Dee and Darren (can I get a pantomine-style boooooooooooo?!). The public’s reaction to the choice of former contestants making a comeback has been mixed to say the least, especially with Dee and her less then friendly comments (remember when she called Shaynna a bogan?!) fresh in viewers’ minds! But this is reality TV, let’s not forget that. If everyone got on swimmingly that would probably be very dull, despite everyone’s comments to the contrary. I’d put money on many of those I’ve seen commenting on The Block Facebook Page that they will be boycotting the show because of the Double Ds’ return will secretly be tuning in and getting their knickers in a twist!

We haven’t heard much from Matt and Kim recently, although they did appear on their own Domestic Blitz show, Matt and Kim to the Rescue recently and Matt tells me they have lots of exciting things in the pipeline this year. We’ll be sharing one of their most recent design projects on the blog later this week, in fact, so stay tuned! Bec of Bec and George launched her own blog  at the end of 2013 and the popular pair have been busy with their own renovations. Bec also recently announced a style consultant role for Nostra Homes. Of course, both these couples went head to head on The Block Sky High. As for Dee and Darren, they’ve barely had a chance to recharge their batteries since losing Glass House to lovable Shannon and Simon in October.

They’ve started introducing the new couples too. Ayden and Jess are parents of two and he’s a big Scotty fan.


Ebony and Luke are the first ever brother and sister sibling duo on The Block. About time really!


We’ll bring you more as and when we hear it! In other Block news, former contestants Dale and Sophie have had a baby boy called Van and judge Shaynna Blaze totally rocked it with a singing performance at Melbourne’s Carols by Candlelight, looking amazing.

Pic: Daily Mail
Pic: Daily Mail

Find all The Block latest here.

The Block

The most depressing Block auction of all time?!

Wow. That was an anticlimax!  What the hell happened?!

Photo: 9 News. Click through to source
Photo: 9 News. Click through to source

Before we go any further, let’s not take away from the awesome result for the winners, Shannon and Simon. Hoorah! If there was a prize for likeability this pair would have won it hands down, but they also did a fantastic job and deserved to do well. Their apartment went $335k over the reserve and they picked up an extra $100k for winning. Nice work, boys! and didn’t they scrub up well?!

Surprise runners up were Chris and Jenna, netting a $310k profit. After a tough few weeks and unfinished rooms, they did so well! Just shows, you really never do know what’s going to happen!

But after that, it all went seriously downhill. Max and Karstan, who also got married on last night’s show, walked away with a measly $40,000. But that seemed a lot compared to Dee and Darren (my pick for the winners) and Michael and Carlene, who only took home $10k each. Owch!

It really was a tale of two halves. Life changing amounts of money for two teams and major disappointment for the other three. Seriously difficult and depressing watching.

Let’s recap on the winning apartment by Shannon and Simon:


I personally cannot wait to hear what all the contestants have to say in their media interviews today!

It was announced at the end of the show that the next series will start soon, early next year. I’ve heard a few rumours on the grapevine but it wouldn’t be right to spoil any surprises just yet!

See all our Block coverage.


Bathrooms House Tours The Block

Dee and Darren knock $20k off their reserve with en suite

So, did you tune in to last night’s room reveals from the surprise sixth apartment? I did and I must say it just didn’t feel anywhere near as exciting as previous weeks. I guess the couples just aren’t going to be as invested in an apartment that isn’t ‘theirs’ but that said, the stakes were high. The results this week and next could make a huge difference to the final outcome.

In first place, winning $20k off their reserve, were Dee and Darren and I think they really deserved it for this en suite. Did you? Loved the tiles, the just the right amount of timber and the perfect (as ever) styling. I just wish Dee would stop making so many mean comments about everyone else!

Apt 6 R1 DD Ensuite EA 1

In second place, winning $15k off their reserve, were Max and Karstan with this bedroom. I couldn’t get all that excited about it if I’m honest but then I’m never that excited by the bedrooms. It’s not a room I put a lot of decorating effort into personally, preferring to keep things simple, uncluttered and calm. I save all my imagination for the living and dining areas but that’s just me!

The Block in Melbourne

In third place, winning $10k off their reserve despite not quite finishing the job, were Simon and Shannon with their bathroom. I think the judges had a really tough job this week as how can you really compare a bathroom with a bedroom?

The Block in Melbourne

Apt 6 R1 SS Bathroom EA 31

Then sadly, last and least, were Chris and Jenna and Michael and Carlene who got a big fat ZERO off their reserves. Ah well, there’s always next week guys!

Chris and Jenna’s bedroom:

Apt 6 R1 CJ Bedroom EA 56

Michael and Carlene’s bedroom:

Apt 6 R1 CM Bedroom EA _12

Shop the latest additions to The Block Shop!

Read all our Block coverage.

The Block

Kathryn’s look inside the finished Block Glasshouse

Last week, we sent our resident Blockhead Kathryn Bamford to look around the finished Block apartments. She was a little bit excited…

So I went into The Block on Thursday night and when I say went to The Block I mean got a full blown tour of all the finished apartments. Dreams can come true, right? I guess this is what little kids feel like at Disneyland and can I tell you it was everything I expected and more. The Block is situated on bustling High Street, Prahran. The neighbouring houses are cute double-storey terraces and mid rise new apartment complexes, which is rather different when compared to the monstrosity of The Block. Yet for an old eighties office conversion that is huge, it’s surprisingly not too overpowering from the street front and I have to say they have done a grand job of converting it.

We were greeted with delicious canapés and champagne of course, and ushered upstairs. It was a lot bigger than I expected on the inside and there’s even a common area complete with a lift that all the homes open onto (which we haven’t been privy to on TV yet). The contestants were all lovely and I think a little relieved it was nearly all over. They were all getting along so surely not too much drama will unfold for the rest of this season? The lovely Shelley Craft talked us through the proceedings of the night and we were sworn to secrecy with no photos banned inside the apartments (if only I could share the mental pictures I took). We were divided into five groups of around 10 people and ushered around the apartments.

First up for my group was Max and Karstan’s apartment. Holy moly this place is huge. It feels massive! The kitchen looks great and even has a TV in it which is a great idea and very family friendly. There are four ovens and a huge butler’s pantry which overlooks a massive courtyard. We were even lucky enough to see inside ‘the secret room’ which is at the top of a tight spiral staircase off the courtyard. Then it was off across the common area to Darren and Dee’s. Ok, so I’m actually in love with Darren and Dee’s apartment. It’s smaller than the others but boy, do I love it! Those herringbone floors are killer and are almost throughout the whole place. The kitchen is noticeably smaller than the other apartments and has a small butler’s pantry but it is still nice nonetheless. After seeing Dee’s styling in the flesh, it’s just as good as on the screen. I’ve decided that she should be crowned the texture queen of The Block! The  master bedroom feels huge and has a balcony overlooking the courtyard which both have great city views. Their apartment is definitely the most consistent of the bunch so despite being the smallest, I wouldn’t rule them out of potentially taking it out.

Next up it was onto the boys’ apartment. Shannon and Simon have done a fabulous job and I can assure you the kitchen is not a disaster, it’s actually really nice. I love the dark benchtops and textured wood grain cupboards they went with. I love the fact that you can stand at your stove top cooking whilst looking out of the massive window onto bustling High Street. All I can say for now is that the boys’ master room robe is as good if not better than it looks on the big screen. It feels more like a luxurious parents’ retreat than a bedroom. Wait until you see their master en suite. IT IS OUT OF CONTROL! I walked in and actually had to take a moment to take it all in. It’s so different to what you would have ever seen before and it really works.

Our fourth stop was at Michael and Carlene’s apartment. The kitchen didn’t wow me but it was still really nice. Their living/dining area is large yet still feels really family friendly and homely. It opens onto a huge courtyard which is perfect for hosting large family events and overlooks High Street. I have a feeling that a family is going to want to buy their apartment. Last stop was Chris and Jenna’s house. I mean apartment. I’m hesitant to call Chris and Jenna’s an apartment as when you’re in there it feels like a house. It’s noticeably bigger than the others and has a gorgeous three-storey staircase going all the way up to the rooftop terrace. I loved Chris and Jenna’s main bathroom which received a perfect score and standing in it, you actually can’t fault it. Their kitchen is huge like the rest of their house and I love the fact the butler’s pantry is hidden behind normal kitchen doors so you can’t even tell it’s there. The copper sinks and black tapware look fantastic and all overlooking a huge courtyard. To be honest, I don’t know how they finished such a big apartment with the same budget everyone else had.

So I’m not even sure if I can share this but what the heck. The couples get to do a re-do room and I’m sure you will agree with which rooms they choose to re-do. The night ended with some Q&A with the contestants and producers and after that and I got to take home a signed copy of Darren Palmer’s new book Easy Luxury. It was a great night and a big thank you to The Good Guys Kitchens for inviting me along!


Last night’s first episode of The Block Glasshouse

The Block Glasshouse is here!

Let us all rejoice, Blockheads. The Block has started again which for me, means scheduling my week and social events around episodes and room reveals (surely I’m not the only one who gathers all my fellow Blockhead friends together for room reveals where we become the judges and decide who is worthy of the win that week?)!


Five couples, each with a three-bed, three-bath apartment to renovate, with 3,300 square metres of floor space in total, this is certainly weighing in as the biggest block ever (it’s almost double the size of last season’s Dux House at Albert Park). I love that it’s in Melbourne again, just a stone’s throw from Chapel Street, and the fact it’s within walking distance of my house. Well, as a total Blockhead I’m just chuffed that I can wander past and see the progress.

Of course I tuned in to the first episode last night. Did you? If not, read on to find out what you missed.


So, onto the new contestants! First up we got to meet Chris and Jenna. Chris is a cabinet maker which should come in handy (one would hope) and I have a feeling these two are going to be quite funny characters. Then we got to meet Karstan and Maxine from Newcastle NSW; these two met online and seem quite relaxed (for now). Then there’s Michael and Carlene from QLD who have been married for seven years. Michael works in construction as a project manager which could get give them a leg up against the others (I’m still undecided). We also have local Melburnians Darren and Deanne, who have a gorgeous house (which you can spy in their initial video at home). Maybe they will have an advantage being locals? Lastly, we have Shannon and Simon, the well-travelled brothers representing Sydney and NSW.

Well I guess the first relief for the couples is that there are no eliminations to come, and bang, they’re all straight through, moving into The Block for 10 weeks. I thought all the formalities went a bit too quick and it was odd that each couple just picked a number and lo and behold that was their apartments picked. There was no time to weigh up which space had the best view or the bigger rooms this time round.


Apartment wise, Chris and Jenna got first dibs and chose apartment two, which slumped them with no external windows, however they did score a rooftop terrace. Shannon and Simon were next up and chose apartment four, with a street frontage onto High Street. Darren and Deanne picked apartment number five, which has the sought-after north westerly aspect but is a little smaller. Karstan and Maxine went for apartment number three which gives them city views and which left Michael and Carlene with apartment one, also with a street frontage onto High Street.

This week’s room is the guest bedroom, which has to be delivered in seven days. Can you imagine?! Just the thought of having to deliver a room in seven days gives me anxiety! From the little snippets you see from the completed rooms it looks like we are in for some style this season and I can’t wait to see the transformation of this tired 80s office building!

I love that all the contestants are cocky at this stage, each saying that they are going to win! There can only be one winner my little Blockheads! But who will it be? Do you have a favourite couple yet or is it too early to call?

All the new couples are on Twitter: @karstanmaxine @ShannonAndSimon @chrisandjenna @DarrenAndDeanne @theblock9

As with previous seasons, come room reveal time, we’ll be bringing you details of where to buy the things you see and fall in love with on the show.

Kathryn is our girl on the ground in Melbourne and Block correspondent while Jen and Olivia are overseas (the globetrotters!). You can follow her design adventures on Instagram @thedesignrookie.