
Share local acts of kindness via new Gumtree initiative

Online marketplace Gumtree has announced the launch of the Gumtree Support Network, an initiative designed to bring together those in need of essential items and services, with those able to provide them.

From delivering groceries or essentials, to assisting small businesses, checking on pets and providing online lessons for housebound kids, it aims to further connect local communities, via the hashtag, #LocalLegends.

Want to offer help?

  • Create a new listing and add the #LocalLegends hashtag to both listing title and description in any category
  • Mark as ‘offering’ when drafting your listing
  • Select new ‘contactless trade’ option and follow Gumtree’s safe trading tips.

Looking for help?

  • Type the #LocalLegends hashtag into the search bar
  • Or create a ‘wanted’ listing and add the #LocalLegends hashtag to both your listing title and description in any category
  • Request or offer ‘contactless trade’ and follow Gumtree’s safe trading tips.

With community at its heart, Gumtree hopes that this will provide an additional way for its users to support each other via acts of kindness and celebrate the local legends that are already making a difference in people’s lives.

They’ve also launched a new ‘Contactless Trade’ badge for Gummies to add to listings as a signal to the community that they are following COVID-19 Safety Precautions. By selecting the new badge when posting, users demonstrate that they are willing to:

  • Provide more photos or a video inspection
  • Transfer funds electronically
  • Post the item or allow it to be picked-up without close personal contact
  • Or, delay trade if recommended by the latest Government guidelines.

Gumtree has also partnered with Sendle, to help facilitate reliable and safe contactless delivery for Gumtree transactions during the pandemic. Sendle offers a door-to-door service and free premium membership to all Gummies looking for a convenient and safe delivery alternative.

Gumtree Australia’s Head of Marketing, Amanda Behre, said: “Gumtree is a platform that connects local communities – and that role is more important than ever. Our goal with the Gummie Support Network is to create a movement of kindness, inspiring Gummies to lend a helping hand to their community, where they can.

“We hope that the launch of the hashtag enabled Gummie Support Network will help make it even easier for those who can volunteer their skills, to connect with those who really need support.”

Find out more

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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