
Support Aussie designers’ sandwich art on Kickstarter

We love supporting Aussie grown talent, so we had to share the work of Jeremy Duff and Gabrielle Santos, two Sydney-based graphic designers who are funding their latest project on Kickstarter.


Selling eight quirky A2 posters, each reflects a popular art movement as mouth-watering sandwich. Originally designed as their major work for university, the duo received such positive reviews that they decided to start a Kickstarter campaign to fund their printing costs and take their project global. And they’ve already exceeded their target. Yay!



There’s still a couple of days for you to order your slice (pardon the pun) of the action though! Priced very affordably, a pledge of $4 will get you four posters as digital copies, with a pledge of $19 getting you a physical copy of any poster of your choice. Free shipping on all Aussie orders.

Visit their campaign page here.

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

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