Art Homewares Shopping

Showcase your books and LPs with this innovative product

The coffee table book has been reimagined with Corner Block Studio’s unique new product, The Harness. Created by designer and engineer duo Natalie Lane and Leith Morriss, this unconventional ‘frame’ turns your books, magazines and records into artworks. Clever, huh?

“People have a strong connection with their book and record collection.” said co-founder Natalie Lane. “The Harness gets them out of storage and onto your walls.”

Our books and music say so much about who we are, and The Harness brings those collections into the open. Whether you want to display your all time favourite album or your novel of the month, The Harness’ adjustable and durable design accommodates anything from a wide hardback to a thin, single sleeve LP.

With a focus on sustainable materials, The Harness is made using sustainable cotton thread and vegan plant leather. It is an evolution from their existing range of art frames, which are handcrafted from sustainable Australian timbers.

Corner Block Studio are launching The Harness via crowdfunding platform Kickstarter today. By backing the Kickstarter, you could be one of the first people to own The Harness, as well as benefiting from early bird prices starting at $19.


Switch light fittings in seconds — without a sparky!

We all know lighting is not only functional, it’s essential for setting the style and mood of a room, but it’s also one of the hardest and most expensive things to change when renovating.

Melbourne-based engineer and industrial designer Adam Cusick is changing all that with the launch of his new invention Snap Lighting which lets you change an entire light fitting in just five seconds (minus the tools and electrician)!

The system includes recessed sockets and a range of compatible fittings. The sockets need a one-time installation by an electrician or handyman, then fittings simply push in and push out with just one hand. Watch how it works:

The brilliant invention is already attracting high interest from renovators, builders, interior designers, decorators, homeowners and renters. The initial range will include a variety of recessed downlights and pendants, later expanding into flush mount lights, spotlights and more.

Snap Lighting has launched on Kickstarter where you can support the project by pre-purchasing at discounted prices. After the Kickstarter campaign (which ends in two weeks), Snap Lighting will be available in Australia mid-2019 through their online store and retail stockists.

Visit the Snap Lighting website for more information on this clever invention

Designers Homewares Interviews

Little Bishop: the simple and easy new way to hang lights

The problem: Nothing but brass hooks to position and suspend cable hung pendant lights.

The solution: A hand crafted, hand cast, truly minimal form, designed for the job!


For years, Melbourne interior designer Dominique Hunter was frustrated with the makeshift method in which cable hung pendant lights were positioned and secured. The common solution at the time – a brass hook – was not appropriate for many of the great lights she used in her interiors.

So she enlisted the help of her partner Antony Richards to create an elegant and natural way to hang pendant lights in her projects. While managing their business Hunter & Richards, Antony used his spare time and background in jewellery design to carefully hand craft a hook that could position and suspend cable hung ceiling lights with no knot, clamp, bolt, screw or clip.


“We wanted a solution that would not stand out as a feature, one that would let the cable hang naturally” says Dominique. A decision made early in the project was to have the cable lock itself down. This lead to a form that was beautiful in itself, but when wrapped with the electrical cable it took a step back and let the design of the light fitting do its job, letting (pardon the pun) the light shine!


“There are so many cool light fittings around, and just because you’re not spending a lot on one doesn’t mean you have to compromise on the minor details of an interior project by using a cheap hook from the hardware store. We wanted something that was designed for this purpose alone, and be a solution that would suit any pendant no matter the budget or style of interior,” Dominique adds.

After some workshop experimentation, a prototype was born. A small run of cast reproductions allowed Antony and Dominique to test the design on one of their interior projects. They were very happy with the result, and decided to develop the product further.


Antony turned to the internet to raise funds and gauge people’s interest. The popularity of crowd funding made Kickstarter an obvious choice, with its ability to spread the word quickly and keep people updated on the status of the project proving to be a powerful tool in the birth of a new product.

Antony said: “The Kickstarter campaign was a great way to get people in on our story and to have them join our journey as a small, independent design practice doing good design work and getting their first product out to market. It’s also a great way for people to be first with a new product or to grab a bargain, as the ideas featured are usually priced a lot lower than existing products and established brands.”

The campaign was successful, raising $15,467 or 309% of the funding goal. This allowed the pair to complete the development of the Little Bishop and then move ahead with production. Next month will see the first batch of Little Bishop Pendant Light Hooks delivered to expectant Kickstarter backers, as well as buyers who’ve purchased from the online store.

For more information and to order.


Support Aussie designers’ sandwich art on Kickstarter

We love supporting Aussie grown talent, so we had to share the work of Jeremy Duff and Gabrielle Santos, two Sydney-based graphic designers who are funding their latest project on Kickstarter.


Selling eight quirky A2 posters, each reflects a popular art movement as mouth-watering sandwich. Originally designed as their major work for university, the duo received such positive reviews that they decided to start a Kickstarter campaign to fund their printing costs and take their project global. And they’ve already exceeded their target. Yay!



There’s still a couple of days for you to order your slice (pardon the pun) of the action though! Priced very affordably, a pledge of $4 will get you four posters as digital copies, with a pledge of $19 getting you a physical copy of any poster of your choice. Free shipping on all Aussie orders.

Visit their campaign page here.


Save up to 30% off your air con bill with smart new app

The smart upgrade for any remote-controlled air conditioner, the soon to launch Ambi Climate by Ambi Labs, is a small, sleek, personalised system that sees your smartphone or tablet become your remote.


Yet well that in itself is useful, the real genius part is that this device also provides a tailored AC experience, by learning from your usage patterns and remembering your individual temperature preferences. What this means is throughout the day, Ambi Climate’s algorithms combine the insights from your preferences and behaviour with those collected from sensor data in order to adjust your AC settings. It even factors in the performance level of your air conditioner. The end result? More accurate air conditioning, fewer temperature fluctuations and energy and money savings.

With the ability to save you 30 percent on AC energy consumption by minimising wasteful overcooling and temperature fluctuations, the companion app also provides you with useful energy saving notifications that let you know when it is suitable to open a window and turn off the AC, or when it’s time to clean the AC filter.


A plug and play system that makes life easier, simpler and more enjoyable, Ambi Climate requires no hardware or specialist installation, just plug it in, connect to WiFi, download the app and watch it work with your existing AC. Available to buy via their Kickstarter page for the current price of US$99, it took only nine hours for Ambi Labs to bypass their funding goal of US$25,000. Now, with over US$80,000 raised, production has begun, with early bird backers expected to receive their unit by November.

Check out this simple infographic below to learn how you can save with Ambi Climate:


Bedrooms Designers Homewares

Pre-order fun bedding from The Club of Odd Volumes

Textile printing company The Club of Odd Volumes are hoping to crowdfund enough money to break into the bedding industry. And if their samples are anything to go by, this is definitely a Kickstarter campaign you’ll want to get behind.

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Their bedding is digitally printed and certainly not subtle. No polka dots and stripes here, but life-sized cats (I don’t want them, I need them!), a herd of whales, the ocean and more. Right now, they’re only working on sheet sets (but they do hope to expand into duvet covers at a later date), which will be 100% cotton and 300-thread count.

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What do you think?

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Collaborating with artists Furry Little Peach and Yoko Honda, The Club of Odd Volumes are hoping to raise $35,000 to get their project off the ground. Everyone who backs the campaign will receive a reward, with $70 getting you a set of two pillowcases and $265 getting you a king bed set. The campaign ends in 10 days.

Here’s their campaign video:

Visit their Kickstarter page here.