Appliances Expert Tips

How to create an allergy-proof home this winter

For those that suffer from asthma or are prone to airborne allergies, winter means more time surrounded by nasty health hazards such as mould, dust mites and pet dander. However, never fear! The latest cutting edge appliances now have the power to eradicate allergens and allow for an allergy-proof haven this winter. Below, the experts at The Good Guys share their tips on what appliances will best ensure a pleasant and allergy-free indoor experience.

Interior of Bedroom

  • Vacuum’s with high-efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) air filters, are suitable for those who suffer from asthma and airborne allergies. HEPA filters catch and trap small pollutants, making them the best option for anyone with sensitivity to dust particles. To qualify for HEPA standards the filter must remove 99.7% per cent of particles that are 0.3 micrometres or larger in size.
  • Micro filters, found on many basic vacuum cleaners in either washable or disposable versions, release dust particles back in to the air and therefore should be avoided by individuals that suffer from asthma or those with allergies.
  • Steam mops clean without using harsh chemical cleaning products. They are more effective than traditional mops as they can easily remove dirt and stains from the floor whilst getting rid of bacteria, dust mites and other allergens. They work well with almost any cleaning surface, including hardwood and laminate floors.
  • Air purifiers prevent respiratory illnesses and allergy attacks. They can remove contaminants such as allergens, pollen, pet dander, gas, smoke, airborne bacteria, harmful viruses, odours and smells depending on the type of purifier.
  • An air purifier with a HEPA filter can trap contaminants that are 0.3 microns and larger such as pollen, mould, pet dander, dust mites and bacteria. However, they are not able to filter contaminants like viruses, chemicals fumes and cigarette smokes which are smaller than 0.3 mircrons.

Visit The Good Guys’ website for more information.


3 top tips for a non-toxic, eco-friendly bedroom

By Sonya Pala

Given that we spend a third of our lives in bed, sleeping in a non-toxic environment can have wonderful health benefits. But let’s face it, eco, sustainable, fair trade and organic aren’t always synonymous with stylish.

Here are some tips to get a unique, stylish and affordable eco luxury look for your bedroom:

1. Invest wisely Start off with a budget. This will help in the decision-making process! Invest in a primary piece that will last you for years and then update the room over time using accessories, smaller furniture items and fabric. During our renovation, I invested most of our budget into an amazing eco-bed and re-covering an old occasional chair with eco-velvet fabric. Many of the smaller accessories and mother of pearl inlay chest of drawers were bought over the years.

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2. Non-toxic bedding Given the rise of allergies over the last few decades, it’s really important to look at the toxicity in everyday items in our home. Conventional foam in mattresses, pillows and furniture, contains a plethora of chemicals which emit VOC gases for the life of the product. Many of these are known carcinogens and combined with conventional cotton bedding (cotton being the most heavily pesticide-sprayed crop in the world), can create a hazardous sleeping environment.