
How to choose the right air conditioner for your home

With summer well and truly upon us, Australians are searching for the one… and by the one, of course we are referring to the perfect air conditioner!


For those who are looking to guarantee this summer’s forecast as sunny with 100% chance of being cool, The Good Guys appliance experts have pulled together a fail-safe way to help you choose the right air conditioner for you…

Types of air-conditioning:

If you’re looking to keep all rooms of the house cool at once a split system is the way to go. These air conditioners are made up of two parts, with one part attached to the internal wall of your home and the other sitting on the outside to exhaust heat out. These usually cost less to install and provide flexibility as you can choose separate units for each room of the house

A reverse system refers to air conditioners that provide both cooling and heating functions, coming in very handy during the cold winter months

Air conditioners with inverters are your kind of cooling system if minimal noise is important to you – these are often the quietest. They can also vary the temperature of the air they produce, rather than stopping and starting, as well as being cheaper to run and helping you achieve your desired room temperature more quickly – although they can be slightly more expensive

Multi-split air conditioners connect multiple indoor units to a single outdoor condenser, meaning there is usually less work involved in installing them, but a single control station operates the whole system, so individual room temperatures aren’t possible

How big should you go?


When buying air conditioners, a big consideration is how powerful the device needs to be to adequately cool your home, keeping you comfortable throughout the warmest of summer nights. Air conditioner capacity is rated by British Thermal Unit (BTU) and power output in kilowatts. Buying the right size unit is very important as air conditioners that are too big will use more energy, while under-sized ones will not cool the room sufficiently – so think about the size of your room first.

For a living room measuring 30 square metres approximately 3.75kW will be needed and around 125 watts per square metre, allowing a constant level of comfort for you to entertain your friends

For a bedroom, as a rough guide, 80 watts of power per square metre should be enough to keep the room cool enough to allow you and your family to fall peacefully to sleep

Bells and whistles:

Now that you have made the decision to buy an air conditioner, you can’t go past a few extra bells and whistles that will shoot you to the top of the cool list this summer. Even though some features tend to be more expensive, here is a list of common extras that are worth taking a look at:

  • Remote control
  • Timer
  • Sleep timer
  • Dehumidifier
  • Reverse cycle for heating
  • Slide-out chassis for easier installation
  • Mosquito traps
  • Air filter to remove odours, smoke and germs

For more information.

Appliances RENO ADDICT

Your guide to the latest laundry trends

With contestants on The Block teasing us with stylish yet functional laundries, it’s not surprising to learn that kitchens aren’t the only rooms enjoying a few tasteful remakes. The Good Guys Kitchens designer, Julie Hanover, shares the latest trends making waves in laundries.


Custom built cabinetry It is becoming increasingly popular to renovate laundries in conjunction with kitchens, and built-in cabinetry is at the top of the trend to maximise space. Using your kitchen company to also design your laundry means you’ll enjoy complementing joinery, as well as saving time and money.

Concealed storage Tall utility cupboards for ironing boards and built-in solutions like baskets and hampers mean you can enjoy a stylish and clutter-free laundry.

Fisher & Paykel 8.5kg Front Load Washer

Benchtops Gone are the days of the freestanding steel tub. Sleek Silestone benchtops dominate with their seamless built-in sinks, providing plenty of space for sorting and folding. Laminate benchtops will also do the trick (and be softer on your wallet).

Details It’s the little things that count, right? Although you don’t generally show off your laundry, you might have a reason to with the abundance of feature tiles and smooth, shiny handles on offer. Decorative and under cabinet lighting would help show off those stylish features as well as provide some much needed lighting to a generally dim room.

Appliances The main reason for the existence of your laundry is, of course, to house your washing machine and dryer. These come in many different shapes and sizes, and feature plenty of different functions, so it’s important to find the ones that best suit the needs of your household.

Samsung 8kg Heat Pump Dryer
Samsung 8kg Heat Pump Dryer

Washing machines To front load or to top load? That is the question. To save space, front loaders can be stacked on top of one another. A stacking kit can help save space not only by stacking your washer and dryer, but also by incorporating a handy pull-out shelf to hold your laundry items. With modern technology comes a hoard of available features, from steam eco washes to live Twitter streams (ok, I may have made that one up). Don’t get too carried away with all the extra features – focus on the functions that will best suit your lifestyle, such as size and water efficiency.

Dryers Dryers are expensive to run, so keep an eye on those little energy star ratings stickers when buying. The capacity of your dryer is determined by how much you want to fit in each load, with a larger drum size suiting larger households. Obviously, you don’t want anything that impedes on the functionality of the rest of your laundry, so keep in mind the space you have set aside for your dryer. If you’re not much of an ironer like me, a smaller but faster dryer will result in fewer creases (as well as a smaller energy bill).

Appliances Expert Tips Kitchens

The Good Guys dish out some clever dishwasher tips

Anyone with the TV turned on lately (ahem, I don’t deny couch potato-ing during The Bachelor) may have come across the recent Finish Australia ad, which goes a little something like this:

“Breakfast: dishes. Dinner: dishes. Marriage: dishes. Divorce: dishes. Sleeping: dishes. Not sleeping: dishes. Life: dishes. Death: dishes. Existence: dishes, dishes, dishes.”

Morale of the story: life is a huge load of dishes, and dishwashers are the solution to making life a little easier.

Asko White Electronic Dishwasher
Asko White Electronic Dishwasher

One of my biggest pet hates is seeing pans, plates, mugs and cutlery pile up higher than the pyramids of Giza. Invest in a dishwasher, and all that dish caused stress disappears (unless you’re stuck with awfully lazy roommates – as far as I’m aware they haven’t invented a self-loading dishwasher yet).

Buying a dishwasher is all well and good, but choosing the right one for your lifestyle and needs might require some research.  Luckily, The Good Guys Dishwasher experts have pulled together a few tips to make the choice easier:

1. Size Have your measuring tape handy because you need to buy a dishwasher that fits perfectly into the space you have set aside. The guessing game is not fun when you end up with a dishwasher two centimetres too wide, so make sure you get your calculations correct from the start.

2. Capacity An average family usually requires a dishwasher that has a 12-place setting capacity. This means it has room for 12 dinner plates, 12 soup plates, 12 tea cups and saucers, 12 dessert plates, 12 tumblers, 12 individual knives, forks, soup spoons, teaspoons and dessert spoons. If you’re a smaller household (or have a grandmother who insists on washing dishes by hand) you probably won’t need something that big.

Fisher & Paykel Stainless Steel Double Dishwasher
Fisher & Paykel Stainless Steel Double Dishwasher

3. Type and Style The size of your dishwasher depends on the type of dishwasher you chose and there are three main options:

–  Full sized, which fits 12 to 14 place settings, is great for those with a large family or for those you just love to throw a large dinner party every now and again

– Slimline, will fit 9 to 10 place settings, with space left over for a pot and pan

– Compact, fits 6 or less place settings and is best for any singles living the life

Aside from the size, you should also consider between a freestanding (suitable for kitchens with already available spaces) or built-in style (usually fitted with a unit door that blends in with the rest of the décor).

4. Energy efficiency Dishwashers come with both energy and water ratings. Obviously, the more stars, the more energy efficient the appliance is. Some believe that hand-washing dishes saves water, but in most cases dishwashers actually use less water (ahem, grandma!).

Bosch White Freestanding Dishwasher
Bosch White Freestanding Dishwasher

5. Features Dishwashers come with a range of features, including:

– Wash cycles, with regular dishwashers having normal, delicate and heavy cycles. Some have additional programs, such as extra-hot washes for added hygiene or high-speed settings that get small loads finished fast.

– Drying cycle, because who wants to dry the dishes themselves?

– Delayed start is an energy-saving feature that can have your dishwasher start the cycle only during off-peak times.

– Self-cleaning filters are my personal favourite. Just as the name suggests, some higher end dishwashers clean themselves. Although pricier, it saves you the hassle of manually emptying out the filter.

If you’ve suddenly developed an itch for a new dishwasher, check out The Good Guys for more information.

Design Kitchens RENO ADDICT

Blockheads Chris and Jenna’s 5 steps for creating a statement kitchen

You don’t have to be a Block fanatic to know that kitchens sell houses and with the current renovation boom only continuing to bloom (sorry, couldn’t resist!), nailing your kitchen design has never been so important.

Chris and Jenna
Chris and Jenna

Chris and Jenna Susetio, former contestants on The Block Glasshouse, and now kitchen designers for The Good Guys Kitchens, scored a near perfect score for their kitchen in series nine. Now they’ve pulled together their top five tips for creating a kitchen full of character and personality, using a clever layout and stylish work surfaces.

1. Layout and Space


  • Knowing how you’ll use your kitchen makes a huge difference to creating the perfect layout for your personal needs – especially if, like many these days, you plan to entertain guests in your kitchen
  • Open plan is the most popular layout in homes today
  • Think about adding an island bench and moving the cooktop and rangehood to the island if you want to create a real showpiece for people to gather around and enjoy together – this is ideal for the home chef who likes a bit of drama in the kitchen
  • Add a butler’s pantry for additional prep space and storage of bulky benchtop items; and create a sense of connection from kitchen to the outdoors

2. Colour and texture

  • This year, expect to see plenty of matt black and varying shades of grey mixed with materials like timber for a modern style statement
  • Dark doors with a matt finish are right on trend and timber finishes are also popular and create a stylish neutral base that works well with accent colours that can be changed in line with seasons or trends

3. Finer Details


  • The type of door profiles and handles, lights, sinks and taps need to be chosen strategically so they all fit into your design
  • For a streamlined look, every detail needs to work to achieve a clean, clutter-free kitchen, such as modern flat doors and integrated handles and appliances
  • To personify a classic Hampton’s kitchen, shaker doors, elegant handles, a timber top and a butler’s sink are a must-have to evoke a more homely feeling

4. Designer work surfaces

  • A new benchtop can really add wow factor to your kitchen. From laminate to stone and other solid surfaces, there are plenty of things to consider when making the right choice for your new kitchen
  • To help you choose the most appropriate kitchen benchtop, talk to your kitchen designer about your family circumstances, taste and budget
  • Consider using different heights, contrasting two-tone colours or varying textures to give your kitchen a designer edge and serious visual impact

5. Lighting


  • Lighting can bring a kitchen to life, and is especially important for entertaining
  • Plan for integrated lighting, such as LEDs and internal cabinet lighting to emphasise space and highlight detail
  • Adding one or more overhead pendant lights above an island to add personality and create definition between different zones

For more information.

Appliances Expert Tips Kitchens

How to pick the perfect coffee machine for your home

To combat the rising coffee prices, many Australians are now making their own cafe quality coffee in the comfort of their own home. If you are looking to upgrade your current coffee machine or considering taking the plunge and investing in your first coffee machine, The Good Guys appliance experts have some tips to keep in mind.

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Firstly, it is important to consider what will fulfil your needs. You should ask yourself how you will be using the machine, whether you want it to produce a quick espresso shot to kick-start your morning or if you want it to provide the ultimate barista experience.

Consider the size of your kitchen, if you have a small space and intend to only use the machine quickly in the morning before putting it away you should opt for a lighter model for optimum movability, therefore design will not be a top priority. If you plan on keeping the machine out and making it a feature piece of the kitchen, make sure you have enough countertop space for a larger model as you don’t want to sacrifice valuable space in lieu of your unit.

Once you have decided on size and expected usage, you can then choose the specific type of machine that will be best suited to your needs:

  1. For those who want to be hands on and experiment with a wide range of coffee beans, manual machines are perfect as they allow you to become an at-home barista and they require a certain type of artistry to produce the ultimate cup of coffee. Most manual models use a motor driven pump to force the exact amount of water needed through a thermoblock, creating coffee that can be filtered to suit your specific taste. They do require slightly more work than an automated machine, however you have much more control over the final product.
  2. If you are time poor but don’t want to sacrifice on quality you should opt for an automated machine as they generally do all the work for you. Simply add some coffee beans and the machine will grind them and dispense them at the touch of a button. They are the ultimate appliance for people who want quick coffee with little hassle.
  3. Capsule machines are stylish, easy to use and easy to clean. A capsule or pod removes coffee beans from the equation entirely, relying purely on cases of ground coffee wrapped in filter paper. The capsules are extremely fast and easy to use and are perfect for those on the go.
  4. If you are looking for the ultimate at home coffee-making experience, a coffee machine with both a manual and automatic function in the one unit is the perfect option. These coffee machines offer automatic grinding, dosing, tamping and milk texturing, as well as the manual unit, automating the two most difficult parts of manual espresso.


When buying a coffee machine, particularly a manual machine, easy to use settings and features will be important, some features to consider may include:

  1. Optimal bar pressure, the speed at which the hot water is forced through the coffee, is usually between 15 and 19 bars.
  2. Thermoblock is the heating element that boils the water to the perfect temperature.
  3. Machines with higher wattage boil water faster.

Visit The Good Guys’ website for more information.

Appliances Expert Tips

How to create an allergy-proof home this winter

For those that suffer from asthma or are prone to airborne allergies, winter means more time surrounded by nasty health hazards such as mould, dust mites and pet dander. However, never fear! The latest cutting edge appliances now have the power to eradicate allergens and allow for an allergy-proof haven this winter. Below, the experts at The Good Guys share their tips on what appliances will best ensure a pleasant and allergy-free indoor experience.

Interior of Bedroom

  • Vacuum’s with high-efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) air filters, are suitable for those who suffer from asthma and airborne allergies. HEPA filters catch and trap small pollutants, making them the best option for anyone with sensitivity to dust particles. To qualify for HEPA standards the filter must remove 99.7% per cent of particles that are 0.3 micrometres or larger in size.
  • Micro filters, found on many basic vacuum cleaners in either washable or disposable versions, release dust particles back in to the air and therefore should be avoided by individuals that suffer from asthma or those with allergies.
  • Steam mops clean without using harsh chemical cleaning products. They are more effective than traditional mops as they can easily remove dirt and stains from the floor whilst getting rid of bacteria, dust mites and other allergens. They work well with almost any cleaning surface, including hardwood and laminate floors.
  • Air purifiers prevent respiratory illnesses and allergy attacks. They can remove contaminants such as allergens, pollen, pet dander, gas, smoke, airborne bacteria, harmful viruses, odours and smells depending on the type of purifier.
  • An air purifier with a HEPA filter can trap contaminants that are 0.3 microns and larger such as pollen, mould, pet dander, dust mites and bacteria. However, they are not able to filter contaminants like viruses, chemicals fumes and cigarette smokes which are smaller than 0.3 mircrons.

Visit The Good Guys’ website for more information.


How to choose a washing and drying machine

Washing and drying your laundry has long been a tedious chore, but picking the right washer and dryer to suit your needs can end up saving you a lot of time and money. This means you can worry less about the dirty clothes and worry more about what new clothes you can buy and throw in next time! Below, The Good Guys appliance experts offers tips to consider when purchasing your next laundry appliance.

Copyright Eliot Cohen - Zeitgeist Photographyemail:
Photo credit: Zeitgeist Photography
  • Before purchasing, understand what you want out of your washer or dryer. Differences in capacity, energy and water efficiency, preferred programs and cycles are important considerations for your purchase. Thinking long-term about how you plan to use your appliances will also ensure you get the most out of what you spend.
  • Size is the most important factor to consider when purchasing a washing machine. A capacity of 6kg-to-7kg will be enough for a typical family of four but smaller families should opt for more compact models. Do not be tempted by cheaper alternatives; if you are using your appliance twice as much as you expect, it will actually cost you more in the long run.
  • Look out for Energy Star Rating and Australia’s Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS) labels to give you an idea of how energy-efficient and water efficient your appliance is. The higher the number of stars, the more environmentally friendly.
  • In terms of the debate between front-load and top-load washers, a front-loader’s greatest claimed advantage is generally improved water and energy efficiency. Top-loaders require enough water to cover all the clothes in its drum. Front loaders require less amounts of water because water sits horizontally in the machine. This means as the drum turns, gravity will consistently submerge your clothes back in the water.
Copyright Eliot Cohen - Zeitgeist Photographyemail:
Photo credit: Zeitgeist Photography
  • Typically, front-loaders can be more expensive than traditional top-loaders as they present higher spinning mechanisms. The higher the spin, the less water is left in your laundry, which means shorter drying time and energy saved.
  • Only run your appliances with a full load and use cold water in your washing machine whenever possible. In a warm wash, 80 per cent of the energy is associated with heating the water, so cold washing will use less than one-quarter of the energy.
  • As much as front-loaders provide you the opportunity to be stacked on a companion dryer, families with limited space in their laundry should consider a washer-dryer combo. However, this means you can’t wash and dry loads of washing at the same time.
  • Heat Pump dryers, whilst more expensive, have a six star energy efficiency whereas most other dryers are between one and two stars. If you are a regular dryer user, Heat Pump dryers in the long run are a better option and will save you money over time investing in a more efficient unit.
  • Understanding the space you can utilise will restrict the type of dryer you can purchase and whether you need to wall mount the dryer or not – not every model can be mounted. As a result, you might need to opt for a vented (which require plumbing and installation) or condenser dryer. Also, capacity should be a key consideration as the more space around your clothes, the quicker they will dry.

Visit The Good Guys’ website for more information.

Appliances Kitchens RENO ADDICT The Block

Olivia visits The Block’s kitchens and shares her opinion and all the product details

So I’ll let you in on a little secret. A couple of hours before The Block reveals air, we get the photos of all the rooms. The problem is, we don’t get the judges’ comments, so I spend a good 30 minutes trying to decipher who wins. I must say I’m normally pretty accurate — though I will admit I did not see Josh and Charlotte’s 30/30 score for their master bedroom coming!

But my guessing game went into overdrive last week, when I got to see The Block’s kitchens in the flesh (days prior to the reveal). Judge Shaynna Blaze led the tour, and though I attempted on countless occasions to get her opinion out of her, she kept mum (you should be proud, Channel 9)!

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Shaynna and I

So below are all my views and all the product details, should you wish to try and replicate the kitchens in your own home.

Ayden and Jess: Modern traditional

Looking at the kitchen alone and ignoring how it fitted into the surrounding space, it was my favourite. I liked pretty much all of it bar the glass-fronted cabinets. I just don’t see them as realistic. People have mismatched dinnerware; it just seems so messy!


On-trend and functional, the profiled cabinetry in a Stone Grey brought an element of sophistication and the benchtop choice of Silestone Lyra added a natural feel to the classically styled kitchen. Designed and built to entertain, Jess and Ayden opted for Electrolux appliances throughout the kitchen, as well as Breville small appliances and Oliveri taps and sinks.


Dea and Darren: Urban glam

While I later found out how different my opinion was to the judges, the Double Ds produced my second favourite kitchen. And if you looked at the space as a whole (so the kitchen, living and dining as one), well then it shot straight to my favourite. Yes, the ‘goalposts’ were weird, but it was the only townhouse that actually had open plan living.

These 'goal posts' got a LOT of mentions and not in a  good way!

The kitchen is really the social hub of the home, executed through smart and functional design without compromising on style (though that mosaic tile splashback was a bit OTT). With Silestone benchtops in Cemento Spa and Pulsar, the appliances included an integrated Vintec Wine Fridge, a Bosch 762 litre French Door Fridge, a Bosch warming drawer, Oliveri sinks and taps and Breville small appliances.


Tim and Anastasia: Modern monochrome

I found Tim and Anastasia’s kitchen layout quite bizarre, what with it being almost like two galley kitchens attached in an L-shape. Standing in it was very cramped, though that said we were 50 or so people there! However, what I did really like was how they connected their kitchen to the terrace with bi-fold windows; perfect for indoor-outdoor living.

The Block in Melbourne

Using contrasting colours and textures of black and white and gloss and matt, the kitchen focused on modern elements like handle-less cabinetry and used soft greys — of the Silestone benchtops in Lagoon — to help balance the monochromatic scheme. Appliances included the Delonghi oven and built-in combination microwave, with a Samsung 636 litre fridge, Breville small appliances and Oliveri taps and sinks.


Josh and Charlotte: Minimalist

I totally agreed with the judges on this one. In person, I couldn’t get over the huge blank space behind the timber bench. It looked so unfinished and cold. Josh and Charlotte’s style is minimalism — which can be great — but I think this time it was taken too far.

The Block in Melbourne

Using crisp white cabinetry, offset by a raised cafe style timber bench and Titanium drawer fronts, the kitchen also included subtle marbling in the Silestone benchtop in Helix. To complement this, Josh and Charlotte used Fisher & Paykel appliances, with an integrated fridge and a gas and ceramic cook top, Breville small appliances and Oliveri sinks and taps.

The Block in Melbourne

Finally, a special thanks to The Good Guys for flying me to Melbourne and giving me a behind the scenes look at The Block. I loved it!


How to create a designer kitchen for less

As the renovation boom continues to thrive, Australians are reinventing their homes more frequently than ever. Kitchens have been said to sell houses, so spending big on a kitchen renovation can be a worthy investment in the long run.

Copyright Eliot Cohen - Zeitgeist Photographyemail:

Therefore the below advice couldn’t have come at a better time, with the professional kitchen designers at The Good Guys sharing their expert advice, on how to get a designer look in the kitchen, for less!

  • Share your budget with a professional designer as they will be able to provide you with helpful and expert advice on getting the most for your dollar.
  • To avoid any changes to your design, select quality finishes that look great but won’t date quickly, and spend as much as you can afford on durable work surfaces. The cost of quality: priceless.
  • Buy appliances through your kitchen company. This will allow you to take advantage of package deals and ensure the delivery of your kitchen happens at the same time.
  • The best bang for your buck in terms of cabinetry comes in the form of a melamine. Alternatively for a fraction more, ask about the satin smooth melamine finish that will give the impression of a high-end kitchen.
  • Kitchen doors are less expensive than drawers and by positioning them correctly, your designer will be able to maximise storage while continuing the vertical and horizontal lines throughout the kitchen for the most streamlined finish.
  • Use the concept of colour blocking to bring a designer edge to your kitchen – by bringing in a contrasting row of coloured or timber grain cabinetry, you instantly add a wow factor.
  • Contrasting benchtops in material, colour or thickness is another trick to achieving a luxe look.
  • New technologies have given life to laminates, and with The Good Guys Kitchen’s European imported range you can achieve a stone or timber look or select from a wide range of colours.


For more information.

Expert Tips Kitchens

Top kitchen trends for 2015 in Australia

Designing your kitchen can be daunting! So to guide you in the right direction, the professional kitchen designers at The Good Guys have highlighted the key trends to keep an eye out for when planning your renovation.


  • Open plan designs are here to stay. Being the hub of the home, the kitchen is where most families spend the majority of their time, either with each other or entertaining with friends. The open plan design, which is integrated with the informal living and dining areas, maximises interaction with friends and family.
  • The inclusion of a workstation hidden behind kitchen cabinet doors, or those which are an extension of the kitchen cabinetry, are found in the family kitchen more and more due to the increased demand for work/life balance.
  • Today, people want to showcase a clean, streamlined and uncluttered space, with sleek lines and handleless cabinetry dominating design. In turn, those with space are opting to include butler’s pantries – ideal for homeowners who love to entertain and keep their kitchen clean and simple.KViX6oGijBQJ2vETYfALHtdnUN6fJQgsB9Xwk6mswgc
  • White continues to dominate in Australian houses, however timber grains, black and grey are featuring more readily as homeowners seek to make a statement with this room, or integrate the kitchen with the rest of the home. These colours add a hint of drama to the kitchen space yet provide a neutral base for accessorising.
  • Matt surfaces are on trend, delivering a sophisticated finish. New to The Good Guys is the stunning Super Matt Laminate benchtop in black which boasts fingerprint-less qualities and is resistant to scratches and stains.
  • Colour blocking in the kitchen is a great way to bring in colour without being overwhelming. Adding a feature row of contrasting cabinetry, in colour or timber grain, instantly transforms a plain kitchen into a dual-toned space with depth and unique visual appeal.S8F63M0LBYUvIBfHbv9AZftTP5QClxwLrE_5U2cTx4A
  • In contrast to sleek cabinetry, traditional style kitchens with a distinct Hamptons coastal flair are making a resurgence. Shaker style doors, now popular across a spectrum of white and grey hues, glass display cabinetry and muted benchtop tones in grey marble effect, honour this elegant design

For more information on The Good Guys kitchens.


How to choose an air con system

With the summer heat well and truly upon us, now’s a better time than ever to consider investing in good quality air-con and dispose of the old fan that’s only blowing the heat around in circles. Below, The Good Guys appliance expert offers valuable advice to help you find the perfect air con to beat the heat this summer, and fit within your budget and needs.

good guys interiors addict

1. Step one is selecting the size. Consider how large your home is and therefore how much power you need from your air con. An air conditioner that is too large will use more energy than necessary, whilst one that is too small will not cool the home efficiently. As a rough guide, 80 watts of power per square metre is enough for a bedroom, whilst living rooms may require around 125 watts per square metre. In other words, the larger the living space, the larger the air-con power needs to be.

2. The next decision that needs to be made is what type of air conditioner you would like:

  • Split system: One part of the air conditioner is inside the home whilst the other sits outside the home to exhaust heat out. They are low-cost to install and can be installed in several rooms which provides flexibility.
  • Reverse system: A reverse system air conditioner can provide a heating and cooling function, and therefore are also useful during winter.
  • Inverter system: These air conditioners can vary the temperature of the air they produce, as opposed to stopping and starting. Therefore, they are quieter and cheaper to run – however they are more expensive.
  • Multi systems: Multi-split air conditioners connect multiple indoor units to a single outdoor condenser, and therefore require less ductwork. However, a single control operates the whole system, so individual room temperatures are not possible.

good guys interiors addict

3. It is also important to consider what features or extra functions you require. Common extras available include remote control, timer, dehumidifier, reverse cycle for heating, slide-out chassis, mosquito traps and air filters. Understandably, the more extras, the more expensive the air conditioner will be.

4. Another concept to consider is the energy efficiency. Air conditioners are rated on a scale of one to ten, with ten being the most energy-efficient. Heating and cooling will have two separate ratings.

good guys interiors addict

5. The last step is deciding on an installer. Air conditioners often include manufacturer’s warranties, so to ensure you’re covered under the warranty if something goes wrong, professional installation is mandatory.

Visit The Good Guys’ website for more information.

The Block

10 ways to maximise kitchen storage as seen on The Block

Customers today demand more than just good looks in their kitchen. It’s got to work efficiently, it’s got to make life easier and there’s got to be lots of storage! The Good Guys’ kitchen design consultants offer their top 10 tips on how to maximise storage in the kitchen, just like the couples on The Block Glasshouse.


  1. Design drawers that are deeper and wider in order to save space and allow for easy access to hard-to-reach pots and pans.
  2. Metal runners in drawers allow for a silent, soft-close system and deliver added strength and durability.
  3. Trays and dividers can be added in drawers to further maximise storage and keep items organised inside.
  4. Drawers under the sink and oven are excellent solutions for maximising these often under-utilised spaces.
  5. Walk-in or butler’s pantries will suit larger spaces and can house everything from small appliances to wine fridges and secondary preparation spaces.
  6. When everything has a place in the kitchen, it becomes more functional and thereby an enjoyable place to spend time.
  7. Keep in mind that there is an endless range of accessories available to help with organisation in the kitchen, from dedicated spice drawers for the avid chef to under-sink caddys for storing unsightly cleaning products.
  8. Today there are numerous solutions for keeping your pantry clutter at bay. Pull-out baskets and shelves are convenient inclusions, keeping items within easy reach.
  9. A great idea for keeping benchtops clear of clutter is to include a dedicated appliance cupboard.
  10. Either house everything behind a roller shutter, or include a pull-out carousel in corner cupboards – a great use of traditionally hard-to-reach space.

– Find more information on The Good Guys’ products and expert advice here

Expert Tips The Block

Key trends from the Block Glasshouse kitchens

After a tough week on The Block, kitchen week is over and this year’s kitchens have been dubbed five of the biggest and best ever seen on the show. We agree! The Good Guys’ kitchen design consultant offers insight into the design of each apartment and shares expert tips on how to get The Block kitchen look in your own home. You’ll also find out exactly which benchtops and finishes the contestants used.

Michael & Carlene: MANHATTAN CHIC

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An astute selection of subway tiles, long island bench and copper accents by Michael and Carlene has resulted in a stunning kitchen, reminiscent of a high-end Manhattan brasserie. Floor to ceiling bookshelf with sliding library ladder and exposed brick detail continue this on-trend theme.

The choice of materials is second to none – sophisticated Brighton Matt Black cabinetry, new to The Good Guys Kitchens, has been paired with Essendon White. Dual benchtops by Silestone® in Bianco Rivers and Blanco Zeus in Suede finish complete the timeless look whilst contrasting shiny copper pendants add a unique, retro touch.

The Block in Melbourne

In terms of layout, this is a carefully considered kitchen space which incorporates the traditional work triangle where the cooktop, sink and refrigerator are well positioned for optimal flow. The butler’s pantry again utilises the space well and by keeping the high standard of design and detail throughout, a storage and preparation area never looked so good!

TREND ALERT: Matt cabinetry and copper accents


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[contextly_sidebar id=”tnG3eqA1gSx62Eebt8RmaI8IXA1Xseid”]Chris and Jenna’s lavish two-tone kitchen is as striking as it is functional.

Timber-grain cabinetry in Ballina Sepia Oak, exclusive to The Good Guys Kitchens, dominates this kitchen and contrasts beautifully with varying textures and black accents – from the glass fronted cabinets, kickboards, Silestone® benchtops in Tao and Artarmon Gloss cabinetry in the butler’s pantry.

Deep drawers throughout maintain the strong sense of vertical lines all through the kitchen, and the floor to ceiling display shelving provides the opportunity to bring personal touches into this inspired space. Concealed butler’s pantry with second sink and ample bench space paves the way for seamless and sophisticated entertaining.

TREND ALERT: Timber-grain cabinetry and concealed butler’s pantry


This light-filled kitchen produced by Maxine and Karstan ticks all the boxes for a stylish young couple or family who love to entertain.

Handle-less throughout, the fresh glossy colour palette of Royal Oyster and Graphite has resulted in a sleek, modern kitchen with neutral tones that is right on trend. Floating cabinetry and the perspex feature add a designer touch.

Well proportioned for the large, open space, the attached 52mm dining benchtop in Silestone® Cemento juxtaposes with the main worktop in 20mm Silestone® Yukon, and is an ideal feature for today’s partiality toward relaxed entertaining. Ample storage in the adjoining butler’s pantry make organisation in this kitchen a breeze.

TREND ALERT: Fixed entertaining bench and two-tone benchtops.

Simon & Shannon: INDUSTRIAL LUXE

Simon and Shannon have combined varying textures and subtle detail in this strikingly industrial luxe kitchen.

The warmth of the Natural Oak timber cabinetry offsets the steely gloss cabinetry in Gun Metal and 60mm thick Silestone Nebula® Doradus benchtop, whilst the opulent run of gold metallic door fronts showcase this team’s ability to integrate subtle designer statements.

Chefs at heart will delight in the double oven feature, generous bench space and functional flow around the central island with windows at the adjacent bench presenting a cool café vibe.

TREND ALERT: Warm industrial colour palette of grey and timber plus metallic accents.

Darren & Deanne: MODERN CLASSIC

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Darren and Deanne’s elegant kitchen is a classical masterpiece befitting a home in the Hamptons, bringing together a traditional colour scheme in an elegant setting.

Traditional style cabinetry in the dual colours of Natura Black and White Matt combine beautifully with a superb choice of marble and Silestone® in Blanco Zeus polished and suede finish, to achieve a sophisticated look, while the white interiors of the glass fronted cabinets and trio of glass pendants provide a modern twist.

Tall cabinetry taken to the ceiling, lit with vertical interior lighting, adds a sense of grandeur to this modest sized kitchen.

The integration of the study nook and butler’s pantry ensures this kitchen not only looks impressive, but functions brilliantly too.

TREND ALERT: Elegant Hamptons style with seamless indoor/outdoor flow.

Visit The Good Guys Kitchens.


10 ways to maximise space in the laundry

A well designed laundry should be easy to work in, have plenty of storage and enough room for you to get all your household jobs done. But designing the perfect laundry is tougher than you think, especially when size is an issue. The Good Guys’ appliance expert Denis Harvey, shares his 10 top tips on maximising space in the laundry.


  1. If a laundry is to be incorporated into the bathroom due to space constraints, a front loader washing machine is the best choice. This allows you to stack a dryer on top, which will also mean less stooping when it comes to using the appliances.
  2. Front loader washing machines also provide an extra bench space in a sense.
  3. For ultimate space saving, you can opt for a combination washer-dryer unit.
  4. Use utility baskets, small bins, or install shelving to separate and organise different products and utensils.
  5. Install hooks for coats, mops and backpacks, while a shoe rack should be used to keep muddy boots and other footwear from messing up your floor.
  6. Size is an important factor when buying a washing machine, so getting to grips with the different levels of capacity will help you make the right choice.
  7. If you want an ironing zone within the laundry itself, the best idea is to purchase an ironing board that can be fixed to the door so it can be flipped up when not in use (make sure you are within range of an electrical socket though).
  8. Make sure you consider the requirements of your laundry when planning the design. You may want to include a permanent ironing space, storage for cleaning products and a separate hanging area for clothes that can’t be put in the dryer.
  9. Plan storage carefully. Integrated cabinetry with pullout laundry bins, built-in ironing stations and hanging rails are ideal if space permits.
  10. A combination of floor-to-ceiling cabinetry will conceal mops, vacuum cleaners, clothes baskets and laundry chutes. Washing powder and laundry detergent along with all other cleaning supplies from around the house can be stored in the laundry if you have the space.


– For more information on The Good Guys products and expert advice visit their website here

Appliances The Block

The Block contestants talk about their kitchens

Did you love this week’s Block kitchens? The Good Guys Kitchens, who supplied all the essentials like cabinetry, benchtops and appliances, asked the contestants to share their thoughts on their finished kitchens with us.

Alisa and Lysandra 

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What were the benefits of working with a professional kitchen designer? 
Jo, our designer, was amazing; she was of benefit because we could combine her expertise and our creativity to create something pretty amazing. We trusted her and that is essential.

What elements have you added to make your kitchen stand out from the crowd? We believe our point of difference was the layout of our kitchen. Our galley style kitchen was  seven metres and had a 200mm servery which set it apart. We added a timber breakfast area which completed our kitchen.

What do you think is clever about your design? I think the positioning of our kitchen was clever; placing the kitchen as soon as you walk into the apartment gave it instant wow factor.

When shopping at The Good Guys, were there any appliances that particularly appealed to you?
The Dyson vacuum cleaners are hard to go past, that’s for sure. There were so many awesome appliances at The Good Guys, it was hard not to go home with the whole store.


Brad and Dale

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What was most important to you when you were designing your kitchen? Functionality.

What elements have you added to make your kitchen stand out on auction day? Our curved benchtop is a real feature in our kitchen.

What do you think is clever about your kitchen design?  The layout is great but also putting in a butler’s pantry was a great idea.

What are you most happy about in your kitchen design? The look and the feel and also the cool drawer.

What advice would you give people who are renovating a kitchen on a budget? Try and get the best value you can and don’t go over budget.

When shopping at The Good Guys, were there any appliances that particularly appealed to you? I love freestanding ovens but our cool drawer was one of the best products on the market.


Steve and Chantelle

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What were the benefits of working with a kitchen designer? Being able to see the designs.

What are you most happy about in your kitchen renovation? The fridge.

When shopping at The Good Guys, were there any appliances that particularly appealed to you? Coffee machine! Loved it!


Kyal and Kara

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What were the benefits of working with a professional kitchen designer? A professional kitchen designer has experience and thinks practically.

Where did you skimp and where did you splurge? We splurged on quality Bosch products from The Good Guys.

What advice would you give to people who are renovating a kitchen on a budget? A professional can help you get the most out of your space/budget.

When shopping at The Good Guys, were there any appliances that particularly appealed to you? Bosch appliances for their quality and good reputation.

Visit The Good Guys Kitchens online.