
Using a buyer’s agent: would you?

Buyer’s agents are becoming increasingly popular. After all, who wouldn’t want someone who speaks the language of inspections, appraisals, contracts, settlements and price negotiations to do your bidding?

Kristy - Agility Property reno addict

Kristy Smith, owner of new boutique buyer’s agency, Agility Property, does this and more, also providing related services such as interior design and property management. Believing buyers typically represent themselves with limited market knowledge — while sellers are represented by an agent — Kristy thinks it’s time for a level playing field.

“Hiring a buyer’s agent gives you a balance of power during research and negotiation,” explains Kristy. “You have the best information, knowledge and experience on hand.”

Kristy also plans to give this power to her clients through a new app set to launch in March. “Some buyers want to stay involved in the process but just need guidance. So the aim of the app is to simplify and enhance their experience, and it’s obviously available anywhere and anytime of day.”

A whopping 88% of property purchases were handled by a professional buyer’s agent in the US according to a 2013 study undertaken by American National Association of Realtors and according to Kirsty the trend will continue to rise in Australia too.

Find out more about Agility Property.

Would you use a buyer’s agent? Have you used one with great results? We’d love to hear your experience in the comments.