
Interiors Addict talks bed linen with KAS Australia’s creative director, Ben David

Started by his parents (Karen and Steve, hence the name, no really!) in 1976, the KAS business has always been in Ben David’s genes. “My parents taught me textile design and fabric from a very early age,” he says. “In my late teens I wanted to see the world and worked in Selfridges in London for a couple of years. After enough experience working for other bed linen concessions I came back and started working for Kas while I studied graphic design and marketing.”

What’s your own bed linen style?

I choose something that is bold and enriched with colour. I prefer colours that have a masculine rich colour palette with a hint of black to make it elegant.

What are your tips for a well-made bed?

Call me old fashioned but I do love a neat symmetrical bed. I do like to have 2 of each cushion on the bed to create a grand look. I like tucking my corners in and have a comforter at the end.