Interiors Addict

One-day sale at one of my favourite stores, quintessential duckeggBLUE, this weekend

Have you been to Quintessential duckeggBLUE in Sydney’s Balmain? It is WONDERFUL.  If you love antique or industrial things for your home, sourced from around the globe, you need to check it out. Especially this Saturday 8 June, because they’re taking 20 percent off everything for one day only. Trust me, you’ll find all kinds of treasures you never knew you ‘needed’. Like, for an example, a French vintage mannequin. Yours for $960, down from $1,200.

french mannequin

Or how about this for your entry hall? English original school hooks with number plates once used by pupils for coats and belongings. Mounted onto original timber pottery drying boards. $636.

school hooks