Interiors Addict

My first blogging conference. Squeal!

This weekend I’ll be attending Nuffnang Blogopolis 2012 in Sydney and I’m so excited to spend an entire day talking about blogging, learning about blogging, listening to and being inspired by bloggers and just well, soaking it all up!

It has taken me a very long to time to actually think of myself as a blogger (like I had to pass some kind of test, make a certain amount of money out of it or have a certain number of unique visitors) but I’m there now. It’s been 14 months but it feels like I’ve been blogging forever (in a good way)!


Affordable art to bring a little sparkle

I like sharing unique affordable art (if everyone had the same Ikea canvases it would be a very sad world) as much as I do supporting fellow bloggers, so I need you to know about Anna White’s new Crystal Love series.

She’s the blogger behind Lona de Anna and the artist behind some great prints you can buy on Etsy.


“The inspiration behind my Crystal Love series came from a long time love and fascination with crystals, and not just gemstones. I mean the sparkly glasses that you tend to only bring out on special occasions, or the amazing chandeliers that shimmer like thousands of diamonds,” she says. “To me, there has always been something so fascinating about the internal structure of a crystal that almost has you completely mesmerised by its beauty. And let’s face it, every girl’s heart does a little flip flop over something sparkly!”

Anna’s right in that the crystal trend is still everywhere. “Loads of images I come across through the blogosphere, I often see that someone has styled their dresser or coffee table with a beautiful raw piece of amethyst sitting ever so beautifully on top of a pile of books. Even famous designers such as Kelly Wearstler draw inspiration from crystals. She often places them in her mood trays or incorporates a crystal sculpture into a space she is styling.”

Inspired, she went ahead and captured the beauty of a crystal in art form. “I am unbelievably happy and proud of the series, even more because in my mind I have created something that is unique, beautiful and affordable enough that others can enjoy it.”

Interiors Addict

Click here to read my interview with blogger Alexandra Kerr, which makes me sound way cooler than th

Click here to read my interview with blogger Alexandra Kerr, which makes me sound way cooler than the design dork I actually am!