Design Interiors Addict Interviews Shopping

Architect combines calligraphy & crystals in new business

When Vanessa Opazo left her native Spain seven years ago to pursue an architectural role in Sydney and improve her English, it was a trip that was only supposed to last a year. Fast forward seven years and not only is Vanessa no longer working as an architect, but she has started a successful calligraphy and crystal business called Bondi Letters.

Vanessa in her architect days

“I worked in commercial building design, mainly facades, but I used to teach a lot back in Spain and I found I really missed that connection with people,” says Vanessa Opazo who resides in Sydney’s Bondi. And while she loved architecture in the beginning, eventually she found it more technical than creative and began to look around for another artistic avenue.

Vanessa Opazo
Vanessa Opazo

After finding an online calligraphy and brush lettering course, Vanessa fell in love with the art. “After a tough day at work in architecture calligraphy was my ‘me’ time. I found it to be really therapeutic and I got very good at it quickly,” says Vanessa who decided to combine the skill with her love of teaching by running calligraphy and brush lettering workshops in Sydney.

“It started as a hobby to pay for my materials. I was donating the money at the beginning. I was working full-time so didn’t need the money at all really. But the courses got very popular, and I started needing more and more time,” says Vanessa who slowly cut her architecture days back before leaving the job entirely.

Vanessa teaching a calligraphy workshop
Vanessa teaching a calligraphy workshop

But when COVID hit, Vanessa had to diversify the business and she began running online courses too which resulted in many more students tuning in from interstate and overseas. Students receive a kit before the class that includes a calligraphy pen, nibs, ink and work book and while Vanessa started with calligraphy and brush lettering classes, she has since added a class called ‘Watercolour Meditations’ that is proving very popular. That course includes meditation, education on colour theory and practical advice on mixing colours as well as a painting component and breath work too.

Vanessa’s online courses have been embraced by corporate Australia too where she has run them for Google and Atlassian to name a few. “I have a really big workshop coming up in WA soon where I’ve doing the Watercolour Meditations course with 80 miners!” says Vanessa who has found the online platform Classbento to be a great way to spread the word about her offering. “Classbento helps creatives that want to teach and run workshops connect with people,” says Vanessa.

Brush lettering
Brush lettering

Another facet of the business, Vanessa’s foray into crystals came about after she included them as part of one of her workshops. “I wanted to gift my students something meaningful that they could take home as a reminder of the time spent together. I then started receiving a lot of messages about the crystals specifically and had over 100 requests in the end,” says Vanessa. 

Bondi Letters crystals

The crystals are now sold through Vanessa’s online store alongside a series of art prints and gift cards, created with another Bondi business – Wildfire Co. Design. “There are so many zodiac prints on the market but mine combine that with my crystal obsession,” says Vanessa of the prints that feature zodiac signs alongside each respective birth stone.

Taurus zodiac print with crystals
Bondi Letters Taurus zodiac print with crystals

As for the current collective obsession with crystals, Vanessa feels it’s part of a wider push to embrace our spiritual sides. “I’m really drawn to crystals, not just because they’re really beautiful but because I feel an energy connection with them.” 

For more on Bondi Letters

Design Homewares Styling

Crystal homewares: Our pick of the hot trend

Recently we reported on the news that incense is trending and so too are crystals. In fact, Google searches for crystals are up by 40 per cent since the pandemic began suggesting people will go to great lengths to welcome a bit of wellbeing and zen-like calm into their homes. Energy healing properties aside, crystals make for great statement styling pieces in the home.

No. 22 Crystal Reine pink platter: The organic, irregular shape of this piece is what makes it so beautiful. That and the chic gold outer rim. Each piece is unique and handcrafted so no two platters are the same. $199. FYI, Jen has this at her place!

No. 22 crystal platter

Sourceress Himalayan pink quartz crystal cluster XII: This is a versatile styling piece that would look great perched on top of a book or artfully arranged on a shelf. $295.

Sourceress The Store crystal

Stoned Crystals “Journey of the Soul” styling set: A complete, styled set, this neat trio includes a scolocite obelisk, lodolite sphere, ceramic hand and marble tray. $149.

Stoned Crystals

Long Island Trader Onyx crystal bookends black grey XL: Weighing 5kg in total, these chunky bookends are hand carved out of natural stone into a half moon pair. A bold feature, we love the combination of green, grey, black, white and the little flecks of burgundy. $250.

Stoned Crystals “Youthful Joy” crystal chip styling set: This pretty set features five Ocean Jasper crystal chips styled in a ceramic dish of your colour choice (there’s peach, white or baby blue). $114. Anyone else fancy some Pringles all of a sudden?!

Stoned Crystals

Mala Chrysocolla sphere 01: Sourced from Peru, Chrysocolla is a stone of peace and calm that is filled with striking hues of green and blue. This piece would look excellent displayed in a complementary vessel. $140.


West Elm natural stone on stand objects: Featuring natural quartz displayed inside a brass finished base, you can choose from three different varieties with design. Choose green aventurine for opportunity, white crystal for learning and rose quartz for unconditional love. From $50.95 each.

West Elm stone on stand
Decorating 101 Expert Tips Shopping

Five ways to add crystals to your home décor

Property stylist and crystal enthusiast Justine Wilson offers her advice on the best ways to style crystals in your home.

Crystal clusters

A collection of crystals on a coffee table or atop a stack of books can be a gorgeous addition to your home. You can create your own mini oasis by pairing your crystals with a candle and a vase of fresh flowers.

Crystal candle holders

Whether you opt for tall candelabras or petite tealight holders, crystal candleholders look great as a table place setting. At night, the crystals will provide a soft, intimate glow for added atmosphere.

Crystal bookends

These are both practical and eye catching, and are a fantastic addition to your shelving.

Crystal drinkware

Crystal coasters are a simple but beautiful way to incorporate crystals into your home. Another unique option is a crystal water bottle, which houses a crystal within the bottle itself.

A collection showcase

Collections can make for beautiful décor anywhere in your home, but crystals work especially well as an accessory in an office space. They key is to pair similar or complementary colours, as well as using varying heights to make a visual statement.

Crystal Connection

Justine loves gems so much, she has just published her first book, Crystal Connection. It features over a hundred stunning photos of different crystals. “You can not only use them to transform your mood but also any space in the home and beyond,” she says.

How pretty would this look on your coffee table? Especially with a crystal or two on top!

Founder of Vault Interiors, Justine has more than 10 years’ experience in interior design. Her book marries her professional work with her love of crystals.

Crystal Connection is available on Amazon and Booktopia now, RRP $45.

See more via Instagram,

Photography: Steffen Burggraaf-McCabe.

Expert Tips Homewares

Instagram Lives: the homewares brand making $180k a month

As businesses struggle to find footing in a rapidly changing retail climate, Melbourne homewares brand, Stoned Crystals, has found a profitable way to recreate the traditional shopping experience online and increase sales by 134% since the temporary closure of their Elsternwick store.

Crediting Instagram’s live broadcast functionality, the social media platform is responsible for delivering a monthly return in excess of $180k for the brand by merging offline and online selling mechanics in a fully immersive, digital environment.

Stoned Crystals’ ‘Live Sales’ are conducted tri-weekly and structured by product category and focus. Providing a virtual in-store customer experience, the face-to-face broadcasts have become a significant hub for crystal-related news, lifestyle tips, styling tutorials, range previews, consulting, and selling.

Stoned Crystals founder Ashley Bellino

“Live-streamed broadcasts are the closest thing we have to face-to-face selling in a physically disconnected world,” says founder Ashley Bellino. “When done correctly, it can serve as a profitable income stream and allow brands to cultivate a digital ecosystem specific to their customers’ needs.”

First conceptualised in 2017 and more recently refined to accommodate the imposed lockdowns, the success of Stoned Crystals’ live sales is attributed to a synergistic mix of purposeful merchandising, entertaining content, smart selling cues, engaging discussions, value-driven promotions, memorable hosts, and practice.

“In a way, Instagram has transformed into something more intimate,” said Ashley. “Customers want to see what happens behind the scenes; they want to be part of a brand’s narrative and they want to know they’re cared for well beyond the transaction.”

Passionate about helping other small businesses thrive, Ashley shares the following tips in order to develop a profitable revenue stream using Instagram Live:

Make the move online: Lockdown has transformed the way customers now interact with brands so developing a strong, reliable and consistent online experience is key. Adopt a customer’s perspective and review your website, social media and digital strategies with them in mind. Is the path to purchase easy to navigate? Are the visuals up to date? Are products clearly articulated? Putting in the prep work now will optimise results following a live sale. The retail sector will never look the same going forward so incorporating Live Sales as part of your digital strategy allows your business to be both proactive and reactive to new economic conditions.

Develop a plan: Instagram Live Sales is the closest thing to selling in person that technology can offer. Putting yourself out there might seem scary, but with enough planning and rehearsing, you will soon find a rhythm that suits you and your community. One of the key benefits of a Live Sale is that you won’t be buried in a feed of posts. Instead, all of your followers will be instantly notified. As with live TV, the unexpected can happen so it’s best to prepare a run sheet before any live sale. Know what you’re going to say and in what order. Assign dedicated roles to team members, know your angles and remember you’re talking with, not at, your customers. Treat a Live Sale like any other conversation you would typically have in person with a potential or current customer.

Recreate the offline, online: In today’s digital age, customers want to be visually stimulated so it’s important to create a mood that represents the brand and transports the customer to world specifically created for them. This can be achieved through styling, lighting, sound, ambience and vocal delivery. Customers love the idea of virtually walking through a shop so replicating an atmosphere that closely resembles this experience works exceptionally well, particularly if you have the props and styling tools to replicate a display. If you have a service-driven business, think of ways you can physically depict your offering on camera. 

Brand each stream: Many brands make the big mistake of cramming too much into a Live Sale. When it comes to maximising a return on this channel, less is sometimes more. Each Live Sale should relate to a specific need or group of products to avoid overwhelming the customer – especially if they’re new to purchasing on Instagram. As a result, it’s often ideal to run multiple Live Sales weekly and showcase products specific to a single category. In turn, this will allow you to brand each segment so customers come to learn a familiar shopping schedule with your business.

Introduce a selling mechanic: Although marketing your business and developing a rapport with customers is important, the purpose of a Live Sale should be to sell. As such, it’s important to come up with a mechanic that works with your community and is easy to understand – such as a unique number, code or name. At Stoned Crystals, each crystal is assigned a number and caption highlighting the stone type, its dimensions and its properties. If a customer chooses to buy, they simply quote the crystal number with a purchasing identifier – i.e. “MINE” – in the comments so a team member can review the transcript, contact each buyer and send them a direct link to our website so they can process the order securely.

Develop a connection: Customer service is important in real life as well as online. Although the dialogue may appear one-sided, customers can comment in each Live Sale in real time. Making the time to deviate from a run sheet and answer questions can foster an interactive forum which is one of the most attractive features of this digital marketplace. Operating in real time means you won’t always be able to rehearse your responses and may be caught off guard. Look at this as a positive, however. People love candid conversations and transparency. It’s always good to be responsive to comments so you can constantly evolve your pitch and meet the ever-changing needs of your customers.

Timing is everything: At Stoned Crystals, we conduct each Live Sale at different lengths and speeds depending on the product focus. For a beginner, I would suggest keeping it to 30-minutes or less. As you develop a rapport with customers and learn which types of engagement works best, you can easily sell for up to four hours in a single show. It is, however, best to schedule these at times that resonate with your target demographic – which can include mornings, evenings, weekends or even specific holiday dates. If choosing to run an extensive and lengthy Live Sale, I highly recommend developing an itemised schedule and sharing this with potential viewers via your socials prior. This will allow customers to tune in at a time relevant to them.

Marketing is your friend: When times are tough, many brands choose to relax their marketing budgets when in reality, they should be doing the opposite! Like any campaign, planning is key. Prior to commencing a Live Sale, develop a calendar of dates and times you wish to show. For beginners, two-to-four weeks in advance will suffice. From here, you can create a marketing program to promote your shows and generate interest. If budget is limited, use the resources you have available such as your website, social media feed, newsletter etc. For brands with a dedicated spend, online advertising can provide a significant reach. Aligning with a top tier influencer can also prove beneficial by tapping into new demographics and audiences.

Make mistakes: Unless you’re supporting your Live Sale with a significant marketing budget, managing expectations is very important. The first showing may underperform. Accept the fact you might make a mistake (or two!) and let yourself be vulnerable. People crave this human connection. Learn as you go and take the time to evaluate each showing so you can constantly improve and find a winning formula for your brand. As a Live can offer higher engagement than a traditional post, story or ad, remember that every minute you spend live is an investment. By discussing a product in length and addressing frequently asked questions, you equip customers with the knowledge to make an informed decision and purchase via your website at a later date or time.

Have fun: COVID-19 has impacted the retail sector significantly. It has also provided businesses with new opportunities for online growth. As a profitable sales channel, Instagram offers an inexpensive way for brands to reach existing and new customers. With the right planning, the right team, the right merchandising and the right mindset, a Live Sale can transform a business. For Stoned Crystals, it has become a major revenue source and has afforded the brand many new opportunities to double in size year on year. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and remember there is no cookie-cutter approach. Find what works best for you and continue to evolve alongside your customers

Founded in 2015, Stoned Crystals is Australia’s leading home décor, crystal styling and wellness brand specialising in premium, ethically-sourced gemstones from around the world. 

Check out their live sales on Instagram for yourself!


Crystal homewares: Gems are big on the interiors scene!

The interiors answer to the wellness trend, we’ve noticed an awful lot of crystals and gem stones in the home sphere of late. Regardless of whether you believe in their healing powers, like the indoor plant trend, perhaps our embrace of crystals is just another way of connecting with the earth while living in the urban jungle. From bedding to bookends, there are plenty of chic crystal pieces around, with not a whiff of hippy to be seen.

Kip & Co Little Gem cotton quilt cover: Combining plenty of on-trend purple, with a rainbow of gem stones, this fun quilt would look fabulous in a teenage girl’s room. From $149.

Kip & Co gemstone print

West Elm Eduardo Garza crystal box: I love this jewelley box and its combination of white marble, resin faux crystals and brass. $89.

West Elm jewellery box

Target topaz printed cushion: You know a trend has hit the mainstream when Target weighs in. This is a snip at $15.

Target topaz cushion

Sourceress the Store pyramid crystal stones: Available in lapis, howlite, quartz and fluorite, these pyramids are ideal for coffee table styling. $59.

sourceress pyramids

Urban Outfitters Elena Kulikova agate art print: A bold pop of colour from a self-taught photographer. From $25.

urban outfitters print

Society6 wall clock: Featuring the photographic work of the artist above, oversized pink quartz never looked so good. $40.

Agate clock

Pottery Barn geode bookends: Available in blue, green and natural agate, each gorgeous pair is unique. $104 (per pair).

Lux Aestiva gilded Brazilian agate coasters: I love the rich orangey red of these gorgeous slivers. $90.

Luxe Aestiva coasters

The gingham trend | Rattan is still trending


Expert Tips Styling

A guide to using crystals in your home and work space

Whether you believe in their healing properties or not, crystals look beautiful and can be the perfect icing on the cake of your vignette! Stoned Crystals founder Ashley Bellino, put together these top tips for us on using crystals in your styling at home or work.


Crystals for Styling at Home:

Whether you’re styling a coffee table or dresser, Stoned Crystals has a simple, no-fail, three-step styling formula:

  1. Horizontal – choose one or two horizontal items to place on the surface you are styling. Think a stack of books or glossy magazines.

  2. Height – add something with a bit of height. A beautiful vase containing your favourite flowers will work perfectly here.

  3. Bridge – the bridging or connecting object should be placed between the horizontal and height objects. The bridging object should always be the most interesting in the arrangement as it will give character to the space and often guide the direction of the room. Crystals are the perfect object to bridge the horizontal and vertical planes by providing a story and energy that will intuitively guide the style direction of your room.


Using Crystals in Workplace Styling:


  1. Use natural stones or crystals as paperweights and bookends. Choose a stone that suits your personal style, mood and palette.

  2. Use carved stones or crystal platters and bowls to store all stationary and loose desk items.

  3. Place crystals on the soil of potted plants or terrariums in your work area.

  4. Have a favourite crystal as a worry stone, hand massage object or brainstorming object. Having this crystal on hand to deflect negative energy is a great way to manage workplace stress, clear the mind and get creative when brainstorming new ideas.

  5. Keep a cluster of stones near your office window or near your phone at your workstation. Every time you glance at your crystals, your subconscious remains mindful of your thoughts and actions.

  6. Manage workplace stress with crystals by offsetting the strong electromagnetic fields created by computer screens by placing a crystal next to any technology device in your office. Stoned Crystals recommends clear quartz for the absorption of electromagnetic radiation.



Stylish crystals for the everyday person

I’ll be the first to admit I’m totally out of my element when it comes to crystals (pun not intended!). Sure, I can appreciate they look pretty, but start talking about chakras and charging them under the moonlight and I’m like a lost puppy.


So thankfully, Stoned Crystals has stepped in, aiming to make crystals more accessible and more fashionable to the everyday person. “Crystals are making a comeback and slowly finding their way back to the people,” explains founder Ashley Bellino. “Stoned Crystals hope to facilitate this shift by providing both beautiful crystals and also some simple knowledge of how to use crystals for their powerful healing benefits.”


With their inaugural collection consisting of five geometric crystals, I have my heart set on their Chevronica (Amethyst) crystal, perfect for those who just like me suffer from insomnia and a questionable memory!



All crystals come in a beautiful white gift box — complete with a unique energy card which explains the stone’s properties — and are genuine Stoned Brazilian Grade A quality.

Shop online.


Concrete and crystal homewares by the sisters of Middle Road

In 2014, after travelling to the opposite side of the country to visit their grandparents in Perth, sisters Samantha, Marnie and Gabrielle Jervis, couldn’t help but reflect on their lives, their dreams and doing what they loved.

Black & White2

“What did we want to do with our lives? It was the question of the moment,” says Gabrielle. “We always knew our aesthetics and tastes were individual yet complementary, and a voice rang in our heads urging us to go into business together.” So, after many a conversation and quite the ‘aha’ moment, the sisters joined forces to borne online homewares boutique, Middle Road.

MQ_Q_0257The culmination of their combined backgrounds in interior design, marketing and media, and a united passion for creativity and originality, saw their recently released debut collection feature an innovative assortment of abstract and striking homewares.


Made from a fusion of raw materials and some of nature’s most beautiful elements, the collection includes bowls, cups and coasters. “Middle Road’s collection includes elegant multipurpose cement and polished marble presentation bowls and cups used to house succulents, candles or fruit,” explains Gabrielle. “We also have handmade ceramic bowls and coasters, with high gloss white top finishes and rich gold and copper leafing. Finally, semi-precious crystals hand selected for their healing properties also feature throughout the collection, available as individual premium clusters or adorned upon polished cement presentation bowls and cups.”

Each piece is made to order and available online.


Affordable art to bring a little sparkle

I like sharing unique affordable art (if everyone had the same Ikea canvases it would be a very sad world) as much as I do supporting fellow bloggers, so I need you to know about Anna White’s new Crystal Love series.

She’s the blogger behind Lona de Anna and the artist behind some great prints you can buy on Etsy.


“The inspiration behind my Crystal Love series came from a long time love and fascination with crystals, and not just gemstones. I mean the sparkly glasses that you tend to only bring out on special occasions, or the amazing chandeliers that shimmer like thousands of diamonds,” she says. “To me, there has always been something so fascinating about the internal structure of a crystal that almost has you completely mesmerised by its beauty. And let’s face it, every girl’s heart does a little flip flop over something sparkly!”

Anna’s right in that the crystal trend is still everywhere. “Loads of images I come across through the blogosphere, I often see that someone has styled their dresser or coffee table with a beautiful raw piece of amethyst sitting ever so beautifully on top of a pile of books. Even famous designers such as Kelly Wearstler draw inspiration from crystals. She often places them in her mood trays or incorporates a crystal sculpture into a space she is styling.”

Inspired, she went ahead and captured the beauty of a crystal in art form. “I am unbelievably happy and proud of the series, even more because in my mind I have created something that is unique, beautiful and affordable enough that others can enjoy it.”