Interiors Addict

The Bulimba home Fleur Madden-Topley shares with husband Rohan was a real family affair. Her brother

The Bulimba home Fleur Madden-Topley shares with husband Rohan was a real family affair. Her brother Nick built it and her mother, Tracy, is an interior designer, who helped her achieve her “modern and glamorous” look. The 30 year-old PR agency owner admits she may have been her mother’s most challenging client yet!

“Working full time and selecting fittings, fixtures and interiors is challenging and daunting, so I would certainly recommend getting assistance from experts,” says Fleur. “The fittings and fixtures didn’t take long to select as I knew we wanted a neutral palette, but I had very specific thoughts on things I wanted for the interiors and we just kept searching until I was happy.”

Fleur stuck with a neutral base to avoid going too over the top, always keeping resale at the back of her mind. “The majority of things I selected were white, black, silver or latte. We just accented with wallpapers, soft furnishings and accessories in either pink or blue. I was really cautious in terms of resale as I didn’t want to have anything too overpowering that other people might find offensive.

“I also decorated a very masculine study and upstairs TV area so that there was a balance for Rohan. I’m still working on the accessories eight months later, it all takes time.”

Fleur, who owns Red PR gets the most comments on her bedroom. “The wallpaper really works because everything else is white and cream so there is no competing and the wallpaper really is the feature. We wanted a bedroom that felt grand and glamorous, but still comfortable and warm.”

The couple will be welcoming a new resident to their five-bedroom Queensland home later this year as they have been approved to adopt a baby from Korea. Fleur won’t be decorating the nursery until she knows if it’s a girl or a boy. “I do know what I want though for each though and let’s just say it won’t be a standard baby room!”

She’s promised us photos when it’s done so watch this space…