Designers Expert Tips Interviews

Our 10 favourite interviews of 2017

One of the best things about writing for Interiors Addict is being able to learn about amazingly creative people. From artists to designers and everything in between, these individuals have a lot of insights, ideas and inspiration to share. Below are some of our favourite interviews, so get ready to bookmark! 

Therese Moussa, The Grounds’ head stylistImmaculately detailed, the gorgeous Grounds eateries make you feel like you’ve entered an enchanting wonderland, far, far away from Sydney. We spoke to the head stylist, Therese Moussa, about just how much work goes into transforming these bespoke spaces.

The Grounds

Sarah Ellison, stylist and furniture designer: For eight years, Sarah Ellison was the design savvy-mind behind Real Living magazine, but now she has gone solo… creating her own interiors brand. With a style that is modern and relaxed, Sarah gave us the lowdown on her new furniture and homewares.


Lucky Price, The Block’s casting director: A self-confessed ‘old hag’ when it comes to The Block, Lucky Price has been working as a casting director on the hit reality show since 2010. So if you fancy being on our TV screens, it comes as no surprise that Lucky is the man with the tips!


Jemma Bell, Canvas+Sasson’s resident designer: Canvas+Sasson began as a lot of small businesses do, from home, with the juggle of kids, family and boxes and boxes of cushions. Ten years on, one of the designers behind Canvas+Sasson spilled the secrets, on how the label has flourished over time.


Tracie Ellis, AURA Home’s founder: We’ve long loved AURA Home so we thought it was about time we learnt about the woman behind the brand, Tracie Ellis. With a background in fashion and design, in 2000 she created her own line. And as they say, the rest is history!


Carla Coulson, photographer: While it was Carla Coulson’s stunning art prints which first caught our attention, it was her back story we knew we had to share. At 35, Carla took a plunge, moving to Italy to study photography. If you want to take a leap of faith – but need a little push – this is a must read!


Cleo Ganis, Leaf & Co’s co-founder: A family affair, Leaf & Co is run by a mother and her two daughters. Working primarily with ceramics, the pieces are handmade using Australian sourced clay, natural minerals and oxides. If you need to do some Christmas shopping, it’s definitely worth checking out.

Cleo and her family

Natalee Bowen, Indah Island’s founder: Jen’s been Hamptons obsessed since she visited earlier this year, but turns out, she may not have had to travel half way around the world… with interior designer Natalee Bowen beautifully portraying Hamptons decor right here in Australia. The photos are a must see!

Indah Island designed home

Christopher Broome, artist: It’s always exciting to discover an artist at the beginning of their career, and Christopher Broome has a particularly interesting story; giving up his job as an electrician to follow his passion: art. This interview will give you all the good feels.


Catherine Heraghty, The Stables’ founder: No doubt many of you are familiar with the modern, coastal aesthetic of interior styling company The Stables… they’re well-loved on Instagram that’s for sure! We find out more about the lady behind the feed; plus her story provides plenty of inspiration for any budding designers.


We hope you liked this list.

Art Designers Interviews

Carla Coulson on the leap of faith that scored her a dream job

If you’re reading this covertly at work, while counting down the minutes until 5pm… listen up! The story of Carla Coulson may just be what you need to hear. While it was her stunning art prints which first caught our attention (and you’ll probably want one in your home now too!) her back story just had to be shared as well.


At 35, Carla took a plunge. Fed up with her life in Sydney, she left her job and her home and moved across the world to Florence, Italy to study photography. It was a punt but it paid off, with Marie Claire publishing 13 pages of her work just months out of art school.

Carla had little experience, having owned a promotional clothing business prior to changing careers. But what she did have was drive and the courage to persevere, even when things went horribly wrong. “I had only previously done a night course in photography and was the only person that managed to develop a roll of film with nothing on it! I was so embarrassed I didn’t continue the course. But visuals, aesthetics and beautiful things were always a passion and I loved the idea of creating images from ideas.” So inevitably, Carla was drawn back.

With a style that is full of life, love and laughter, it was her first book Italian Joy that really cemented Carla as photographer worth remembering. “Publishing Italian Joy will always remain a highlight in my life. It was one of those things that you walk away from and can’t believe it just happened to you. These sorts of opportunities are gifts and at the time, felt like a miracle.”

Over a decade later and now living in Paris, Carla’s photography has evolved, with her Jeune Fille En Fleur collection synonymous to her name. Featuring a woman running around France’s capital with huge bouquets of breathtaking blooms, it’s full of mystery and movement.

“What’s her name, you want to ask? Where is she going? Is she on a date, doing a delivery or just on the way home from the market? Men turn their heads, women stop in awe at the beauty of both of them; the flowers and the girl.” Available as limited edition prints, the photographs may be able to starve your desire to jump on a plane to Paris… for now.

Carla has now expanded her repertoire, offering workshops, coaching and more. “I started teaching photography about four years ago as I wanted to pass on the knowledge I had learnt. But my path to becoming a creative coach happened much more by serendipity. A couple of years ago, in the space of a few months I was asked to photograph two successful life coaches and both invited me to their workshops. Being immersed in their world was love at first sight. I realised it was the missing piece that I was looking for to help people make the changes they wanted.”

So Carla found her mission: to show the world you don’t have to settle for that 9-to-5 day job and that you can lead a happy, successful life being a creative. “Big business need creatives at every level to realise their ideas and I am constantly astounded why society, schools and institutions don’t celebrate and promote creative careers to young people. I would love that one day a career as an interior designer, graphic artist, photographer, film maker, videographer, illustrator or make-up artist is as celebrated and suggested to our youth as it is to be a lawyer, doctor or accountant.” Hear, hear!

If you love Europe, or just beautiful photography in general, you’re bound to find a Carla Coulson print you’d love in your home.

Shop Carla’s prints | More artist profiles