Interiors Addict

The family home where mum loves to paint

Julz Beresford creates art for children’s walls which is timeless and non-kiddy, much like her children’s bedrooms. When it came to decorating them recently, she shunned plastic and tried to create calming spaces. “I liked the idea of making their bedrooms peaceful, somewhere they could chill out and sleep.”

Daughter Madeline’s room has the bed Julz dreamed of as a child herself. “It’s a bargain $80 eBay buy which I painted a light grey. The wall colour is Muscatel by Porter’s Paints and is a deep plum colour which is timeless. It should last her many, many years. The large artwork, Cream Camellias, jumps out on the dark plum wall. She loves her room.”

Son Sam’s room is quite small. “I wanted a dramatic wall colour, but to paint a feature wall or the whole room a dark colour would have made it seem smaller, so I tried painting the bottom third a lovely calming classic blue and it somehow grounds his furniture and the space nicely. A fun experiment that worked! His bed is a racing green colour which I love and the artwork is my favourite boy’s art work Aerial Acrobatics, with a pig flying the plane. Pigs really do fly!”

Julz, husband Richard and their two children have lived in their Northern Beaches Sydney home for four years and their neighbours are some of their favourite things about it. “We love our street.” They have decorated it inside and out but luckily for them, it had “good bones”.

The large garden is perfect for entertaining and Julz painted the entire house herself. “It was a bigger job than I thought but I do have to admit I love painting. I find it so satisfying giving somewhere a lift with colour.”

Julz and Richard’s main bedroom