Interiors Addict

Megan Morton takes her school to Brisbane

In a marriage made in interiors and styling heaven, Megan Morton is taking The School to Brisbane, where it will be hosted upstairs at interior designer Anna Spiro’s shop, Black & Spiro. Oh. Em. Gee. The Queenslanders are going to be sooooo excited!

Holly Hipwell’s popular flowerbomb class (see my experience here) and Rachel Castle’s screen printing class are just two of the classes on the agenda for the Brisbane roadshow at the end of October.

Find out more and book here. You know how you say everything always happens in Sydney? Not true! Run, don’t walk.


Interiors Addict

Flower bombing at Megan Morton’s School

On Sunday I did something I haven’t done in ages. I made something, with my own two hands. There were flowers, tea, cake, laughs and a room full of lovely ladies. I am talking, of course, about Holly Hipwell’s legendary flower bomb class at The School.

The School, if you didn’t know, belongs to one of Australia’s best stylists, Megan Morton. It runs all manner of classes for kids and big kids, where you can learn to make beautiful things. She also runs workshops where she shares her interior styling and property staging wisdom.