Designers Furniture

Perth’s Dessein pop-up and breakfast seminars

We often hear from our Perth readers that they’re feeling a bit neglected, what with Sydney and Melbourne hosting the majority of design’s coolest events. So when we hear of something happening on the west coast of Australia, we’re quick to report it!


Taking place in Arthur G’s Perth showroom, they will be offering a unique concept store experience, showcasing the work of fellow Australian furniture designer and rising star, Dessein.


Part installation, part merchandising display, the Dessein concept store appears as a chromatic lighting installation from afar, inviting customers to step in and experience the Dessein signature style in a unique and inspiring way.


In addition to the pop-up, Dessein founder Michele Chow will be orchestrating a series of free breakfast seminars inviting Perth residents to join her and key design speakers in a discussion on various aspects of Australian design (they will be available for purchase via Eventbrite from Wednesday).


The Perth pop-up will commence on 6 August and run for six weeks before moving to Arthur G’s Sydney and Melbourne showrooms.

For more information.