Appliances Travel

The $50 life-changing appliance: the Kambrook handheld garment steamer

I’m heading to Dubai next week and it reminded me I lost my trusty garment steamer on our big Europe trip. I have just ordered another because I simply cannot travel without it and it’s worth every dollar!

It’s a big statement, I know, but the Kambrook Swift Steam Garment Steamer is a bit of a life changer. OMG I am in love with it. And the good news is, it’s less than $50!

Kambrook Swift Steam Garment Steamer (KSS20)

I’ve ALWAYS wanted one of those garment steamers but they tend to be bulky and pricey. I really hate ironing. And anything laundry-related in fact. In the division of labour at our house, laundry is Damian’s domain (he may not thank me for revealing that) but that doesn’t (sadly) include ironing. Where possible, I’ll avoid it. This includes ignoring plenty of lovely clean clothes in favour of others, made more appealing by the fact they either don’t need ironing (or I can get away with it). It makes for a limited wardrobe but luckily I work from home and wear a lot of jeans.


Electrolux’s green solution for steam irons

Ironing’s not fun; I think we can all agree on that. But what is fun, are clothes. And a well-designed iron can be pivotal to keeping your clothes looking good. Therefore the great thing about Electrolux’s latest offering is it not only promises to do that, but to be environmentally friendly as well.


The new UltraSteam Precision Green, is the eco solution in steam irons, from the product packaging and production process right through to the product itself and the energy consumption. Set to launch in June, the UltraSteam Precision Green utilises 99% recycled paper in packaging, along with 15% recycled plastic in the iron itself. The model also boasts a 30% saving in water and energy consumption during the production process.

Some of its key features include: working as a vertical steamer for delicate garments, automatic steam adjustment, precision tip on soleplate to navigate tricky areas and a three way safety auto-off.

Recommended retail price $99. For stockists visit Electrolux here.