Bathrooms Kitchens Real Renos RENO ADDICT

Real Reno: Weatherboard kitchen, laundry and bathroom reno with a nod to the past

Patterned tiles and moody, dark cabinetry take centre stage in a spectacular renovation for a family of four in Melbourne’s south-east.


“This kitchen blows me away. I love the warmth and interesting features in every corner of it. There is nothing in here that should go together but because we stuck to a monochromatic colour scheme it does!” said Carmel Dee, award-winning interior designer for Gia Renovations. “The original layout actually worked really well for the open plan space so we decided to keep that and add a butler’s pantry. The old kitchen was tired looking and just didn’t have any personality which looked out of place in a home which was otherwise full of life.”


Deluxe contemporary features ground the kitchen in the present, while the fixtures and cabinetry profile are a nod to traditional elements of the weatherboard home. “The homeowners’ style was unique in that they love texture, timbers and dark finishes,” said Carmel. “To keep some of the traditional elements alive I used a simple Shaker style door in white two pack finish as our base.”

The Shaker profile also features in the island bench, where natural light and the large marble benchtop help lighten the look of the dark cabinetry. “I adore the Lincoln Calacutta marble with its beautiful matte finish and the striking dark grey veins, which are set off by the cabinetry painted in Masala by Resene paints,” said Carmel. “Because the stone was marble we used a 2mm resin finish to protect it which I have been told works a treat!”


Because the kitchen doesn’t have pendant lights, Carmel decided to use two decorative splashback tiles. “The dark grey and white Jatana tile behind the black freestanding cooktop draws the eye to a feature point in the room,” said Carmel who opted for a white gloss fish scale tile for the main splashback to complement the wooden shelving. “The owner chose to match the grout to the wall paint colour so we used a very soft light grey which looks timeless,” she said.

Before laundry
After laundry

The renovation took four weeks to complete, along with the new laundry and bathroom. “The owners asked for more storage space in the laundry while the bathroom was to be a space of relaxation and warmth,” said Carmel.

Before bathroom
Before bathroom
After bathroom
After bathroom

To get in touch with Gia Renovations click here.