Architecture Design Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

5 ways to use bricks creatively

Brick is back! Homeowners, architects and designers are embracing brick’s inate durability and aesthetic flexibility to build the homes of tomorrow. Using PGH Bricks & Pavers’ range, the broadest on Australia’s East Coast, homeowners are embracing varied textures, shapes, colours and finishes to inject life into their home’s design. Below are five ways to use bricks creatively.


1. Interior feature walls add texture and visual interest for entrances and bespoke interior spaces. Bricks can create any look from crisp and contemporary monochromatic or glassy finishes using glazed bricks, to industrial and warehouse inspired interiors with dry pressed bricks.

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2. Create a recycled look by blending bricks with different textures and colours. Complement with timber joinery and flooring for a truly rustic style.

3, Maintain privacy without sacrificing design with a brick screen. Pierced brick walls allow light and air to easily flow through the building, connecting interior living spaces with the outside world, while protecting the home from prying eyes.

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4. Go against the grain with wire cut bricks. Exposing the inside of a brick on exterior walls adds contrast and character, as well as creating jagged edges to protect walls exposed to general public areas from the rigours of urban living, such as graffiti.

5. Demonstrate artistic flair by incorporating pattern work. Alternating brick laying directions, brick size and depth can all contribute to unique designs that change the style of exterior walls as the sun moves – or make a statement indoors by embracing favourite colours or shapes.

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— Michelle is the general manager of marketing and strategy at PGH Bricks & Pavers. For more information or to find your nearest PGH Bricks & Pavers display centre, visit their website or call 13 15 79.