Expert Tips

Location location location: Aussies favour it over size

IKEA’s Global Life at Home report delivered some interesting home ownership findings recently that challenge the traditional quarter-acre Australian dream. In fact, the report found that 70 per cent of Australians would rather live in a smaller residence in a great location than a larger home in a less ideal place.


The report, the fifth annual one for IKEA, is a study into global domestic living trends and as usual, its insights are super interesting. One sobering finding is that while 66 per cent of Australians still aspire to own a home, 28 per cent of us believe that home ownership won’t matter or even be desirable in the future. I suspect that soaring property prices mean many people can’t see home ownership in their sights but the interesting thing is that many Australians don’t feel that concerned about it. According to the report, two out of five people (41.7 per cent) are excited by the thought of living mortgage-free as our urban centres continue to change and improve.

Another key finding is that just over half (51 per cent) of Australians consider their home to go beyond their physical house – 46 per cent perceive their neighbourhood to be part of their home. This is especially true for renters who are a rising demographic in Australia. But there are other factors at play too – longer commute times mean that 29 per cent of people are watching television outside of the home, mostly on their mobiles.


“The way we live has become more complex as we’ve started bringing more of the outside world into our homes. This disruption means we’re now turning outside of our homes to meet our core emotional needs. At IKEA we believe that this gives people more opportunities to create the feeling of home, no matter where or how they live,” says IKEA Australian interior design leader Christine Gough.

For example, a quarter of Australians are cooking outside of their home multiple times a week (with a partner, family or friends) and 22 per cent shower outside of the home on a daily basis – either at the gym or work.


“At IKEA we understand what the heart of the home truly is and how to tap into those emotional needs to create that elusive feeling of home no matter the size, location or type of space you live in. Our goal is to make this feeling easier to achieve and to show all Australians how to redefine and take ownership of their space. Regardless of who you are living with, or if you’re owning or renting, your home should always be your sanctuary,” says Christine.

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