Competitions Styling

The rise of the ‘shelfie’

Looks like we were ahead of the trends with 7 Vignettes, readers! Recently, I’ve read a lot of articles about the rise of the ‘shelfie’ (a photo of your favourite decor items, on a shelf, so to speak, posted to Instagram). Sounds familiar, huh?


A more literature-oriented version has been taking off in the UK, but that hasn’t stopped people styling up their book shaleves with their favourite bits and pieces!

Check out these articles on the topic from:

If you’d like to take part in next month’s 7 Vignettes, it starts on 1 June. follow the #7vignettes hashtag on Instagram.



Off Topic Tuesday: stop putting pressure on yourself to do everything by a certain age

I used to be totally guilty of this so a Huffington Post article my girlfriends shared on Twitter this morning (20-something does NOT have to be 20-everything) really struck a chord with me. And I’m not even 20-something. I’m 32! But the crux of this article isn’t so much about being 20-something but about putting too much pressure on ourselves to do certain things by a certain time because we feel we should (and thinking we’re a failure when we don’t), and worrying too much about what other people think. I thoroughly recommend you read it.

When I was in my 20s I felt like I had to tick off absolutely everything by a certain age, and the younger I did it, the more of an achievement it would be. I  got my first newspaper reporter job at 17 (and agonised over the fact I decided not to go to university in order to take it), got engaged at 24, bought a house at 25, edited my first magazine at 26. That year I also split up with my then-fiance. And one of the biggest things I remember thinking was WHAT WILL EVERYONE THINK? I thought I’d be married and have had my first child by 28. It seemed a good age to have done that kind of thing. But at 26 I was single and selling my home. That hurt.