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Illume skylight alternative before & after

I’m actually really excited to share this with you because I think it’s going to be a game changer for our home and I hope you’ll love them too. My builder recommended the illume Skylight Alternative to me when we were in the planning stages of our new bathroom. We were getting rid of its dated old skylight and installing a new ceiling where we knocked the WC and bathroom together. So we lost a lot of beautiful natural light, which was, frankly, the only good thing the old bathroom had going for it!

The illume in our new bathroom made a big difference but the real magic happened in our hallway!

With our budget already stretched, we couldn’t afford a new skylight and the old one would have totally ruined the look of the shiny new bathroom, so a “faux” skylight, as I call it, was an option! We also have the dingiest hallway in the world, so it seemed a good time to try and fix the issue of always having lights on along there too.

Enter: illume! Not a skylight, but the simplest way I can sum it up is a solar-powered diffused light that will cost you nothing to run!  Before I get into the specifics, take a look at the before and after from our hallway. Because we chose to install an isolation switch so it could be turned on and off (probably unnecessary in hindsight but I was worried it would be so bright it could wake Sebastian in the mornings because he sleeps with his bedroom door open onto the hallway), you can see what it looks like on and off.

Even with the bedroom door open at the end and the big glass door to the garden beyond, it was still so dark down here.
Let there be light!

illume is the original product of its kind with a patented technology. Unlike a traditional skylight, you can even install an illume to lower levels, basements and attics — the possibilities are endless! illume’s innovative design cuts the cost of your electricity, with no running costs or batteries. Installation is easy and non intrusive. You can even buy the product off the shelf and do it yourself. And because there’s no electrical, you don’t need an an electrician. You don’t need a big hole in your roof either, which people often worry will result in a leaky roof.

Here’s how it works…

Solar Panel: illume is powered by a solar panel positioned on the roof, cutting the cost of your power bill, by reducing the need for electrical lighting or batteries in your home’s dark rooms or spaces.

Transfer Cable: The solar power is transferred to the light panel via a cable, simulating the lighting conditions outside. illume automatically comes to life at sunrise, and its intensity varies during the day depending on sun exposure and cloud cover outside.

illume Light Panel (these come in different sizes, round, rectangular or square): The lighting panel uses Ambient Light Technology (A.L.T), bringing light into the dark areas of your home, creating the feeling of harmony between external and internal lighting conditions.

They’re perfect for rooms with no windows, built-in robes, walk-in pantries and really anywhere with bad natural light. They’re a fraction of the cost of a traditional skylight, you can install them yourself (or contact one of their trusted installers near you), and they cost nothing to run.

I’ll admit I was a little sceptical and worried it would look, well, tacky or too fake! Or that the light would be like what I call hospital light! But I genuinely think they look really good and am planning to get them in our bedrooms now too. We want a traditional skylight in our living room and I do think there are some rooms where it is worth spending the extra money and being able too see the sky, not to mention the benefits of real daylight! For other rooms however, the illumes are ideal and I really do recommend you look into them.

Disclaimer: We were gifted our illume in return for an authentic review.

For more information