Appliances Kitchens

Breville Original ‘74 jaffle maker is retro groovy… or something like that

This one was way before my time – almost 10 years, but I still grew up with a jaffle maker and seeing one again brings back memories filled with delicious ingredients. It also brings back memories of frustration and burning smells, but that could have been more to do with the chef than the jaffle maker.

Breville Original 74 Jaffles

Back in the late 80s and 90s my mother used to have a gigantic plastic jaffle maker, such was the style of the time. One day it vanished, and I’m not surprised. It can’t have been that sturdy, and we used it a lot, mainly for putting tinned spaghetti in a jaffle or spiced mince. Those jaffles were pretty fantastic, but it also took a keen eye and some talent to make sure the jaffle was perfectly made with no splits or spills. We were one of apparently more than six million households which own jaffle makers.