
Addict Abroad: my quintessentially English trip to historic Bath

You may have seen me raving about my recent trip to Bath on social media. I have been to this English city many times on account of growing up just down the road. And because of that, I’ve never actually spent a weekend there. This city has a special place in my heart and it’s where Damian and I chose to have our second wedding reception for my English family and friends last year. It is probably my favourite place in the UK.

Exterior 4

Earlier this month however, we were lucky enough to stay at the amazing Royal Crescent Hotel. As the name suggests, this five-star slice of heaven is slap bang in the middle of one of the most famous street addresses in the world. Will you just look at it?! No wonder Jane Austen used to stroll up and down as it was the place to be and to be seen!

Hotel Front

With an exterior like this, it would be easy for the interior to be a letdown, but I’m happy to report this was not the case. Our room was beautiful, and probably the biggest surprise was the English country garden that lay on the other side of this building.

Garden 1

Read my full review and see all the pictures, including the bedrooms, on the Expedia blog.