Covet my coffee table

Covet My Coffee Table: With photographer Karmen Harley

A destination photographer and self-described ‘misfit adventurer,’ Karmen Harley has had the the good fortune to travel all over the globe. From uninhabited Chilean islands to sun-drenched temples in South East Asia and African savannahs, she’s picked up many travel trinkets along the way – all great fodder for a coffee table that really tells a story.

Karmen Harley with her coffee table
Karmen with her coffee table that displays her meaningful travel trinkets

“The coffee table is a Gumtree find, it’s a huge antique copper tray with beautiful etchings and a lovely tarnished patina. It currently sits on some folding legs from an old side table,” says Karmen of her coffee table that isn’t really a coffee table at all!

“I love it because I can pick up the tray and move it to the dining table to use in the centre or I can use it with one of the many tables that we use when we are sitting outside on the verandah,” says Karmen.

Karmen Harley with dog
Karmen with her beloved dog

“On my coffee table I have some of my favourite photography books, a little bowl that we picked up in the Caribbean filled with shells, a gorgeous hand painted tea kettle that was a gift from my husband and of course a vase of fresh eucalyptus from our yard,” says Karmen.

Karmen's lounge room
Karmen’s lounge room is a botanical oasis

“My style is about mixing old with new – Gumtree finds, ebay wins, second hand gems and my travel treasures. I guess I start with a neutral base and then add pops of bright bold colour. And plants, lots of plants!” says Karmen.

Karmen loves picking native flowers from her garden
Karmen loves picking native flowers from her garden

“Growing up, my parents had a landscaping business for 30 years so being completely surrounded by plants was a way a way of life. When the house was originally built, the owners planted dozens of wattle and eucalyptus trees so when the wattle is in flower I fill the house with it as it’s so bright and welcoming!”

For more | Check out our other coffee tables